[rt-users] Simple tool for tickets export with attachments

2016-01-08 Thread Ivan Osipov

Hello all!
I wrote simple Python script that allows you save all tickets history 
(including attachments) via REST API: https://github.com/ivsero/rt-dumper

It may be useful to someone :)

Best regards,
Ivan Osipov

[rt-users] How to notify owner about their responses?

2014-01-13 Thread Ivan Osipov

Hello all.

Now I'm using scrip On Correspond - Notify Owner and AdminCcs, but 
when ticket owner reply to customer he does not receive email about 
their response.

When other RT user send reply to customer (without assigning), then 
owner receive email about other RT user reply to customer.

How I can notify owner about their responses?

Best regards,
Ivan Osipov

Re: [rt-users] Big size of /opt/rt4/var directory

2014-01-06 Thread Ivan Osipov

06.01.2014 20:44, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 01:31:23PM +0400, Ivan Osipov wrote:

I'm using Request Tracker 4.2.1 and Lighttpd (1.4.28-2ubuntu4) via
fastcgi on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Now size of /opt/rt4/var directory is 5.2 Gb and full backup
archive of /opt/rt4/ is very big.
In this directory a lot of folders with random name:
ls -la /opt/rt4/var
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 19:19 xO_kAcCdQA
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 20:34 xR08jEpXhN
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 18:21 y2A3tJXMy8
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 21:01 Y5mPEdMSWh
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 17:42 yBixm9CtAO
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 17:41 yeihY9J9VX
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 22:25 yKjJdoKUNU
Can I delete all this folders from /opt/rt4/var? If yes, how to
delete this folders automaticaly? This is cache of attachments?

When you ran file on one of these, or opened one up in a text editor,
what was the content of the files?
Every these folder contain *.html with mail message body and attachments 
in base64.

Also all this folders has been changed in one day - 30 Dec 2013.
I'm using fetchmail. May be this folders created by rt-mailgate?

RT wouldn't normally write things into /opt/rt4/var.  Subdirectories
of /opt/rt4/var sure, but not the top level.


Best regards,
Ivan Osipov

[rt-users] Big size of /opt/rt4/var directory

2014-01-05 Thread Ivan Osipov

Hello all.
I'm using Request Tracker 4.2.1 and Lighttpd (1.4.28-2ubuntu4) via 
fastcgi on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Now size of /opt/rt4/var directory is 5.2 Gb and full backup archive 
of /opt/rt4/ is very big.

In this directory a lot of folders with random name:
ls -la /opt/rt4/var
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 19:19 xO_kAcCdQA
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 20:34 xR08jEpXhN
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 18:21 y2A3tJXMy8
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 21:01 Y5mPEdMSWh
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 17:42 yBixm9CtAO
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 17:41 yeihY9J9VX
drwx--   2 www-data www-data  4096 Dec 30 22:25 yKjJdoKUNU
Can I delete all this folders from /opt/rt4/var? If yes, how to delete 
this folders automaticaly? This is cache of attachments?

Best regards,
Ivan Osipov

Re: [rt-users] Request tracker and Lighttpd

2013-12-24 Thread Ivan Osipov

Thank you, everything works.

[rt-users] Request tracker and Lighttpd

2013-12-23 Thread Ivan Osipov

Hello all.
I'm trying to set up Request Tracker 4.2.1 and Lighttpd 
(1.4.28-2ubuntu4) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with all updates.

RT has been installed from sources.
When I try get http://rt.domain.tld/ I see error-message 500 - Internal 
Server Error. In web-server error log:

2013-12-23 19:34:50: (log.c.166) server started
2013-12-23 19:34:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.2568) unexpected end-of-file 
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 21743 socket: 
2013-12-23 19:34:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.3356) response not received, request 
sent: 1173 on socket: unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3 for ?, closing 
2013-12-23 19:37:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.1734) connect failed: Connection 
refused on unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3
2013-12-23 19:37:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.3027) backend died; we'll disable it 
for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 0 load: 1
2013-12-23 19:37:07: (mod_fastcgi.c.2568) unexpected end-of-file 
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 21936 socket: 
2013-12-23 19:37:07: (mod_fastcgi.c.3356) response not received, request 
sent: 1144 on socket: unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3 for ?, closing 

Also I tried remove directory /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/ but it did not help.
BTW, RT via stand-alone web-server works correctly.
Lighttpd and RT configs attached.

