Re: [rt-users] Testing 4.0.0rc5 - experiences upgrading from 3.6.4 on RHEL6

2011-03-03 Thread Chia-liang Kao

On 2011/3/4, at 上午 3:13, Darren Nickerson wrote:

On Mar 2, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Chia-liang Kao wrote:

It seems the issue is with apache2 and plack.  i can reproduce the  
stalled connection (however not always) with the
plack-req.psgi example from the plack dist, with apache 2.2.16 on  
ubuntu maverick.  however it's a bit different from yours.

You're definitely looking at a different problem.

Is there any way I can make the database connections non-persistent?  
That might help the ones that are getting confused.

Try to remove the Plack::Handler::Apache2-preload line and make  
MaxRequestsPerChild 1 ?

Re: [rt-users] Testing 4.0.0rc5 - experiences upgrading from 3.6.4 on RHEL6

2011-03-02 Thread Chia-liang Kao


On Feb 24, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Darren Nickerson wrote:

That FD is a network connection to our database server:

[root@rt4 Plack-0.9970]# ls -l /proc/30310/fd/1
lrwx--. 1 root root 64 Feb 24 17:44 /proc/30310/fd/1 - socket: 

[root@rt4 Plack-0.9970]# netstat -antep | grep 281592
tcp0  5 48 281592 30310/ 

The database server has no record of that tcp connection any  
longer, and mysqladmin processlist shows all threads sleeping.

*bump* any thoughts on this?

Should I be looking outiside of RT for a fix for this? Is this more  
likely to be a kernel/networking problem in RHEL6 or with mod_perl  
or the MySQL DBD/DBI stuff? Looks like RT is using persistent  
database connections, but that when the lockup occurs it's usually  
because apache is waiting to get data back from a MySQL socket that  
no longer exists on the database server ...

It seems the issue is with apache2 and plack.  i can reproduce the  
stalled connection (however not always) with the
plack-req.psgi example from the plack dist, with apache 2.2.16 on  
ubuntu maverick.  however it's a bit different from yours.

strace says:

close(0)= 0
read(5, 0x7f1f67af, 1)  = -1 EAGAIN (Resource  
temporarily unavailable)
accept(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(64924),  
sin_addr=inet_addr(}, [16]) = 0

fcntl(0, F_GETFD)   = 0
fcntl(0, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
getsockname(0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6254),  
sin_addr=inet_addr(}, [16]) = 0

fcntl(0, F_GETFL)   = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
read(0, 0x7f8e98b0bf58, 8000)   = -1 EAGAIN (Resource  
temporarily unavailable)

poll([{fd=0, events=POLLIN}], 1, 30


Re: [rt-users] Testing 4.0.0rc5 - experiences upgrading from 3.6.4 on RHEL6

2011-02-24 Thread Chia-liang Kao

I am looking at the hung response issue.  for the Location error
you are getting, please update the apache config to use Location
/ ... /Location instead of Directory /opt/rt4/share/html.

I've only been able to reproduce the hung issue when setting the
apache to have only one worker, and when the response finally
came out, i see the login page's time to display being
something normal, like 0.09 secs, so that means the congestion
happened in apache or the modperl glue somehow.

In your case, does the page eventually came out rendered at all,
like after 5min?

and can you see if it makes any difference if you change around line
222 of RT::Interface::Web::Handler from:

  my $h = RT::Interface::Web::Handler::NewHandler(

  my $h = RT::Interface::Web::Handler::NewHandler(

Re: [rt-users] rt-mailgate not working

2011-02-24 Thread Chia-liang Kao
Simon Gao simon.gao at writes:

 What caused this error?Is using secure http required for rt-mailgate to work?


Please install the version of Plack and it should be fixed:

(0.9971 is broken and being fixed, don't use it!)


Re: [rt-users] Please help with rt-3.9.6

2010-11-29 Thread Chia-liang Kao

Odhiambo Washington odhiambo at writes:
 [error] [client] Mandatory parameter 'ah' missing in call to
 RT::Interface::Web::Request-new()\n\t...propagated at 

This seems to be caused by webmux-based modperl handlers being loaded to the 
apache instance.  Do you have other vhost configuring rt using the old config?

