Re: [rt-users] Errors in fixdeps

2011-06-10 Thread Ich Wersonst
Thanks. It worked.

Now I'd like to install RT within the LAMPP environment so I used the following 
command to configure it:

./configure --prefix=/opt/rt3 --with-web-user=rt_user --with-web-group=rt 

ith-db-type=mysql --with-rt-group=rt 

I also initialized the database, but the database instance rt3 was 
however installed in the other MySQL-Server which is located in 

How can I configure the destination for the LAMPP-MySQL-Server I want to use to 
install the rt-database? 

Do I have to configure also any other files in order to use the Apache Server 
within LAMPP?


--- Kevin Falcone schrieb am Mi, 8.6.2011:

Von: Kevin Falcone
Betreff: Re: [rt-users] Errors in fixdeps
Datum: Mittwoch, 8. Juni, 2011 13:46 Uhr

On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 01:15:14PM +0100, Ich Wersonst wrote:
    I am using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (i586) and LAMPP 1.7.4.
    I tried to install RT 4.0.0.
    When I tried to fix the Perl dependencies via the command `make fixdeps`
    I got the following message:
        HTML::Mason ...MISSING
            Can't locate Class/ in @INC (@INC contains:
    /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0
    /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /root/Desktop/rt-4.0.0) at
    /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ line 44.
        Digest::MD5 = 2.27 ...found
        JSON ...found

This error implies that you've got HTML::Mason installed without one
of the supporting modules (I'm not sure how you did that)

You should try cpan'ing Class::Container


Re: [rt-users] Errors in fixdeps

2011-06-10 Thread Kevin Falcone
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 09:01:50AM +0100, Ich Wersonst wrote:
Thanks. It worked.
Now I'd like to install RT within the LAMPP environment so I used the 
 following command to
configure it:
./configure --prefix=/opt/rt3 --with-web-user=rt_user --with-web-group=rt 
ith-db-type=mysql --with-rt-group=rt 
I also initialized the database, but the database instance rt3 was 
 however installed in the
other MySQL-Server which is located in /var/lib/mysql/mysql.
How can I configure the destination for the LAMPP-MySQL-Server I want to 
 use to install the
Do I have to configure also any other files in order to use the Apache 
 Server within LAMPP?

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by LAMPP but you may find the output
of ./configure --help useful if you need to tell RT to connect to a
remote database host.


Description: PGP signature

[rt-users] Errors in fixdeps

2011-06-08 Thread Ich Wersonst

I am using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (i586) and LAMPP 1.7.4.

I tried to install RT 4.0.0.

When I tried to fix the Perl dependencies via the command `make fixdeps`
I got the following message:

/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --install --with-mysql 
    =5.8.3(5.10.0) ...found
    rt group (rt) ...found
    bin owner (root) ...found
    libs owner (root) ...found
    libs group (bin) ...found
    web owner (rt_user) ...found
    web group (rt) ...found
CLI dependencies:
    Term::ReadKey ...found
    Getopt::Long = 2.24 ...found
    HTTP::Request::Common ...found
    Term::ReadLine ...found
    Text::ParseWords ...found
    LWP ...found
CORE dependencies:
    DateTime = 0.44 ...found
    Class::ReturnValue = 0.40 ...found
    Text::Quoted = 2.02 ...found
    Regexp::IPv6 ...found
    CSS::Squish = 0.06 ...found
    Encode = 2.39 ...found
    DateTime::Locale = 0.40 ...found
    Module::Versions::Report = 1.05 ...found
    MIME::Entity = 5.425 ...found
    Digest::SHA ...found
    List::MoreUtils ...found
    DBI = 1.37 ...found
    Locale::Maketext::Lexicon = 0.32 ...found
    Devel::StackTrace = 1.19 ...found
    Digest::base ...found
    Text::Password::Pronounceable ...found
    Devel::GlobalDestruction ...found
    Time::ParseDate ...found
    File::Temp = 0.19 ...found
    Locale::Maketext = 1.06 ...found
    Tree::Simple = 1.04 ...found
    Text::Template = 1.44 ...found
    Scalar::Util ...found
    HTML::Quoted ...found
    HTML::Scrubber = 0.08 ...found
    File::Spec = 0.8 ...found
    DBIx::SearchBuilder = 1.59 ...found
    Sys::Syslog = 0.16 ...found
    Mail::Mailer = 1.57 ...found
    File::ShareDir ...found
    Regexp::Common ...found
    Digest::MD5 = 2.27 ...found
    HTML::Entities ...found
    Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry ...found
    File::Glob ...found
    Class::Accessor = 0.34 ...found
    Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy ...found
    Time::HiRes ...found
    Text::Wrapper ...found
    Regexp::Common::net::CIDR ...found
    Net::CIDR ...found
    Log::Dispatch = 2.23 ...found
    UNIVERSAL::require ...found
    Email::Address ...found
DASHBOARDS dependencies:
    HTML::RewriteAttributes = 0.04 ...found
    MIME::Types ...found
FASTCGI dependencies:
    FCGI::ProcManager ...found
    FCGI ...found
GPG dependencies:
    PerlIO::eol ...found
    GnuPG::Interface ...found
ICAL dependencies:
    Data::ICal ...found
MAILGATE dependencies:
    Pod::Usage ...found
    HTML::TreeBuilder ...found
    Getopt::Long ...found
    HTML::FormatText ...found
    LWP::UserAgent ...found
MASON dependencies:
    Storable = 2.08 ...found
    CSS::Squish = 0.06 ...found
    Apache::Session = 1.53 ...found
    Errno ...found
    Devel::StackTrace = 1.19 ...found
    JavaScript::Minifier ...found
    IPC::Run3 ...found
    CGI::Cookie = 1.20 ...found
    Text::WikiFormat = 0.76 ...found
    XML::RSS = 1.05 ...found
    HTML::Mason ...MISSING
        Can't locate Class/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl 
/root/Desktop/rt-4.0.0) at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ line 44.
    Digest::MD5 = 2.27 ...found
    JSON ...found

