Hi all:


(First post. Yay!)


I've tried mucking around with examples to try and get this to work
(even things specifically designed for this) and can't get it to work
for the life of me.


We have RT setup with LDAP imports. Each LDAP import ties to a specific
OU and files people in a specific group. So all the users in OU 1 get
put in an RT group called "1". When said users email RT, I want the
email to go into a single queue and be picked up by a scrip. This scrip
looks at the requestor's email address and files it in one of several
queues based on their group membership. So when people from OU 1 email,
it gets placed in OU 1's queue and the admins responsible for OU1 go and
sort it out. 


Basically what I want is a queue for each OU in Active Directory. 


I don't want to do this using multiple email addresses because users
will simply not obey and emails will go left right and centre. 


Can someone explain roughly how to do this, or point me to any examples
that show how to do this? The ones on the forums I've tried and have
failed, but how much of it is because I have no idea what I'm doing with







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