We'll remove all the webmux-based handlers in the next devel release.


Re: [rt-users] RTx::WorkflowBuilder - Can't call method HasUnresolvedDependencies on an undefined value

2009-02-27 Thread Chia-liang Kao

在 2009/2/27 下午 5:18 時, Richard Foley 寫到:

 On Friday 27 February 2009 04:40:54 Chia-liang Kao wrote:

 appears to be succesful.  However, when I resolve the (still hidden)
 approval, I see the following error:

 System error
 error:  Can't call method HasUnresolvedDependencies on an
 undefined value
 at /opt/rt3/bin/../local/lib/RT/Approval/Rule/ line 35.

 Is this a single-stage or multi-stage approval?  and is the test t/
 approval/basic.t passing for you?

 This case was a multi-stage approval, the single-stage passed just  
 fine.  In
 fact one-, two-, and four-stage approvals were all fine too, it was  
 just the
 three-stage approval which failed consistently in this manner.

ok, so at which stage of resolving causes the issue?

can you traverse the depends on link to see if it reaches to the one  
in question?

 If you look at the (hidden) approval ticket by putting the ticket id
 into Display.html, do you see DependedOnBy containing the actual
 ticket or other approvals?

 Well, there are three approval tickets, so it's not so simple to  
 What I did notice was that under the failing three-approval the  
 Refers to:
 line appeared to have a missing checkbox, or an empty line,  
 depending on what
 way you look at it.  I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean,  
 this helps?

I think those tickets are under refers to by:



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Re: [rt-users] RTx::WorkflowBuilder - Can't call method HasUnresolvedDependencies on an undefined value

2009-02-27 Thread Chia-liang Kao

在 2009/2/27 下午 6:25 時, Richinud 寫到:

 On Friday 27 February 2009 10:45:46 Chia-liang Kao wrote:


 Maybe I'll just stick to two-stage approvals - as they appear to  
 work just
 fine ;-)

The tests in RTx::WorkflowBuilder actually contains a 3-stage  
approval.  can you try to modify the test's config to reproduce the  



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Re: [rt-users] RTx::WorkflowBuilder - Can't call method HasUnresolvedDependencies on an undefined value

2009-02-26 Thread Chia-liang Kao

Hi Richard,

It transpires the approval ticket is actually created, although I am  
unable to
see it unless I look up the id directly, even though my user  
currently has
every right imaginable.  Further, when I reject the (hidden)  
approval, this

appears to be succesful.  However, when I resolve the (still hidden)
approval, I see the following error:

System error
error:  	Can't call method HasUnresolvedDependencies on an  
undefined value

at /opt/rt3/bin/../local/lib/RT/Approval/Rule/ line 35.

Is this a single-stage or multi-stage approval?  and is the test t/ 
approval/basic.t passing for you?	

If you look at the (hidden) approval ticket by putting the ticket id  
into Display.html, do you see DependedOnBy containing the actual  
ticket or other approvals?



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Re: [rt-users] Approval RT 3.8.2 system approver not specified

2009-02-26 Thread Chia-liang Kao
Hi Ton,

 correspondence is also saying that Nobody has approved the
 ticket (what looks silly in my opinion).

you should in fact set the owner of the approval ticket in your
template, so the owner is notified of the approval and can
perform the approval action.

 I have a global scrip that set the owner when a ticket is
 resolved that currently unowned. This scrip however is running
 after inserting the above template correspondence (I also
 disabled it to test the current default approval behaviour). Is
 this a forgotten step in the approval system, not setting the
 owner for the approval ticket? Is it also not better to grab
 the actor’s name doing the approval instead of depending on the
 actual owner of the approval ticket?

I think the system is designed to have the owner of approval
predetermined.  if you want to allow a group of people to approve
the ticket, you can create multiple tickets in the CreateTicket
template for each of the potential approvers.



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[rt-users] RTx::WorkflowBuilder is now available on CPAN

2009-02-24 Thread Chia-liang Kao

RTx::WorkflowBuilder is a tool that helps you configure multi-stage  
approval workflow in rt.

It is now available at

examples can be found in the doc at



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Re: [rt-users] Approvals in 3.8.2 ??? -availability- ???