Install module HTML::Mason
CPAN: File::HomeDir loaded ok (v0.97)
CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.199)
CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.73)
Going to read /root/.cpan/build/
Found 74 old builds, restored the state of 74
Database was generated on Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:25:06 GMT
HTML::Mason is up to date (1.45).
MYSQL dependencies:
    DBD::mysql = 2.1018 ...found
PSGI dependencies:
    CGI::Emulate::PSGI ...found
    CGI = 3.38 ...found
    CGI::PSGI = 0.12 ...found
    HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler ...MISSING
        Attempt to reload HTML/ aborted.
    Plack = 0.9971 ...found
    Plack::Handler::Starlet ...found

Install module HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler is up to date (0.52).
SMTP dependencies:
    Net::SMTP ...found
USERLOGO dependencies:
    Convert::Color ...found

PSGI missing dependencies:
    HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler ...MISSING
        Attempt to reload HTML/ aborted.
MASON missing dependencies:
    HTML::Mason ...MISSING
        Can't locate Class/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl 
/root/Desktop/rt-4.0.0) at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ line 44.
make: *** [fixdeps] Fehler 1

So I tried to 

Re: [rt-users] Errors in fixdeps

2011-06-08 Thread Bart

This is what I did under Debian:

First install a few extra packages: (needed for the GD perl module)

aptitude install libgd2-xpm libgd2-xpm-dev

Now first run cpan in order to configure it:


 Do the automatic thingy, after that you'll have to edit the cpan config in
 order to make the next part a hell of allot easyer:

 nano -w /etc/perl/CPAN/

 Inside the config there are two ask parameters, remove the ask part and
 make sure it only contains yes.
 I'm doing this because the following steps are going to install allot of
 perl modules and hitting return every minute or so is just too annoying.

 Then, check what dependencies your missing, this is CPAN based:

 make testdeps

 Make sure this var is set, make fixdeps won't work without it:

 RT_FIX_DEPS_CMD='/usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -einstall %s'

 Now install all the depencencies by using the fixdeps parameter, this runs
 via CPAN:

 make fixdeps

 * The fixdeps part will take a while and you might have to run it several
 times. (sometimes you still have to hit yes or enter)

