[rt-users] DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "articles_pkey" at [...]/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm

2014-09-29 Thread Lee Damon


I am in the process of trying to migrate an ancient RT 3.6.4 version to 
4.2.7. Most of the migration works -- old tickets and articles can be 
read, new tickets can be created via the web interface -- but creation 
of new articles fails with "[warning]: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: 
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "articles_pkey" 
line 589. 
[799] [Mon Sep 22 19:44:42 2014] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0x8980380) 
couldn't execute the query 'INSERT INTO Articles (Class, Name, Creator, 
LastUpdatedBy, Summary, LastUpdated, Created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
?)' at 
line 602."

(Full text of the logged error is at the end of this email)

I'm not a DBA and have very little (read: no real) experience with 
postgres. I'm hoping I can get some pointers/help or even a potential DB 
fix for this problem.

Full story:

Our RT3 (backed by postgresql 8.3.7) instance was installed and 
configured by a long-since-departed SA. As far as I can tell he did a 
little bit of customizing but I don't think he made any schema changes. 
I do see a rt/local/html/RTFM/Article/Edit.html file but I'm darned if I 
can find the original to it to see what changes he made. (Diffing 
against Article/Edit.html in 3.6.4 source renders something that makes 
no sense at all. I suspect he started with an even earlier version but 
can't prove it.)

The RT4 instance is installed on a new (RHEL 6) host with 
postgresql-8.4.20. To migrate the data I've tried several different steps:

pg_dump -U apache rt3 > rt3.sql
as well as
pg_dump --blobs --create --format=plain --file=/s0/nomad/rt3.sql 
--verbose --column-inserts --disable-dollar-quoting --username=apache rt3

(Commented lines are previous attempts. Uncommented are the steps I'm 
currently using. There are multiple layers of old here, I'm just leaving 
them documented here to show I made the attempt.)

#sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database --action create,acl
sudo -u postgres createdb rt4
#sudo -u postgres createuser apache
sudo -u postgres psql rt4 < /s0/nomad/rt3.sql
sudo -u postgres psql
psql --list --username=apache
   # verify that the database is rt4

# set path to have .../pkgs/perl/5.20.0/bin first -- this is where I've 
installed all the deps

cd (rt src)
sudo make upgrade-database
   # upgrade to 3.9.8
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl 

sudo make upgrade-database
   # upgrade from 3.9.8 to latest
cd /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl 
etc/upgrade/vulnerable-passwords --fix
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl -I 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib 
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl -I 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib 
sudo perl -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib 

sudo sbin/rt-validator --check --resolv
new user id should be 25
sudo etc/upgrade/switch-templates-to html

I have shell files of all of this if anyone has specific questions. I 
see exactly two "error" lines from make upgrade-database telling me to 
run etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles (which is the next thing I do so I'm 
pretty sure that's not the problem).

I see a lot of warnings from etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles in the forms 
(each of these is an example of something that kicks out anywhere from 
10 to a couple of hundred lines):
  Applied Class 'VLSI Computing' globally at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 131. 

   Fixing ACL 344 to refer to RT::Class: The new value has been set. at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 146. 

  Updated CF 3 Value for Article 4 at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 174. 

  Fixing Topic 1 to refer to RT::Class: The new value has been set. at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 187. 

  Fixing Topic 5 to apply to article: ObjectType changed from 
"RT::FM::Article" to "RT::Article" at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 202. 

  Updating base to 
fsck.com-article://nikola.ee.washington.edu/article/112: The new value 
has been set. for link 1871 at 
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles line 217. 

Re: [rt-users] DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "articles_pkey" at [...]/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm

2014-09-30 Thread Lee Damon
On 9/30/14, 00:09 , Joop wrote:
> I wonder if you create a new article in the old instance if you then get
> the same error.

I can create a new article in the old instance without error. The test
article was #242.

> I suspect that the sequence that populates the primary key of the
> articles tables is lower than the latest article. One work around is to
> set the sequence to the highest id+1 of the article table
> Fire up your favourite postgres client and connect with your rt_admin to
> your rt instance, do 'select max(id) from articles;' this should give a
> number and then do 'select last_value from articles_id_seq;' this number
> should equal the previous one but I suspect that the last one will be
> lower than the first.

