[rt-users] Advanced View NOT available: RT 363

2008-07-31 Thread Paul O'Leary

I have just migrated hardware for my RT system and I am not able to get
into the advanced view for my account. Clicking advanced doesn't really
do anything.  Here is a summary of my migration (it might be a poor

1. Cold backup of the database, copied the Oracle dbfs over, control
files, etc... DB starts up fine, everything is there, I can login via RT
and see tickets, etc...

2. I tarred up my existing RT 363 directory (/usr/local/rt) and moved it
over to new machine, untarred, and removed any existing session data.

3. Moved over the httpd.conf config (uses mod_perl)

AFAIK, this should now enable me to startup the system as it was on the
previous machine. Httpd starts, login page works, can login, but I am
stuck in basic view. I know advanced view is only available to
privileged users, but that should not have changed anywhere in the

Is hostname in anyway linked to the user accounts?

Any suggestions? I have in the meantime been able to get a fresh 3.8.0
to work fine with a copy of the same database and updated schema. I do
however still need 3.6.3 before I move to 3.8.0.



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[rt-users] Root user not priviliged

2008-06-23 Thread Paul O'Leary
I have re-initialized my RT 363 database with the rt-setup-database
script, and after initial login with root, I cannot switch to the
advanced view. Is this an indication that I am not a privileged user.
I do not see where in the DB tables, it stores the privs? Can someone
point me to that location? I need to migrate my existing RT system
from oracle XE to oracle standard, but a full rt_user exp/imp does not
seem to work properly.

Is there a migration procedure anywhere, a checklist on what is needed
to perform an export/import from one system to another?



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[rt-users] Can't call method Delete on an undefined value

2008-06-17 Thread Paul O'Leary
Hello All,

I just migrated our RT 363 instance from a RHEL 4/Oracle Express
instance to a RHEL5.1 64bit Oracle instance. All went fairly well, the
data import seemed to be fine. However, I am having trouble with the
Take and assign actions. 
If I create a new ticket and then try to take it or assign it to a
person, I get the following error on the web:

error:  Can't call method Delete on an undefined value
at /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 3045, GEN65 line 95.


# Delete the owner in the owner
group, then add a new one
# TODO: is this safe? it's not how
we really want the API to work
# for most things, but it's fast.
my ( $del_id, $del_msg ) = $self-
unless ($del_id) {
return ( 0, $self-loc(Could not
change owner. ) . $del_msg );

code stack:   /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm:3045

I'm not sure what the problem would be here, I know that I had to update
the sequence numbers when I moved to the new instance. That resolved
ticket creation issues fine.



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