Re: [rt-users] (no subject)

2013-03-05 Thread Jim Berry
One possible adjustment is to try to make it obvious into which queue the new 
ticket will be placed.   We change the page title so that it is "Create a 
ticket in the QName Queue".   Even though the drop down snaps back to the 
default, the user will see  "QName Queue" in about 4 places (including an , 
which is enough to reassure whoever is creating the ticket.   We do it via a 
simple callback:

% cat local/html/Callbacks/jhb/Ticket/Create.html/Default

#  When creating a ticket, display Queue Name in title
$$title = "Create a ticket in the " . $QueueObj->Name . " Queue";



From: Raymond Corbett 
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 11:36 AM
Subject: [rt-users] (no subject)

We are using RT 4.0.10

I wander if anyone else gets this behavior.  which confuses some of our 

The Drop Down Selection menu beside the New ticket In widget button doesn't 
maintain the selection.

For example let's say there are 6 queues there,  queue_1, queue_2 , queue_3 etc.

The user selects  queue_5 in the list.  The drop down displays this as the 
selection for about 2 seconds and then immediately defaults back to the first 
selection in the list.

The queue being submitted to is correct, but users are confused, because by the 
time they click on the New Ticket IN button, the selection form the pull down 
menu has already reverted back to the first entry in the list and they try to 
change it again and again.

I am wandering which file controls the size of the Pull Down Menu width.  Our 
Queue names are a bit long and some are similar.  So just hope to change the 
width of the field so that the Queue names are easier to read when the pull 
down is not accessed.

RT training in Amsterdam, March 20-21:

Help improve RT by taking our user survey:

Re: [rt-users] Creating tickets on behalf of users via email

2013-04-09 Thread Jim Berry
Have you looked at the CommandbyMail extension?   It might have the flexibility 
you need.

Jim Berry

[] On Behalf Of Craig Ringer
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 8:18 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Creating tickets on behalf of users via email

Hi all

I'm increasingly finding it desirable to open correspondence with a client by 
email and have the conversation tracked in RT. This is cumbersome enough to do 
that I wonder if I'm missing something obvious.

I can create a ticket in their name via the web ui, but that results in an 
auto-acknowledgement email to them and doesn't send them a copy of the request 
its self since they're presumed to have sent it.

I can create it with me as requestor, add them as Cc, save, then delete them 
from Cc and add them as requestor afterwards. That seems awfully convoluted, 
though, and doesn't allow me to create a ticket in their name by email.

Essentially I want to be able to email<>, Cc RT, set Reply-To: to the RT 
address and have RT recognise that's what's happening, setting them as 
requestor instead of me and suppressing the auto-acknowledgement to them. After 
having a look at the code, docs and list archives I suspect that I will need to 
write my own email gateway to do this job but I'd like to confirm that. The 
mail plugin API doesn't look flexible enough, it's really just for 
authenticating users and doesn't give you hooks after ticket creation.

If I was to write something like this would it be useful to others? Would the 
RT team be prepared to accept a patch either for the hooks + a CPAN plugin, or 
for the whole feature integrated into the RT code?

BTW, I've pushed RT::Extension::CustomerGroups to CPAN:<>

as well as an updated RT::Extension::SMSNotify that supports a hookable phone 
number lookup/filter function. A demo hook that implements rolling support 
shifts for SMS notification is included in the update. See:<>


 Craig Ringer

 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [rt-users] Custom condition for script

2013-04-23 Thread Jim Berry
This should do what you want .   It could be generalized to use groups or 
AdminCc.   Create a scrip with

Condition = On Create
Action = User Defined
Template = Blank
Stage = TransactionCreate

In the Custom action preparation code box, insert:

## Add other user as a Cc if ticket is created by either in the users list

my @users = ('', '');
my $creator = $self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->EmailAddress;
my $Ticket  = $self->TicketObj;

if ($creator eq $users[0]) {
$Ticket->AddWatcher(Type  => 'Cc',  Email => $users[1]);
elsif ($creator eq $users[1]) {
 $Ticket->AddWatcher(Type  => 'Cc',  Email => $users[0]);

In the Custom action cleanup code box, insert:

-- Jim

[] On Behalf Of Miles Scruggs
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:52 PM
To: RT users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Custom condition for script

anyone able to help on this one?

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Miles Scruggs>> wrote:
I have a couple users that can't be trained to CC each other, and they need to 
be CC'd on everything they create, but they also aren't the only ones creating 
to the queue so I can't just set them as a watcher for the queue.

