Re: [rt-users] Change the shown 'logged in as...' name

2011-10-28 Thread Garry Booth

We modified httpd in /etc/init.d/rc.d so any restart of apache does it by 
start() {
echo -n $Starting $prog: 
echo -n $Zapping MASON cache: 
rm -fr /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj
check13 || exit 1
[ $RETVAL = 0 ]  touch ${lockfile}
return $RETVAL



On 28 Oct 2011, at 07:49, declaya wrote:

 Hi Izz,
 That's it!! :D
 I just forgot to clear the mason cache.
 Thanks a LOT for this hint! 
 Everything works as expected now.
 I didn't even know that there is a wiki page about the mason cache: 
 You made my day. Have a nice weekend!
 Izz Abdullah wrote:
 Did you clear the mason cache after making this change?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of declaya
 Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 1:12 AM
 Subject: [rt-users] Change the shown 'logged in as...' name
 Good morning,
 I'm using mod_auth_kerb with Apache to authenticate our users. The
 authentication works fine, each user is recognized by their
 userPrincipalName from our AD which is mapped to RT as their username. 
 This causes to show also the userPrincipalNames in the main navigation
 which confuses the users.
 So now my question is:
 How can I change the shown name in the navigation bar? It would be great
 I could change it to the RealName of the user.
 I tried to change the /path/to/rt/share/html/Elements/Tabs file from
 $session{'CurrentUser'}-Name to $session{'CurrentUser'}-RealName in
 385 and 731 but it didn't work.
 I would really appreciate some help. 
 Thanks in advance!
 Have a nice day!
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 Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at
 RT Training Sessions (
 *  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
 *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011
 RT Training Sessions (
 *  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
 *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011
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 Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at
 RT Training Sessions (
 *  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
 *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Detailed programming API?

2011-09-16 Thread Garry Booth
Hi Steve

This isn't quite what you want, but should get you started, it takes a list of 
usernames and email addresses from a txt file in the form: - username:email. It 
does some checking of the addresses against whats in rt and then sets a new 
name, new email address, a new password, removes privileges and disables the 

it runs from opt/rt3/local/bin

Shout if you need anything explaining etc.



# Script to deal with unprivileged users with cases.
# This will allow us to reuse usernames
# v0.1 18/01/10

use strict;
use lib /opt/rt3/lib;

use RT;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw (CleanEnv GetCurrentUser);
use Data::Dumper;


use POSIX qw(strftime);
#grab todays date to make the new mail address and name
my $datestr= strftime(%Y%m%d, localtime);

#open the text file and slurp the contents into a handle
# file will be of the format username,email

open (DELETIONS, /tmp/lboro_users2.txt)|| die (Cant open the list of deletions\n);

my $user = RT::User-new($RT::SystemUser);

#loop through the lines in the deletions file, split each line on the comma and compare the e-mail address to the one rt has.
#if the addresses match, check the user is not privileged, if ok rename, otherwise dump the error to a txt file

	while (my $line =DELETIONS)
		#clear out any trailing \n
		chomp $line; 
		#split the entry
		my @whoami = split(/,/,$line);
		#load the info from rt
		my $rtmail = $user-EmailAddress;
		# we now have two mail addresses, we need to see if they match without case sensitivity
		$rtmail = lc($rtmail);
		my $mastermail = lc($whoami[1]);
			if ($mastermail eq $rtmail)
#check to see if the user is privileged. If they are, stop there and dump the data to a text file
#my $priv = $user-Privileged;
#	if ($priv eq 1)
#		{
#		open (PRIVUSERS, /tmp/privlist.txt)|| die (Cant open priv users list\n);
#		print PRIVUSERS $whoami[0] is a privileged user, cannot delete - $datestr\n;
#		close (PRIVUSERS);
#		}
#	#else create the new name and mail address
#	else
		my $dis =+disabled;
		#split the mail at @ add in the date and dis and glue it back together
		my @mail = split(/@/,$mastermail);
	my $newmail = $mail[0].$datestr.$dis.@.$mail[1];
		#get the username whoami[0] and append the date to it
		my $newname = $whoami[0].$datestr;
		#make the changes
			#if you want ot create new password you'll need to code something here, else everyone gets the same one
		#log the change
		open (MOVED, /tmp/movedlist.txt)|| die (Cant open moved users list\n);
print MOVED $whoami[0] - $datestr\n;
close (MOVED);
open (ERRORS, /tmp/delerrors.txt)|| die (Cant open errors list\n);
print ERRORS $whoami[0] masterfile address $mastermail, does not match rt address $rtmail\n;
close (ERRORS);
close (DELETIONS);

