Former Cowboys safety to coach football at Harvest Christian

06:39 PM CST on Saturday, January 24, 2004

By RICK KRETZSCHMAR / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

George Teague slowly walks around the Harvest Christian weight room. His face is relaxed as he helps athletes with lifting weights and running on a treadmill. He even cracks a little smile.

It's different from his NFL playing days, when his determined looks on the sideline foreshadowed intensity on the field, accompanied with many big hits. It's also quite a change from Teague's original plans.

"I said I would never coach on the high school level. The NFL. That's where all my leads were going," Teague said. "But for whatever reason, God has sent me to where I need to be."

Teague started his head-coaching career at Harvest Christian this week. It starts a new phase of life for the former NFL safety, who played nine years for the Cowboys, Green Bay Packers and Miami Dolphins.

In his playing career in the NFL, and at the University of Alabama, Teague was exposed to several standout coaches, including Jimmy Johnson and Gene Stallings.

Teague said he hopes is style includes elements from Johnson, Dave Campo and Dick Jauron. Campo is a former coach for the Cowboys. Jauron, who was recently fired as the coach of the Chicago Bears, was a defensive backs coach when Teague played for the Packers.

"Coach Jauron was very understanding. He's a players' coach," Teague said. "Campo is a little fireplug, a great motivator.

"Jimmy Johnson is the dictator, the guy with the authority."

Teague replaces Rick Jackson, who resigned in November. Teague was a volunteer assistant coach under Jackson last season.

Harvest Christian athletic director Ray DeBord said Jackson resigned for personal reasons. Jackson was 9-13 in two seasons at Harvest Christian, including a playoff berth in 2002. Jackson could not be reached for comment.

DeBord said he was sad to see Jackson go, especially since he coached Jackson in football in L.D. Bell in the 1970s.

In Teague however, DeBord said his school has a rare opportunity with Teague's background. DeBord said he asked Teague in early December, around the Harvest Classic basketball tournament. DeBord said he expects an impact for the school in students wanting to come to Harvest Christian to play under Teague.

"If I had a chance to play for George Teague, I would do it in a drop of a hat," DeBord said.

Teague will coordinate Harvest Christian's senior and junior high football programs. He will also coordinate the school's weight-lifting program.

Teague has a son, James, who is in the fifth grade at Harvest Christian and could play for Harvest Christian's junior high program next season. Teague said a chance to possibly coach his son was a factor, but not a primary factor in taking the job. Teague also has a 4-year-old daughter, Jada, who could enroll this fall or in 2005.

Teague said he plans on designing specific training plans for boys and girls that focus on their particular sport.

Sharon Mitchell, a junior cheerleader, said there is already an excitement through the athletic program because of Teague.

Austin Berry, a sophomore who plays quarterback and free safety for the football team, said he expects weight training to be emphasized throughout program.

Berry got a taste of Teague's coaching style last fall and said that Teague does not have a laid back attitude toward the game.

"He's not gentle, but he will joke around with the team," Berry said. "What he wants is for you to do your best."

There are still organizational parts of Teague's job to be done. He is still looking to fill out his assistant coaches without a phone line.

He'll also be making considerably less money if he had gone to a large public school, and a small fraction of what he made in the NFL.

Yet there may not be a value for what Teague is getting.

"This opportunity, when you get your own deal ... it's just exciting," Teague said.

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