Basically I would like to check on create to see if they are one or the other 
user, and if they are then I would like to add their counterpart as a CC to the 
ticket. Basically some code that looks like this:

if(user=bob | bill) {

The bad news here is that I'm incredibly dumb when it comes to perl, and have 
no grasp at all of the syntax much less the methods to use.

I'm guessing I put stuff like this in scrips, but I'm not 100% and I'm not sure 
if that can be put entirely in the condition or if I need to put it in both the 
condition and the action...


Miles Scruggs



Re: [rt-users] Custom condition for script

2013-04-24 Thread Jim Berry

[] On Behalf Of Miles Scruggs
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:54 PM
To: RT users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Custom condition for script

Thanks Jim,

I think that has got me off and running now.  About order of execution, from 
what I read it is alphabetical, does that group queue specific scripts in with 
the globals and then order them?


Miles Scruggs<>

On Apr 23, 2013, at 10:01 AM, Jim Berry>> wrote:

This should do what you want .   It could be generalized to use groups or 
AdminCc.   Create a scrip with

Condition = On Create
Action = User Defined
Template = Blank
Stage = TransactionCreate

In the Custom action preparation code box, insert:

## Add other user as a Cc if ticket is created by either in the users list

my @users = ('<>', 
my $creator = $self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->EmailAddress;
my $Ticket  = $self->TicketObj;

if ($creator eq $users[0]) {
$Ticket->AddWatcher(Type  => 'Cc',  Email => $users[1]);
elsif ($creator eq $users[1]) {
 $Ticket->AddWatcher(Type  => 'Cc',  Email => $users[0]);

In the Custom action cleanup code box, insert:

-- Jim

 On Behalf Of Miles Scruggs
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:52 PM
To: RT users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Custom condition for script

anyone able to help on this one?

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Miles Scruggs>> wrote:
I have a couple users that can't be trained to CC each other, and they need to 
be CC'd on everything they create, but they also aren't the only ones creating 
to the queue so I can't just set them as a watcher for the queue.

Basically I would like to check on create to see if they are one or the other 
user, and if they are then I would like to add their counterpart as a CC to the 
ticket. Basically some code that looks like this:

if(user=bob | bill) {

The bad news here is that I'm incredibly dumb when it comes to perl, and have 
no grasp at all of the syntax much less the methods to use.

I'm guessing I put stuff like this in scrips, but I'm not 100% and I'm not sure 
if that can be put entirely in the condition or if I need to put it in both the 
condition and the action...


Miles Scruggs<>



Re: [rt-users] Adding custom field to RT at a glance's 10 highest priority tickets I own section

2013-05-20 Thread Jim Berry
When editing the search, click Advanced, and add


 to the end of the Format

Then save the search with a new name, and use it instead of the original in the 
RT at a Glance

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shane Vedvik
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 12:21 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Adding custom field to RT at a glance's 10 highest priority 
tickets I own section


My instance of RT has a custom field called Org that contains a unique 
organization id for the customer the ticket is for.  I would like to be able to 
add this field to the RT at a glance page in the 10 highest priority tickets I 
own section as well as the 10 newest unowned tickets section.  Does anyone have 
any ideas on how to do this. When I click the edit links a list of fields is 
shown, but my custom fields are not in the list.



RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:

Re: [rt-users] Sending notification / alert mails without creating comments

2013-07-29 Thread Jim Berry

On the wiki there was a reference to an rt-remind script at, which we downloaded 
and modified for our purposes. We have several cron jobs which use it to 
nag/notify owners, requestors, and managers (hourly, daily, or weekly, 
depending on the situation).  Not optimal, but it has worked for us.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Craig Ringer
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 11:04 PM
To: RT users
Subject: [rt-users] Sending notification / alert mails without creating comments

Hi all

I've been trying to do something that I expected to be simple with RT:
Send reminders to subscribers on a ticket *without* creating any comment or 
correspondence on the ticket. Send an email silently, in other words.

It turns out that much of RT::Action::SendEmail expects to have a current 
transaction and crashes ungracefully if there isn't one - it doesn't test to 
see if it gets a value for TransactionObj, but it fails at several points if 
the transaction is undef. It doesn't really seem to provide a way to tell it 
what group(s) you want notified except by examining the transaction either.

I can write a completely separate action to do the job but I'll have to 
duplicate much of the code in RT::Action::SendEmail to do so, and that seems 
like a maintenance nightmare. The module isn't easily extended by a subclass in 
this way because many of the interesting bits are in the Prepare method anyway.

How do others handle sending reminders and alerts, like SLA reminders?
Do you just live with the annoying comment spam in tickets? Send mail directly, 
bypassing most of RT's mail handling code?

