[rt-users] About CMBD and RT

2012-04-30 Thread Daniel Garcia Mejia

At my company we would like our system RT was associated with a CMBD 
(Configuration management database). There is some type a perfect kind 
of CMBD for RTor there exist a module that do this ?

I've been looking but have not found anything ...



   / /   Daniel García Mejía
 C E / S / C A   Portals i Repositoris
 /_/ Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
T. NULL · F. 93 205 6979 · dgar...@cesca.cat
Facebook (http://on.fb.me/vPv3oN) · Twitter @CE5CA · Linkedin
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[rt-users] About CMBD and RT

2012-04-30 Thread Daniel Garcia Mejia
*configuration management 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Configuration_management database

At my company we would like our system RT was associated with a CMBD 
(Configuration management database). There is some type a perfect kind 
of CMBD for RTor there exist a module that do this ?

I've been looking but have not found anything ...



   / /   Daniel García Mejía
 C E / S / C A   Portals i Repositoris
 /_/ Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
T. NULL · F. 93 205 6979 · dgar...@cesca.cat
Facebook (http://on.fb.me/vPv3oN) · Twitter @CE5CA · Linkedin
Subscriu-te al butlletí (www.cesca.cat/butlleti)
