[rt-users] Odd DB errors

2007-07-09 Thread Oliver Hookins
Hi RT gang,

recently we've started experiencing what looks like database errors in our
RT 3.4.2 installation. We're using it with PostgreSQL 7.4.17 on RHEL4, and
get some errors in the web interface like the following:

error: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
64: $self->{update_sth}->bind_param(1, $session->{serialized});
65: $self->{update_sth}->bind_param(2, $session->{data}->{_session_id});
67: $self->{update_sth}->execute;
69: $self->{update_sth}->finish;
70: }
code stack: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Apache/Session/Store/DBI.pm:67   
raw error

In the RT log there are a lot of messages (most of which look like
diagnostics) but this one caught my eye:

[Mon Jul  9 21:17:29 2007] [warning]: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:
access to noncontiguous page in hash index "transactions_oid"

The only thing that occurred to me was that the indexes needed rebuilding on
that table, which I did, but the problem has come back. I'm not sure if the
error messages are related.

I also have reports from users that they get errors like "message not
recorded" when adding comments occasionally.

Any ideas what all this might mean?


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[rt-users] Upgrading DBIx::SearchBuilder on RT 3.4.2

2008-07-31 Thread Oliver Hookins

I've read through a bunch of emails in the list archives many of which
suggest upgrading SearchBuilder to fix bugs or improve query performance. We
are running RT 3.4.2 (yes I know it's old but we have customisations and
upgrading will take a while), and SearchBuilder 1.43.

Could we upgrade SearchBuilder alone to the latest version 1.54 using cpan
without any problems, or is upgrading it alone going to cause problems?

Oliver Hookins
Anchor Systems

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