I'm trying to find a way to reduce the amount of code duplication I need to do 
to send mail that's consistent with how RT expects other outbound mail to look 
- appropriate headers, etc.

RT::Action::SendEmail::SendMessage(...) has the comment "TODO: Break this out 
to a separate module" in master and has had for a very long time. Willing to 
consider a patch that does so and tries to split RT::Action::SendEmail up into 
smaller, more easily wrapped/overridden methods too?
 Craig Ringer
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [rt-users] Migration Prep

2013-08-12 Thread Jim Berry
Similarly at our site:   We observed issues (not just RT) when Apache was 
started before the Postgres server was ready.   During certain testing, it 
might be necessary to manually restart Apache.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Sibley
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Migration Prep

On 08/09/2013 06:36 AM, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
> When I look at syslog I see the following during startup:
> Aug  9 08:28:04 rt4 RT: DBI
> connect('dbname=rtdb;host=localhost','rtuser',...) failed: Can't
> connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at 
> /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 105.
> (/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/
> Aug  9 08:28:05 rt4 RT: DBI
> connect('dbname=rtdb;host=localhost','rtuser',...) failed: Can't
> connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at 
> /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 105.
> (/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/
> Aug  9 08:28:08 rt4 mysqld_safe: Starting mysqld daemon with databases
> from /var/lib/mysql

Just by looking at the log timestamps, your system is pretty clearly set to 
start Apache (or whatever is serving RT) before mysql.  This isn't RT's fault, 
but simply the wrong startup ordering for your system.  You should change it so 
Apache/your webserver depends on mysql being started first.  How to do so 
depends on your distribution.

Re: [rt-users] Technician on vacation status

2013-08-26 Thread Jim Berry
Two thoughts:

1.  At our site we have  a cron job which checks for new tickets which have 
been sitting around for N hours and don't have a future start date.  If any are 
found, an email goes out to the owner and her manager and the RT admin with a 
ticket summary.This fails if all 3 are out, but has worked reasonably well, 
and does not depend on the accuracy of our electronic whiteboard.

2.  If it is possible to determine from an RT Scrip  if a staff member is on 
vacation,  then one could have a scrip with a custom condition checking if the 
transaction is assigning ownership to someone who is out.  If so, alert some 
key players.  (We have the Send Email action installed for a similar situation).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rainer Duffner
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 10:10 AM
To: Ruslan Zakirov
Cc: RT users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Technician on vacation status

Am Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:57:40 +0400
schrieb Ruslan Zakirov :

> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:20 AM, Max McGrath 
> wrote:
> > Hi all -
> >
> > Running RT 4.0.16.  Was talking with a co-worker today about this.
> > I was wondering if there is anything that can be put in place
> > (easily) for when a person is out of the office for a long time.
> >
> > For instance , if a person is out on vacation for two weeks and not
> > everybody is aware, maybe RT shouldn't allow tickets to be given to
> > this person?
> >
> > Not sure if this is possible...or even a good idea.  Just a thought.
> >
> I havn't seen an extension for RT that helps with vacations and would
> be cool to get one.

I have never tried this, but what happens if:

 - that user is disabled?
 - if that user has any old tickets in "waiting for feedback status"
   and then the tickets acutally get feedback and the user is disabled?

Disabling the user is harsh - but at least, nobody will be able to assign new 
tickets to the user.

In my organization, people just send an email to everybody when they are away 
for a longer time...obviously not a solution for a company with 30k active RT 

I would be really interested to know how organizations with a large number of 
privileged RT users handle this.

Re: [rt-users] Searching in RT

2013-08-30 Thread Jim Berry
Try putting the number in "quotes".Also, Just hit enter in the Search... 
box to see the instructions for the simple search.


[] On Behalf Of Bryon Baker
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 2:20 PM
To: RT Users (
Subject: [rt-users] Searching in RT

I have ran into an issue when search for tickets.

I am searching for a number in the subject line when I am doing this RT assumes 
that I am search for a ticket number.  Is there something I can do to change 
this behavior?

I am using version 4.13

Bryon Baker
Network Operations Manager
Copesan - Specialists in Pest Solutions
800-267-3726  *  262-783-6261 ext. 2296
"Servicing North America with Local Care"

Re: [rt-users] Weekly and Monthly Subscription mails to Dashboards not sending

2013-09-20 Thread Jim Berry
You don't mention your RT version, so I'm not sure if this applies:   There was 
a bug in the early 4.0.x releases which prevented any weekly dashboards from 
being emailed out.  This was fixed in v4.0.3 in 2011.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of globo
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Weekly and Monthly Subscription mails to Dashboards not 

Hi Ruslan,

I create a new dashboard and still can’t get the Frequency to work on the 
dashboard. In the RT log I get the following

[Fri Sep 20 10:14:51 2013] [debug]: Checking against subscription 378 for 
recurringtasks with frequency weekly, hour 11:00, dow Friday, dom 20, fow 1, 
counter 6 (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Dashboard/

I don’t get any emails and there’s no log in the mail log.

