[rt-users] Terminating rt-server.fcgi gracefully

2012-11-26 Thread Sebastian Flothow


I'm running RT 4.0.7 under Apache/mod_fastcgi.

So far I've resorted to a simple killall rt-server.fcgi to restart the 
RT processes whenever I change RT_SiteConfig.pm, but there is probably 
some risk of killing a process mid-transaction, which I want to avoid.

Is there a way to have rt-server.fcgi terminate gracefully, i.e. such 
that any currently running request is completed before exiting?

perldoc rt-server.fcgi unfortunately only provides documentation for 
standalone mode, not FCGI mode.


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[rt-users] Looking for German templates

2012-11-23 Thread Sebastian Flothow

Good afternoon,

I just installed RT 4.0.7, but before we can actually use it I need to 
set up German templates. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any in the RT 
wiki nor in the list archives (somewhat surprising actually, since RT 
seems to have good I18N/L10N otherwise).

Does anyone here have German template texts and is willing to share them?
I'm aware they would probably still need some tweaking to match 
organizational peculiarities, but it would be a very welcome starting 
point nonetheless.


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