 To finalize fixdeps you'll have to install allot of stuff manually, below
 is a list of the things I've installed that made me pass the testdeps:

 cpan YAML
 cpan CPAN::Shell
 cpan YAML::Syck
 cpan GD
 cpan CPAN::DistnameInfo

 make fixdeps

 cpan Class::Data::Inheritable
 cpan Exception::Class
 cpan Log::Any
 cpan Test::Tester
 cpan Test::NoWarnings
 cpan Test::Deep
 cpan HTTP::Body
 cpan Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML
 cpan Test::SharedFork
 cpan Filesys::Notify::Simple
 cpan Test::Requires
 cpan Try::Tiny
 cpan Hash::MultiValue
 cpan Test::TCP
 cpan Class::Inspector
 cpan File::ShareDir
 cpan Plack

 make fixdeps

 cpan Class::Accessor::Chained
 cpan Text::vFile::asData
 cpan Tree::DAG_Node
 cpan Sub::Uplevel
 cpan Test::Warn
 cpan Test::LongString
 cpan Data::ICal

 make fixdeps

 cpan List::UtilsBy
 cpan Convert::Color
 cpan Mouse
 cpan Any::Moose
 cpan GnuPG::Interface

 make fixdeps

 cpan Digest::SHA1
 cpan Error
 cpan Cache::Cache
 cpan Module::Metadata
 cpan JSON::PP
 cpan Version::Requirements
 cpan CPAN::Meta::YAML
 cpan Perl::OSType
 cpan Parse::CPAN::Meta
 cpan CPAN::Meta
 cpan Module::Build
 cpan Params::Validate
 cpan Class::Container
 cpan HTML::Mason
 cpan HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler

 make fixdeps

 cpan Proc::Wait3
 cpan Scope::Guard
 cpan Server::Starter
 cpan Class::Accessor::Lite
 cpan Parallel::Prefork
 cpan Plack::Handler::Starlet

 make fixdeps

 cpan Class::Singleton
 cpan Test::Fatal
 cpan Class::Load
 cpan DateTime::TimeZone
 cpan Test::Exception
 cpan Math::Round
 cpan DateTime

 make fixdeps

 cpan Params::Util
 cpan Sub::Install
 cpan Data::OptList
 cpan Sub::Exporter
 cpan Devel::GlobalDestruction

 make fixdeps

 cpan Text::Reform
 cpan Text::Autoformat
 cpan Text::Quoted

 make fixdeps

 cpan FreezeThaw
 cpan DBIx::DBSchema
 cpan Want
 cpan DBD::SQLite
 cpan Clone
 cpan capitalization
 cpan DBIx::SearchBuilder
 cpan DateTime::Format::W3CDTF
 cpan Test::Manifest
 cpan DateTime::Format::Mail
 cpan XML::Parser
 cpan XML::RSS

 make fixdeps

The cpan part should be the same for suse, it's an annoying job but this
worked for me.

Check the debian thread in the rt-users e-mail archive for the entire
installation proces, there are also other comments that might prove usefull.

Best regards,


2011/6/8 Ich Wersonst


 I am using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (i586) and LAMPP 1.7.4.

 I tried to install RT 4.0.0.

 When I tried to fix the Perl dependencies via the command `make fixdeps`
 I got the following message:

 /usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --install --with-mysql
 =5.8.3(5.10.0) ...found
 rt group (rt) ...found
 bin owner (root) ...found
 libs owner (root) ...found
 libs group (bin) ...found
 web owner (rt_user) ...found
 web group (rt) ...found
 CLI dependencies:
 Term::ReadKey ...found
 Getopt::Long = 2.24 ...found
 HTTP::Request::Common ...found
 Term::ReadLine ...found
 Text::ParseWords ...found
 LWP ...found
 CORE dependencies:
 DateTime = 0.44 ...found
 Class::ReturnValue = 0.40 ...found
 Text::Quoted = 2.02 ...found
 Regexp::IPv6 ...found
 CSS::Squish = 0.06 ...found
 Encode = 2.39 ...found
 DateTime::Locale = 0.40 ...found
 Module::Versions::Report = 1.05 ...found
 MIME::Entity = 5.425 ...found
 Digest::SHA ...found
 List::MoreUtils ...found
 DBI = 1.37 ...found
 Locale::Maketext::Lexicon = 0.32 ...found

Re: [rt-users] Errors in fixdeps

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Falcone
On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 01:15:14PM +0100, Ich Wersonst wrote:
I am using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (i586) and LAMPP 1.7.4.
I tried to install RT 4.0.0.
When I tried to fix the Perl dependencies via the command `make fixdeps`
I got the following message:
Can't locate Class/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /root/Desktop/rt-4.0.0) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ line 44.
Digest::MD5 = 2.27 ...found
JSON ...found

This error implies that you've got HTML::Mason installed without one
of the supporting modules (I'm not sure how you did that)

You should try cpan'ing Class::Container


Description: PGP signature