Hi All

Currently I am using a wget/perl script to generate static html pages
so that my crawler can index those html files. However `wget/perl'
script is giving my mysql a jump from a usual 1% cpu to now--when I
run the script--27% cpu.

Is there a less expensive way (RT way) to generate exact static
replica of a default ticket page--look and feel as well?

I am using a `for loop' and `rt show ticket/id' to generate a list of
valid ticket numbers and the
createstatic.pl file takes those numbers as arguments and creates
static html files.

for example I am assuming--not sure how to get the latest ticket id
otherwise--my latest ticket id is 400000. So I run

for i in `seq 1 400000`; do rt show ticket/$i | grep -q id && echo $i
; done >> tickets

Then I run the next `for loop' to generate the static html pages

for t in `cat tickets ` ; do perl createstatic.pl $t >
/var/apache/htdocs/tickets/${t}.html; sleep 2; done

So now my crawler can index the static pages.

Here is my createstatic.pl attached


Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu

use strict;

my $_WGET = "/usr/local/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -q -O -";
my $BASE = "https://rt.host.net/Ticket";;
my $USERNAME = "staticuser";
my $PASSWORD = "staticpass";

my $ticketID = $ARGV[0];

my $QUERY = "${BASE}/Display.html?id=${ticketID}". #->
open (INFILE, "${_WGET} '${QUERY}' |") || die "Unable to open '${_WGET}' $!";
while (my $line = <INFILE>) {
        if ($line =~ /<TITLE>[^<]*<\/TITLE>/) { # Title Of Page
                print "${line}<base href=\"${BASE}\">\n";
        } elsif ($line =~ /<b>Ticket metadata<\/b>/) {
                print "<a href=\"https://rt.host.net/Ticket";. #->
                        "/Display.html?id=${ticketID}\">". #->
                        "This is a cached copy of this page.  ". #->
                        "Click here to view live ticket</a><br>\n${line}";
        print $line;
close (INFILE);

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