[rt-users] Problem with mailx and no Recipients found

2011-08-08 Thread Christian Bauer
Hello Sirs!

I've got some trouble with sending Emails out of my rt4 installation.

It's installed on the latest ubuntu version, everything works quite well,
except of sending emails.

I collect my emails with fetchmail.


Emails sending is done with postfix and mailx, if i type "mailx -s "asdf"

It works perfectly. Postfix is configured as a smart host.


If I want to send email over RT, it says the following in syslog:

Aug  8 11:20:01 rt CRON[2462]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail &&
/usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)

Aug  8 11:20:02 rt postfix/pickup[1475]: BED152896E: uid=114 from=

Aug  8 11:20:02 rt postfix/cleanup[2482]: BED152896E:

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/qmgr[1476]: BED152896E:
from=, size=654, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/smtp[2484]: BED152896E:
to=, orig_to=,
relay=[]:25, delay=0.96,
delays=0.54/0.1/0.23/0.1, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 No such recipient (in reply to RCPT
TO command))

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/cleanup[2482]: 79B1D2896F:

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/qmgr[1476]: 79B1D2896F: from=<>, size=2517,
nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/bounce[2485]: BED152896E: sender non-delivery
notification: 79B1D2896F

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/qmgr[1476]: BED152896E: removed

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/smtp[2484]: 79B1D2896F:
to=, relay=[]:25,
delay=0.31, delays=0/0/0.26/0.04, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 No such recipient (in reply to RCPT
TO command))

Aug  8 11:20:03 rt postfix/qmgr[1476]: 79B1D2896F: removed

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
#7/130 - Scrip 5 On Correspond Notify AdminCcs

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
No recipients found. Not sending.

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
#7/130 - Scrip 7 On Correspond Notify Other Recipients

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
No recipients found. Not sending.

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
#7/130 - Scrip 6 On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs

Aug  8 11:20:13 rt RT: 
No recipients found. Not sending.



This is my RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set( $DatabaseUser, 'rt_user' );

Set( $CorrespondAddress, 'supp...@binder-group.de' );

Set( $rtname, 'binder-group.de' );

Set( $DatabaseRequireSSL, '0' );

Set( $WebPort, '80' );

Set( $Organization, 'binder-group.de' );

Set( $DatabaseType, 'Pg' );

Set( $DatabasePort, '' );

Set( $DatabasePassword, 'rt' );

Set( $DatabaseAdmin, 'postgres' );

Set( $WebDomain, ''); 

Set( $DatabaseAdminPassword, 'post' );

Set( $CommentAddress, 'support-kommen...@binder-group.de' );

Set( $DatabaseHost, 'localhost' );

Set( $DatabaseName, 'rt4' );

Set( $OwnerEmail, 'christian.ba...@binder-group.de' );

Set( $MailCommand , 'sendmailpipe');

Set( $SendmailArguments , "-t");

Set( $SendmailPath , "/usr/bin/mailx-wrapper");


Set($LogToSyslog, 'info');

Set($LogToFile , 'debug'); #debug is very noisy

Set($LogDir, '/opt/rt4/var/log');

Set($LogToFileNamed , "rt.log");#log to rt.log 1;

Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^support(-kommentar)?\@(binder-group\.de)$');



My mailx-wrapper looks like this


# do not query a resource file

export MAILRC=/dev/null

# send email directly to a remote smtp smarthost

export smtp=

# make mailx accept 8-bit content - in this case for German umlauts etc.

export LC_CTYPE=de_DE.iso88591

# send the email (since this is the first real command executed in the
script, it will receive the email content from STDIN)

/usr/bin/mailx -n -t

# log a line to syslog for debugging purposes

/usr/bin/logger -t RTmailer -p syslog.info -- CALL /usr/bin/mailx -n -t "$@"



Thank you in advance!


2011 Training: http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html

[rt-users] Costum Condition AdminCC Notification

2011-09-09 Thread Christian Bauer
Hello there.


Maybe you can help me with this issue.

I want RT only to send AdminCC Notifications on ticket create if the client
is not equal to the owner.


I need it because, if an admin creates a ticket on his own behalf, the other
admins should not be  notified.


Thank you in advance





RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  Chicago, IL, USA — September 26 & 27, 2011
*  San Francisco, CA, USA — October 18 & 19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA — October 31 & November 1, 2011
*  Melbourne VIC, Australia — November 28 & 29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011