Dr Garry Booth
IT Services
Loughborough University

On 15 Sep 2011, at 20:44, Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) wrote:

 I'm trying to write some scrips for RT, specifically one that will take a 
 requestors email address  see if they are a current user. If not, create a 
 password  allow the user to get in. Nothing I'm trying is working at all. My 
 Perl is a little rusty, but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what to 
 call from where. The perldoc for the .pm files in the /lib/RT folder seems to 
 be the only reference.
 Is there something a little more detailed out there?
 RT Training Sessions (
 *  Chicago, IL, USA ˜ September 26  27, 2011
 *  San Francisco, CA, USA ˜ October 18  19, 2011
 *  Washington DC, USA ˜ October 31  November 1, 2011
 *  Melbourne VIC, Australia ˜ November 28  29, 2011
 *  Barcelona, Spain ˜ November 28  29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (
*  Chicago, IL, USA — September 26  27, 2011
*  San Francisco, CA, USA — October 18  19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA — October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Melbourne VIC, Australia — November 28  29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Detailed programming API?

2011-09-16 Thread Garry Booth
Hi Steve

Should also add the rt api documentation, I used is here:


RT Training Sessions (
*  Chicago, IL, USA  September 26  27, 2011
*  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18  19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Melbourne VIC, Australia  November 28  29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Quicksearch and QuickCreate queries deleted - how to get them back?

2011-08-09 Thread Garry Booth

On 9 Aug 2011, at 11:07, Gunnar Gorges wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I just noticed that Quicksearch and QuickCreate queries are missing from 
 the available searches in the RT at a glance customization page. My 
 guess is that they got deleted by accident - however:
 Does anyone know how to get them back to the list of available searches?
 So far I was not able to find the place where to reintegrate them. 
 Resetting the RT at a glance also does not help, the list of available 
 searches remains the same.
 Help is greatly appreciated.
 Thanks in advance,

Hi Gunnar

If I understand you correctly, you need to look at your

You should have a line like this

Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyAdminQueues 
MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage Dashboards)]);

Hope that helps


Dr Garry Booth
IT Services
Loughborough University

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Difference between reply and comment

2011-05-19 Thread Garry Booth

On 19 May 2011, at 10:57, john s. wrote:

Hello everybody

One of my colleague ask me this

and i have to admit from myself ... i don't know

did anybody know where is the difference?

best regards john s.

Hi John

I believe comment doesn't send an email to the requestor whereas reply  



Dr Garry Booth
IT Services
Loughborough University

Re: [rt-users] search by today

2011-04-06 Thread Garry Booth

On 5 Apr 2011, at 22:07, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:


Many thanks for all of the tips, this one did the job.


[rt-users] search by today

2011-04-05 Thread Garry Booth

Hi All

does anybody know if there is a way to dynamically search through  
tickets with creation dates from today to two weeks ago, without  
changing the dates every time?

e.g. Created  'NOW' AND Created  'NOW -13' AND Queue = 'FOO'



[rt-users] Modifying 10 highest tickets

2011-01-11 Thread Garry Booth

Hi all

Happy new year.

Does anybody know if there is a way to globally change the default  
setup for 10 highest priority tickets I own?

e.g: make it order by a custom field.
I can easily do it for myself by simply editing the widget, but would  
like to roll out a change to it for all users


Dr Garry Booth
IT Services
Loughborough University