Best regards,
Ivan Osipov

server.modules = (
#   mod_rewrite,

server.document-root= /var/www
server.upload-dirs  = ( /var/cache/lighttpd/uploads )
server.errorlog = /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
server.pid-file = /var/run/lighttpd.pid
server.username = www-data
server.groupname= www-data

index-file.names= ( index.php, index.html,
index.htm, default.htm,
index.lighttpd.html )

url.access-deny = ( ~, .inc )

static-file.exclude-extensions = ( .php, .pl, .fcgi )

## Use ipv6 if available
#include_shell /usr/share/lighttpd/use-ipv6.pl

dir-listing.encoding= utf-8
server.dir-listing  = enable

compress.cache-dir  = /var/cache/lighttpd/compress/
compress.filetype   = ( application/x-javascript, text/css, 
text/html, text/plain )

include_shell /usr/share/lighttpd/create-mime.assign.pl
include_shell /usr/share/lighttpd/include-conf-enabled.pl

include rt.domain.tld
server.modules += (mod_fastcgi)

$HTTP[host] == rt.domain.tld {
server.document-root = /opt/rt4/share/html
#index.file-names = ( index.html ) 

fastcgi.server = ( / =
bin-path  = /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi,
socket= /var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket,
check-local   = disable,
fix-root-scriptname = enable
}# Any configuration directives you include  here will override 
# RT's default configuration file, RT_Config.pm
# To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement
# from RT_Config.pm and change the value. We've included a single
# sample value below.
# This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid
# perl code, as well.
# The converse is also true, if this file isn't valid perl, you're
# going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use
# this command:
#   perl -c /path/to/your/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
# You must restart your webserver after making changes to this file.

# You must install Plugins on your own, this is only an example
# of the correct syntax to use when activating them.
# Plugin( RT::Extension::QuickDelete );
# Plugin( RT::Extension::CommandByMail );

Set( $CommentAddress, 'support-comm...@domain.tld' );
Set( $CorrespondAddress, 'supp...@domain.tld' );
Set( $DatabaseHost, 'localhost' );
Set( $DatabaseName, 'basename' );
Set( $DatabasePassword, 'pwd' );
Set( $DatabasePort, '' );
Set( $DatabaseRequireSSL, '' );
Set( $DatabaseType, 'mysql' );
Set( $DatabaseUser, 'username' );
Set( $Organization, 'rt.domain.tld' );
Set( $OwnerEmail, 'i...@domain.tld' );
Set( $SendmailPath, '/usr/sbin/sendmail' );
Set( $WebDomain, 'rt.domain.tld' );
Set( $WebPort, '81' );
Set($Timezone, 'Europe/Moscow');
Set( $rtname, 'my_rtname' );

Re: [rt-users] Request tracker and Lighttpd

2013-12-23 Thread Ivan Osipov
When I try start RT via Apache 2 with mod_fastcgi 
in Apache error-log:

[Mon Dec 23 21:24:54 2013] [warn] FastCGI: server 
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi has failed to remain running for 30 
seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to 
600 seconds
[Mon Dec 23 21:24:54 2013] [warn] FastCGI: server 
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi has failed to remain running for 30 
seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to 
600 seconds
[23549] [Mon Dec 23 17:24:54 2013] [critical]: Something went wrong 
while trying to run RT's standalone web server:
Can't locate FCGI/ProcManager.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
/opt/rt4/sbin/../local/lib /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib /etc/perl 
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Plack/Util.pm line 23. 

Something went wrong while trying to run RT's standalone web server:
Can't locate FCGI/ProcManager.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
/opt/rt4/sbin/../local/lib /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib /etc/perl 
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Plack/Util.pm line 23.
[Mon Dec 23 21:24:54 2013] [warn] FastCGI: server 
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi (pid 23549) terminated by calling exit 
with status '2'


23.12.2013 20:05, Ivan Osipov пишет:

Hello all.
I'm trying to set up Request Tracker 4.2.1 and Lighttpd 
(1.4.28-2ubuntu4) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with all updates.

RT has been installed from sources.
When I try get http://rt.domain.tld/ I see error-message 500 - 
Internal Server Error. In web-server error log:

2013-12-23 19:34:50: (log.c.166) server started
2013-12-23 19:34:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.2568) unexpected end-of-file 
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 21743 socket: 
2013-12-23 19:34:59: (mod_fastcgi.c.3356) response not received, 
request sent: 1173 on socket: unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3 for 
?, closing connection
2013-12-23 19:37:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.1734) connect failed: Connection 
refused on unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3
2013-12-23 19:37:05: (mod_fastcgi.c.3027) backend died; we'll disable 
it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: 
reconnects: 0 load: 1
2013-12-23 19:37:07: (mod_fastcgi.c.2568) unexpected end-of-file 
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 21936 socket: 
2013-12-23 19:37:07: (mod_fastcgi.c.3356) response not received, 
request sent: 1144 on socket: unix:/var/run/lighttpd/rt4.socket-3 for 
?, closing connection

Also I tried remove directory /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/ but it did not 

BTW, RT via stand-alone web-server works correctly.
Lighttpd and RT configs attached.

С уважением,
Иван Осипов