2009-02-23 Thread Chia-liang Kao
It's currently at 
, documentation and release is on the way.

On Friday 13 February 2009 15:10:38 Chia-liang Kao wrote:
We are in the process of releasing a RT extension called  

Any sign of this anywhere?

I'm trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel here...

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


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Re: [rt-users] Strange things with RT 3.8.2 Approval system

2009-02-20 Thread Chia-liang Kao

L B bertignac at writes:
 Remarks at the end of this scenario:
 - I think the other approvers should receive a notification that the
 ticket has been approved by one of them : do I have to add the
 MYPROJECT_APPROVERS as admincc of the queue ? If I do this, standard
 scrip will be applied, should I remove some of them ?

see if it works if you add user2 to the cc of the approval scrip template for
user1, and vice versa for user1 in template for user2.

 - The two emails are not exactly the same : one saying other approvals
 may be pending, the other saying all of them are approved: how can I
 send an email when the request is partially approved, and another
 email once all the approvals are done ? For example, emails Approved
 by USER1, Approved by USER2, Approved by all the approvers

In RT::Approval::Rule::Passed, the partially approved and all approved cases are
simply using different templates ('Approval Passed' and 'All Approvals Passed',
respectively).   I don't think the workflow currently supporting sending both
types of mails in the last approval that triggers complete approval.

 - There is a comment in the email content saying a summary of which
 appears below. which is false. How can make it true ?

The section is the Content part in your template. you can use strings such as
{$Tickets{TOP}-Subject} to refer to the subject of the ticket to be approved
in the template.

 - Why is the comment of the USER1 rejecting the ticket is missing ?
 USER1 did a comment in the web interface but it doesn't appear neither
 in the email nor in the web ticket log.
 - IMO, it shouldn't be possible to approve a ticket once it has been
 rejected by one of the approvers. Moreover, there is in the email Its
 Owner may now start to act on it. which is not true.
 Maybe these problems are related to my configuration, so is my
 configuration correct ? Do I use the approval system how it's designed
 to be used ?

I believe these are bugs.  I can take a look later.



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Re: [rt-users] RT Default query My Tickets

2009-02-20 Thread Chia-liang Kao
Hi Kenneth,

Kenneth Crocker KFCrocker at writes:
   I need to make some changes to the default Query My Tickets. Where 
 would I find that code to change some of the default sorts? Thanks.

You can click edit on My Tickets, adjust the predefined search, and save it.
Alternatively you can create a system-wide saved search, then go to
Config - Global - RT at a glance to replace the default My Tickets with the
search you just saved.



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Re: [rt-users] Approvals status open-resolved

2009-02-13 Thread Chia-liang Kao
Richard Foley Richard.Foley at writes:

 Hi all,
 I'm using RT 3.8.2 to set up approvals, and I'd like the approval process to 
 set the ticket status to resolved, instead of open.  I'm setting the 
 status to pending inbetween times, and I'd like to get to resolved 
 without RT ignoring me   To which end I have fudged the code temporarily 
 like this:

Do you mean the status of the ticket pending approval?  the code you changed is
for setting the status for the approvals of next level to open.  If you want
to change the status of the top ticket, you want to do that in the if
($passed) section, and do SetStatus on $top.

 # /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Approval/Rule/ 80:
 # $obj-SetStatus( Status = 'open', Force = 1 );
 $obj-SetStatus( Status = 'resolved', Force = 1 );
 Only the ticket is still set to open!
 The target ticket is happily marked as rejected or open, but I'm unable 
 get it to choose resolved...  I've also tried this with local/ with no more 
 luck - anyone have a better idea, please?


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Re: [rt-users] Approvals status open-resolved

2009-02-13 Thread Chia-liang Kao

Richard Foley Richard.Foley at writes:

 Hi Chia-liang,
 Ok, so now I've got this:
 if ($passed) {
 $top-SetStatus( Status = 'resolved', Force = 1 );
 $self-RunScripAction('Notify Owner', 'Approval Ready for Owner',
   TicketObj = $top);

the change seems to work for me.  Here's the change to the test in
t/approval/basic.t that demostrates the original ticket got set to resolved upon
all approval passed:


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