Those came up respectively as 241 (which I'd expect) and 3 (hmm).

RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

Re: [rt-users] DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "articles_pkey" at [...]/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm

2014-10-02 Thread Lee Damon
On 10/1/14, 07:43 , Joop van de Wege wrote:
>> Do you think it would be safe to just set articles_id_seq to 242?

I tried "alter sequence articles_id_seq restart with 242;" and the
result changed.

Now an article is created but the body is empty (no matter how much I
typed into it). If I go back and modify the article I can successfully
add a body.

Nothing is logged to /var/log/httpd/error_log this time.

(One note, I've taken the opportunity to update from 4.2.7 to 4.2.8.)

RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

[rt-users] ...lib/RT/I18N/cs.pm is tainted. not loading...

2015-02-17 Thread Lee Damon
tl;dr: I'm attempting to upgrade from RT 3.6.4 to RT 4.2.9. After
running make upgrade-database I get the following errors to pretty much
every command:

[6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
is tainted. not loading at
/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
[6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
is tainted. not loading at
/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
[6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
is tainted. not loading at
/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
[6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
is tainted. not loading at
/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
[6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
is tainted. not loading at
/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line

After that error message is presented I am unable to run
"rt-fulltext-indexer --all" because it claims an indexer is already running.

Long form:

I'm using the following command to copy the existing database from the
production server to the test server:

pg_dump -U apache rt3 > rt3.sql

I then copy rt3.sql to the test server and do the following steps to

# delete old database on chum:
sudo -u postgres psql
drop database rt4;

# create empty database
sudo rm -rf /var/pkgs/rt/var/*/*
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database --action create,acl

(I note that when I run rt-setup-database I get the following warnings:

[3943] [Tue Feb 17 16:44:34 2015] [warning]: DBD::Pg::st execute failed:
ERROR:  relation "attachments_id_seq" does not exist at
line 452,  line 1.
[3943] [Tue Feb 17 16:44:34 2015] [critical]: DBD::Pg::st execute
failed: ERROR:  relation "attachments_id_seq" does not exist at
line 452,  line 1.

but as they are warnings I hope they're not fatal.)


#import database on chum:
sudo -u postgres psql rt4 < /s0/nomad/rt3.sql
# verify that the database is rt4
psql --list --username=apache

# upgrade from 3.x to 4.x
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd stop
cd /s0/nomad/as60-amd64-rt-4.2.9
sudo make upgrade-database
upgrade to 3.9.8
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl
sudo make upgrade-database
upgrade from 3.9.8 to latest
cd /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt
sudo perl -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib

*** This is the point where I start seeing the tainted messages in the
log. Note that this isn't the only time I see the taint errors, I get
them regularly from now on.

sudo perl -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib
sbin/rt-fulltext-indexer --all

*** At this point I am informed an indexer is running (it isn't) and
nothing happens.

I have a bunch more steps I use to finish upgrading the database but
they're after the error message so I'm including them only for
completeness. Many of these steps also kick out the above taint errors.

sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl
etc/upgrade/vulnerable-passwords --fix
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl -I
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib
sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/perl/.5.20.0/bin/perl -I
/usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib
sudo perl -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/local/lib -I /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/lib
sudo sbin/rt-validator --check --resolv
(replace user 0 with 25)
sudo etc/upgrade/switch-templates-to html

Does anyone have any hints on where I can poke to figure out what is
causing this problem?


Re: [rt-users] ...lib/RT/I18N/cs.pm is tainted. not loading...

2015-02-18 Thread Lee Damon
I found the problem with the "tainted" I18N/*.pm errors. It seems
I18N.pm does a path element check but doesn't know about AFS's @sys path
elements so doesn't allow for @ in names. This is the very minor change
I made to enable that. I don't know if this is going to cause problems
elsewhere, can anyone verify this for me?

