Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.0.17

2013-09-02 Thread Thomas Misilo
Thanks Kevin, Everything seemed to have worked :)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.0.17

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 05:46:16PM +, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
I just want to verify the steps I would need to take in order to upgrade 
 to the latest version
of RT.
Currently I have setup
/opt/rt4 `a symlink to 4.0.5
I know I will need to copy the the to the new version. 
 Will I need to copy
any files (other than my theme) over?

You should not copy any files other than the config or other local 

There are database changes between those versions you will need to run.

You should be following any upgrading steps listed in the README and
UPGRADING-4.0 document.


[rt-users] Upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.0.17

2013-08-29 Thread Thomas Misilo

I just want to verify the steps I would need to take in order to upgrade to the 
latest version of RT.

Currently I have setup
/opt/rt4 -- symlink to 4.0.5

I know I will need to copy the the to the new version. Will I 
need to copy any files (other than my theme) over?

Am I missing anything else?



[rt-users] Is there a way to pretty much curl a webpage in a scrip?

2013-07-16 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if there is an easy way to curl a file in a scrip? As I would 
like to use this to generate a ticket. So pretty much 



[rt-users] Jabber Support or IRC

2013-04-05 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if it is possible to have RT when a new ticket is created, to 
have it send an alert to a specific jabber (XMPP) user or to an IRC channel?



Re: [rt-users] REST API and WebExternal Auth

2013-04-05 Thread Thomas Misilo
 On Tue, Feb 05, 2013 at 07:58:29PM +, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
 I was wondering if it would be possible to use the REST API and an
 External Auth? I keep
 getting redirected, when I try curling a url. Also, I was wondering if
 anyone has created a
 page that shows all current open tickets, and all current
 opened/unclaimed tickets?
 Is the user who is logging in via REST marked as Privileged in the admin UI?
 If not, they don't have access.  You'll either need to allow Unprivileged 
 access in the config or mark your users Privileged.
 But, logging into REST with an RT-Authen-ExternalAuth provided password
 works just fine.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this, other projects have come up that 
took priority. 

I have these following settings in my

Set($WebExternalAuth , '1');
Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth , '1');

And the following in my apache config:

   Location /rt

#   Authtype CAS
  Authtype CAS
  require valid-user

   SetHandler modperl
PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
PerlSetVar psgi_app /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server

So, when I try to go to the rest API, it redirects to CAS, so I cannot use a 
local account, or at least I cannot figure out how I would be able to. Is there 
something I am missing?



Re: [rt-users] Jabber Support or IRC

2013-04-05 Thread Thomas Misilo
  I was wondering if it is possible to have RT when a new ticket is
  created, to have it send an alert to a specific jabber (XMPP) user or
  to an IRC channel?
 I think I'd look at irker, if you didn't already know it existed.
 -- jra

Thanks, I will look into that. Can RT4 send out JSON when a ticket is created?

[rt-users] REST API and WebExternal Auth

2013-02-05 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if it would be possible to use the REST API and an External 
Auth? I keep getting redirected, when I try curling a url. Also, I was 
wondering if anyone has created a page that shows all current open tickets, and 
all current opened/unclaimed tickets?



Help improve RT by taking our user survey:

[rt-users] rt-mailgate and web based authentication

2013-01-16 Thread Thomas Misilo

I am switched from using LDAP to CAS for authentication, and now because it 
redirects to the login screen, mailgate isn't working. I was wondering if 
anyone had a workaround or solution to this?



[rt-users] RT 4.0.X and LimeSurvey 2.X

2012-10-10 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if anyone has gotten LimeSurvey and RT to work at generating 

I haven't tried yet, I am currently working at getting it up with 1.9.



Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23  24

We're hiring!

[rt-users] Ignore emails not from specific domains

2012-04-16 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if it is possible to setup RT 4.0.5 to ignore all domains 
except certain ones?



[rt-users] Modify SelfService to include quick new ticket form.

