

I am trying to set a custom field based on an incoming mail. Part of the code looks like this:


my $CF_Obj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);

my $cf_name = "Skill";

$CF_Obj->LoadByName( Name => $cf_name, Queue => '0',);

my ($retcode, $msg) = $CF_Obj->AddValueForObject( Object  => $self->TicketObj,

                          Content => $cf_value, );

$RT::Logger->debug("Return code [$retcode] Msg [$msg]\n");


The scrip gets executed, however the custom field won’t be set, because the permission is denied.

The user is RT_System, but I can’t seem to find where I can set the ‘ModifyCustomField’ right for this user.


Can someone please help me?


Alain Sips


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