Hello all,

Here is a quick/dirty patch for "html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips"
(from rt-v3.6) to give users (Actors) an interface to prevent
(Squelch) future emails from being sent to themselves for an
individual ticket.

RT appeared to have a way to Update(.html) the ticket to squelch
emails sent to other users on individual tickets, but didn't have a
way for any user to opt-out of future emails sent to themselves
(unless NotifyActor=1 was set). ?

This patch just adds another checkbox at the bottom of "Update.html"
that allows users (Authors) to silence (squelch) themselves, if they
aren't already squelched.

I wanted this because I automatically add a large Group to the AdminCC
for each new ticket, and wanted a way for users to opt-out of all the
emails for a ticket without having to delete the Group from the
AdminCC and manually add ALL the other users that were in that Group
back as AdminCCs.

Perhaps this capability already exists, and/or perhaps there's a
better way to do this, but I couldn't find it, so here's what I came
up with.


Thor Kooda
--- /usr/share/request-tracker3.6/html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips    2007-04-24 12:21:42.000000000 -0500
+++ /usr/local/share/request-tracker3.6/html/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips      2009-07-30 14:18:03.000000000 -0500
@@ -130,4 +130,18 @@
 <% $recipient->Content %>
 % }
+%# tkooda : 2009-07-30 : add any unsquelched actor email address to list of available checkboxes
+% my $actor_is_squelched = 0;
+% foreach my $recipient (@non_recipients) {
+%   $actor_is_squelched = 1 if ( $recipient->Content eq $session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress );
+% }
+% if ( not $actor_is_squelched ) {
+<br />
+<i><&|/l&>(Check box to disable notifications to yourself)</&></i><br />
+<li><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="Ticket-<%$TicketObj->id%>-SquelchMailTo" value="<%$session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress%>" /> <%$session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress%>
+% }
 <& /Elements/Submit, Value => 'UpdatePreview', Label => loc('Save changes')&>  

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