[rt-users] menu tabs missing after upgrade from RT 4.0.6 to RT 4.0.7

2012-09-28 Thread Francesca Del Corso
Hi all, I recently upgrade my RT installation from  4.0.6 to 4.0.7 , I have
a 64 bit Centos 6.3 virtual machine with MySql ver 5.1.61,  Apache/2.2.15,
FastCGI 2.4.6, sendmail 8.14.5, Perl  5.10.1. 

After upgrading, when I logon to the system as root I cannot see any tabs in
the Menu (Home, Tickets, Tools, Logged in as root) so I can't logout or
doing a search; after creating a new ticket under General queue via RT web
page, I cannot write the body of the ticket if I am root, if I am a a simple
user I can.  I try to reiniziale the database (make inizialize-database),
now I can write the issue in a new ticket if am logged as root but I still
cannot see the menu tabs.

I make also a clean RT 4.0.7 installation in the same environment and these
problems didn't happen.

What's the problem in the upgrade process?


Thank you for your attention


Francesca Del Corso


INFN Sez. Bologna

Via Irnerio 46, Bologna - Italy

Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23  24

We're hiring! http://bestpractical.com/jobs

[rt-users] custom field not visible in mobile version

2012-07-31 Thread Francesca Del Corso
Hi all, I create two custom fields in my RT configuration linked to a
queue, but in the mobile version I don't see them when I create a ticket for
that queue, is it by design? 




Francesca Del Corso