2012-03-28 Thread Thomas Misilo
Good Morning,

I was wondering if it is possible to edit the self service page, and add a 
quick ticket creation box to it? I cannot seem to find it anywhere in the admin 

Thanks for the help,


[rt-users] Migrate Tickets from Trac to RT

2012-03-20 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if there are any tips/guides on migrating tickets from Trac to 



[rt-users] Question about moving between queues

2012-01-26 Thread Thomas Misilo

I can't seem to figure out what I need to change to allow the viewing of what 
queue the ticket went to.

So when I changed the queue from General to Technical Projects, all It shows in 
the log for the user is Queue changed from General to

Thanks in advance!


RT Training Sessions (
* Boston — March 5  6, 2012

[rt-users] Is it possible to use only one email account for all queue's?

2012-01-26 Thread Thomas Misilo
Is it possible to use only one email account for all queue's?

Allowing for reply's/comments to go to the appropriate place, and have when 
sent with no context to an existing ticket/queue it goes into a default queue?



RT Training Sessions (
* Boston — March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-16 Thread Thomas Misilo
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 03:21:22PM -0500, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
 Also - to be clear, you're concentrating on the part of the code that checks 
 to see if a user exists.  You're not looking at the later queries that 
 *actually* sync the data.
 Okay, I have looked through and checked everything but I cannot any 
 errors in rt.log
 I see this line: [Tue Nov 15 20:19:22 2011] [debug]: Authentication 
 successful. Now updating user information and attempting login. 
  but it doesn't talk about any of my mappings.

Unfortunately, we haven't seen a full config or log so it's really hard to 
comment on what's happening.


Full Config:

# Any configuration directives you include  here will override 
# RT's default configuration file,
# To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement
# from and change the value. We've included a single
# sample value below.
# This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid
# perl code, as well.
# The converse is also true, if this file isn't valid perl, you're
# going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use
# this comamnd:
#   perl -c /path/to/your/etc/
# You must restart your webserver after making changes to this file.

Set( $rtname, 'Evans Library');
Set($Organization, url.tld);
Set($WebDomain, url.tld);
Set($WebPort, 80);
Set($WebPath, /rt);
Set($DatabaseHost,   sqlserver.tld);
Set($DatabaseRTHost, url.tld);
Set($DatabaseUser, rt4);
Set($DatabasePassword, q{hello});
Set($DatabaseName, q{rt4});
Set($OwnerEmail, 'ow...@url.tld');

Set($LogToSyslog, debug);
Set($LogToScreen, debug);
Set($LogToFile, debug);

Set($CanonicalizeOnCreate, 1);

Set($ValidateUserEmailAddresses, 1);
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'AD'

Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'AD'

Set($ExternalSettings,  {   
   'AD'   =  {   
'type'  =  'ldap',
'server'=  'ad.tld',
'user'  =  'CN=user,OU=Group User 
'pass'=  'bindingpassword',
'base'  =  'DC=ad,DC=tld',
# The filter to use to match RT-Users
'filter'=  '(objectClass=*)',
'd_filter'  =  
# Should we try to use TLS to encrypt connections?
'tls'   =  0,
# SSL Version to provide to Net::SSLeay *if* using SSL
'ssl_version'   =  3,
# What other args should I pass to 
'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3   ],
# Does authentication depend on group membership? What 
group name?
#'group' =  'Internal Site Access',
# What is the attribute for the group object that 
determines membership?
#'group_attr'=  'memberOf',
# The list of RT attributes that uniquely identify a 
# This example shows what you *can* specify.. I 
recommend reducing this
# to just the Name and EmailAddress to save 
encountering problems later.
'attr_match_list'   = ['Name',
# The mapping of RT attributes on to LDAP attributes
'attr_map'  =  {   'Name' = 
'EmailAddress' = 
'Organization' = 
'RealName' = 

'ExternalContactInfoId' = 'dn',
'ExternalAuthId' = 

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-16 Thread Thomas Misilo

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 12:28:05PM -0500, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
 Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'AD'
 Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'AD'

Those are the same config setting twice, you haven't set InfoPriority so it'll 
never sync data.


Thanks Kevin. Didn't even realize I copied the same line twice.

Everything seems to be working great now!


RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] Specify Default Requestor

2011-11-16 Thread Thomas Misilo

Is it possible to set the requestor to the user submitting the ticket by 

As I am trying to use the self service page, but after submitting the ticket it 
doesn't show up, as there is no requestor set.



RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] Multiple Groups to Check

2011-11-16 Thread Thomas Misilo
Is it possible to check multiple groups in the LDAP configuration line group?



RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] RT4 and CAS

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with using RT with CAS 
Authentication or if it is even possible?



RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo
Is there any special trick other than having:

   # The mapping of RT attributes on to LDAP attributes
 'attr_map'  =  {   'Name' = 'cn',
 'EmailAddress' = 
 'RealName' = 
'ExternalAuthId' = 'cn',
'Gecos' = 'cn'

In your config to get the email? As it pulls Gecos correctly, but nothing else, 
Including ExternalAuthId.

Thanks for any ideas.


RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:24:50AM -0500, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
Is there any special trick other than having:
   # The mapping of RT attributes on to LDAP attributes
 'attr_map'  =  {   'Name' = 
 'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
 'RealName' = 'displayName',
'ExternalAuthId' = 'cn',
'Gecos' = 'cn'
In your config to get the email? As it pulls Gecos correctly, but nothing 
 else, Including

As long as those are the right attributes, and you have rights to read the ldap 
recpard, it should be fine.

The debug logs list what data is pulled from LDAP so you can confirm.

I turned on debug via:

Set($LogToSyslog, debug);
Set($LogToScreen, debug);
Set($LogToFile, 1);

And I am getting more data in the apache log, but I do not see anything that 
lists the specific attributes it is getting.

I can browse and read the attributes using ldp in windows.

Thanks for any help,


RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Misilo
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:24:50AM -0500, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
Is there any special trick other than having:
   # The mapping of RT attributes on to LDAP attributes
 'attr_map'  =  {   'Name' = 
 'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
 'RealName' = 'displayName',
'ExternalAuthId' = 'cn',
'Gecos' = 'cn'
In your config to get the email? As it pulls Gecos correctly, but nothing 
 else, Including

As long as those are the right attributes, and you have rights to read the ldap 
recpard, it should be fine.

The debug logs list what data is pulled from LDAP so you can confirm.

I turned on debug via:

Set($LogToSyslog, debug);
Set($LogToScreen, debug);
Set($LogToFile, 1);

And I am getting more data in the apache log, but I do not see anything that 
lists the specific attributes it is getting.

I can browse and read the attributes using ldp in windows.

Thanks for any help,


Okay I think I see what my problem is. 

In the log is see == Attrs: displayName,mail,cn,cn,cn and when I try and 
select the attributes like that from the AD it doesn't find them. They are 
separated by ; I believe with windows AD.

RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 11:55:41AM -0500, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
 Okay I think I see what my problem is. 
 In the log is see == Attrs: displayName,mail,cn,cn,cn and when I try and 
 select the attributes like that from the AD it doesn't find them. They are 
 separated by ; I believe with windows AD.

That's a debugging convention, not the literal command sent.
The filter is right above it in the logs.

The usual next step is to run ldapsearch manually with the filter and see what 
you get back


Okay I ran;

ldapsearch -h server-x -b dc=server,dc=tld -D CN=user,OU=Group User 
Accounts,OU=Groups ,DC=server,DC=tld -W  ((cn=userIwant)) displayName mail 

and it displays correctly the following:

cn: userIwant
displayName: Name
mail: useriw...@server.tld

I have tried changing line 304 in to join with spaces, but that doesn't 


RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] External Auth (LDAP) and Mail Attribute

2011-11-15 Thread Thomas Misilo

Also - to be clear, you're concentrating on the part of the code that checks 
to see if a user exists.  You're not looking at the later queries that 
*actually* sync the data.


Okay, I have looked through and checked everything but I cannot any errors in 

I see this line: [Tue Nov 15 20:19:22 2011] [debug]: Authentication successful. 
Now updating user information and attempting login. 
 but it doesn't talk about any of my mappings.



RT Training Sessions (
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011