Do I need to enable something to get the Frequency on the dashboards to work?
It very strange the daily schedule works fine.

Any other logs I could check to see why these emails are not being sent out ?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at

RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th:

RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th:

Re: [rt-users] Lifecycle : Reply Action changes the status

2013-12-19 Thread Jim Berry

Almost for sure you are running the  scrip “On Correspond Open Tickets”.You 
could disable this scrip entirely.  You could then (optionally) write your own 
condition which ignores tickets which have a certain status.  For example, we 
want the Open Tickets On Correspond action to take place only under this user 
defined condition:

# Check for Transaction is Correspond and Ticket Status = "new"
# Otherwise a Correspond will leave status as is.
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
return ($trans->Type eq "Correspond" && $ticket->Status eq "new");


[] On Behalf Of Kriegers Horst
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:46 AM
To: 'ML - rt-users'
Subject: [rt-users] Lifecycle : Reply Action changes the status


I’ve created a new Lifecyle with 2 new status “To test” and “Tested”
When a ticket's status is set to “To test” or “Tested” and I use the “Reply” 
action, the status will change automatically to “Open” instead of staying on 
"To test" or "Tested"

Here my lifecycle definition :

igs => {
## Cycle de vie pour file file IGS
initial => [ 'new' ],
active  => [ 'open', 'stalled', 'ToTest', 'IsTested' ],
inactive=> [ 'resolved', 'rejected', 'deleted' ],

# Default order statuses for certain actions
defaults => {
on_create => 'new',

# Transitions d'un statut vers un autre
transitions => {
''   => [qw(new open resolved)],

# from   => [ to list ],
new  => [qw(open ToTest IsTested stalled resolved rejected 
deleted )],
open => [qw(new ToTest IsTested stalled resolved rejected 
deleted )],
stalled  => [qw(open ToTest rejected resolved deleted )],
resolved => [qw(open ToTest rejected deleted )],
rejected => [qw(new open ToTest resolved deleted )],
deleted  => [qw(open ToTest stalled rejected resolved )],
ToTest   => [qw(open stalled rejected resolved IsTested)],
IsTested => [qw(open stalled rejected resolved ToTest)],

# Actions
actions => [
'new -> ToTest'=> { label  => 'ToTest',   update => 
'Comment' },
'open -> ToTest'   => { label  => 'ToTest',   update => 
'comment' },
'ToTest -> IsTested'   => { label  => 'IsTested', update => 
'Comment' },
'IsTested -> resolved' => { label  => 'Resolve',  update => 
'Respond' },
'IsTested -> ToTest'   => { label  => 'ToTest',   update => 
'Comment' },

# Status mapping
__maps__ => {
'default -> igs' => {
'new'  => 'new',
'open' => 'open',
'stalled'  => 'stalled',
'resolved' => 'resolved',
'rejected' => 'rejected',
'deleted'  => 'deleted',
'igs -> default' => {
'new'  => 'new',
'open' => 'open',
'stalled'  => 'stalled',
'resolved' => 'resolved',
'rejected' => 'rejected',
'deleted'  => 'deleted',
'ToTest'   => 'open',
'IsTested' => 'open',



Thanks a lot,

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Re: [rt-users] Take in menu of an already taken ticket

2013-12-27 Thread Jim Berry

In the 4.0.x version, I see "Steal" as an item in the Action menu.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Guadagnino 
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 4:24 AM
To: ''
Subject: [rt-users] Take in menu of an already taken ticket

Hi all,
we have a minor problem with our production RT 4.2.1.

We see a "take" action in the "Actions" menu of already taken tickets.
I never noticed something like this in previous RT releases. Is this normal?


Re: [rt-users] Custom Fields on Excel Report

2014-01-27 Thread Jim Berry
When building the search, once the queue is selected,  look at  Display Columns 
panel.   The custom fields names should appear in the Add Columns: list.   You 
will want to experiment with the Format: options and the order under Show 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bartosz 
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 8:27 AM
Subject: [rt-users] Custom Fields on Excel Report

Hi List!

I have lots of custom fields im my queues, and when I choose one queue in query 
builder I have list of all custom fields assigned to this queue. But even if 
query is built on custom fields values I don't see values of custom fields in 
results window, nor in exported excel file.

How can I get all fields both default and custom on results page and excel file?