: || nomad@silverfox as60-amd64-4.2.9 [77] ; diff -c lib/RT/I18N.pm
*** lib/RT/I18N.pm  2015-02-18 09:27:14.395298000 -0800
--- lib/RT/I18N.pm.orig 2015-02-18 09:26:23.718504000 -0800
*** 101,107 

  # Load language-specific functions
  foreach my $file ( File::Glob::bsd_glob(substr(__FILE__, 0, -3) .
"/*.pm") ) {
! unless ( $file =~ /^([-\w\s\.\/\\\@~:]+)$/ ) {
  warn("$file is tainted. not loading");
--- 101,107 

  # Load language-specific functions
  foreach my $file ( File::Glob::bsd_glob(substr(__FILE__, 0, -3) .
"/*.pm") ) {
! unless ( $file =~ /^([-\w\s\.\/\\~:]+)$/ ) {
  warn("$file is tainted. not loading");

Sadly, this doesn't solve the problem with "rt-fulltext-indexer --all"
thinking an indexer is already running (nor does it solve my previously
posted problems with the bodies of articles not being filled in when the
article is first created).


On 2/17/15 09:29 , Lee Damon wrote:
> tl;dr: I'm attempting to upgrade from RT 3.6.4 to RT 4.2.9. After
> running make upgrade-database I get the following errors to pretty much
> every command:
> [6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N/cs.pm
> is tainted. not loading at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
> 105.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm:105)
> [6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N/de.pm
> is tainted. not loading at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
> 105.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm:105)
> [6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N/fr.pm
> is tainted. not loading at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
> 105.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm:105)
> [6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N/i_default.pm
> is tainted. not loading at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
> 105.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm:105)
> [6313] [Tue Feb 17 17:00:00 2015] [warning]:
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N/ru.pm
> is tainted. not loading at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line
> 105.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm:105)
> After that error message is presented I am unable to run
> "rt-fulltext-indexer --all" because it claims an indexer is already running.
> Long form:
> I'm using the following command to copy the existing database from the
> production server to the test server:
> pg_dump -U apache rt3 > rt3.sql
> I then copy rt3.sql to the test server and do the following steps to
> upgrade:
> # delete old database on chum:
> sudo -u postgres psql
> drop database rt4;
> \q
> # create empty database
> sudo rm -rf /var/pkgs/rt/var/*/*
> sudo /usr/nikola/pkgs/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database --action create,acl
> (I note that when I run rt-setup-database I get the following warnings:
> [3943] [Tue Feb 17 16:44:34 2015] [warning]: DBD::Pg::st execute failed:
> ERROR:  relation "attachments_id_seq" does not exist at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/Handle.pm
> line 452,  line 1.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/Handle.pm:452)
> [3943] [Tue Feb 17 16:44:34 2015] [critical]: DBD::Pg::st execute
> failed: ERROR:  relation "attachments_id_seq" does not exist at
> /afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT/Handle.pm
> line 452,  line 1.
> (/afs/ee.washington.edu/nikola/.@sys/pkgs/rt/.4.2.9/sbin/../lib/RT.pm:388)
> but as they are warnings I hope they're not fatal.)
> Proceeding:
> #import database on chum:

[rt-users] flock in sbin/rt-fulltext-indexer fails when RT installed on RO filesystem

2015-02-23 Thread Lee Damon
I'm trying to install RT 4.2.9 into a volume in OpenAFS. I have the vast
majority of it working fine (with the patch I posted last week adding @
to the acceptable characters in a path in lib/RT/I18N.pm). However,
there is one problem I'm still seeing.

This chunk of code in sbin/rt-fulltext-indexer works fine when the
script is on a RW filesystem but fails when the file is in a RO
filesystem like AFS:

use Fcntl ':flock';
if ( !flock main::DATA, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB ) {
if ( $OPT{quiet} ) {
RT::Logger->info("$0 is already running; aborting silently, as
else {
print STDERR "$0 is already running\n";
exit 1;

I'm not a Perl writer (or even reader, really) so I don't know if it
would be an easy change to add an optional command line argument to let
the admin specify a lock file (e.g. /var/lock/rt-fulltext-indexer) for
it to use instead of flocking itself.
