[Rails] Re: require_role on a per action basis

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Consider restful_authentication and rolerequirement

On May 26, 4:01 pm, Mike Buckley 
> I am working on an app that has three roles (user, admin, business). I
> have the situation where all three roles interact with the same
> controller, but have access to different actions. Some actions are
> authorized for 2 roles (admin, business), and others are only authorized
> for one role (administrator).
> Does anyone know if there is a commonly used pattern for security on a
> per action basis?
> What I would like to do is be able to map which roles are authorized to
> call which actions and be able to call a :before_filter in my
> controller.
> In my head I'm thinking of something like
> before_filter :authorize_action => :except [:public_action1,
> :public_action2]
> Thanks for any input.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] IIS, Net::HTTP::Get, and Basic Authentication

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

I'm getting a 401.2 from IIS
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the
credentials that you supplied because your Web browser is sending a
WWW-Authenticate header field that the Web server is not configured to
 The sysadmin says that basic auth is enabled. Is there something
special about how rails handles basic auth? Is there a way for me to
see what the server actually gets and what the headers say is

My Code:
  def get_wsdl(url=nil)
return false if url.nil?
url = URI.parse(url) unless url.is_a?(URI)

connection = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
connection.use_ssl = true
connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

connection.start do |http|
  req = Net::HTTP::Get.new("#{url.path}?#{url.query}")
  req.basic_auth 'username','password'
  puts http.request(req).body

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[Rails] Re: Active Resource custom method using POST

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

I may just go to the command line with curl - that seems to work
without a hitch.
Also, for anyone looking at creating a POST body, the code I posted
previously for converting a hash to POST body can be completely
replaced with {hash}.to_param. In my case:
body = input.to_param

Good luck -

On May 26, 9:28 am, BenH  wrote:
> I've written a small piece of code that is supposed to place an order
> in a order handling system. get, put and delete functions are working
> great but I cannot get post to function at all... the error I get back
> from the code below is 400 (bad request). I think it has something to
> do with the headers but I don't know how to get more info out of this.
> Is there a problem with the way I am handling the post method?
> Thank you for your input!!
> Ben
> ###
> class User < ActiveResource::Base
>   self.site = "http://www.a_restful_api.com/api/";
>   self.element_name = "user"
>   self.format = :json
>   def place_order(input)
>     # ... handle input constraints. input is a hash
>     # parse the hash to end up with "key=value&key=value&key=value"
>     body = ""
>     input.keys.sort.each do |k|
>       if k == input.keys.sort.first
>         body += %Q{#{k}=#{input[k]}}
>       else
>         body += %Q{&#{k}=#{input[k]}}
>       end
>     end
>     user = User.find_by_remote_id(self.user_id)
>     header ||= make_header(user) # this function returns a hash with
> the various elements in the header
>     method_string = "#{self.class.prefix}#{self.class.collection_name}/
> #{self.user_id}/store/orders"
>     resp = connection.post(method_string,body,header)
> end
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[Rails] Re: String Manipulation

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Try this:
words = "Kid games need to be both fun and educational. Aimed at ages
pre-K through middle school, safe environment to discover their
abilities and learn new skills with interactive and fun computer
games. Our games build skills in math, logic, memory, vocabulary,
alphabet, spelling, geography, computer skills, color identification,
shape identification and other various problem solving. Our commitment
to parents, teachers, and kids, is to connect earning and skill
building with a sense of challenge, fun, and self esteem."

line_length = 10

word_arry = words.split(" ")

text = (0..(words.length / line_length)).inject([]) {|v,num| start =
num * line_length; v << %Q{<= #{words[(start)...(start +
line_length)].join(" ")} =>}}


Shame on me...

On May 26, 3:45 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser  wrote:
> Ruby One wrote:
> [...]
> > I am newbee so do not much syntax and loops can you please help me i
> > that.
> > thanks
> Check out the "pickaxe book" (Programming Ruby, available on the Web).
> Pay particular attention to regular expressions, the String class
> (especially the split and join methods), the Array class, and looping
> constructs such as each.  Then try writing your function.  If something
> goes wrong that you can't figure out, tell us what you tried, and what
> errors or other output you got.
> Good luck!
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
> mar...@marnen.org
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: I need support it is urgent

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

filemodel.extension = File.extname("/some/path/myfile.xls") # output
is ".xls"

Do you mean instead that you would like to store an xls file? If so
check out acts_as_attachment, attachment_fu or file_column plugins.


On May 26, 3:39 am, railsrao  wrote:
> Hi every one
> I need help , i have a application ofhttp://www.projectlaika.org/
> i need to store a xls file extension please provide how to do make a
> list of steps if possible and i hope to get reply as soon as possible.
> Thanks
> team
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[Rails] Re: String Manipulation

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Is the point of your post to display the text at fixed line widths?

On May 26, 2:01 pm, Ruby One  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Help needed urgently
> Example: this could be the string.
> Kid games need to be both fun and educational. Aimed at ages pre-K
> through middle school, safe environment to discover their abilities and
> learn new skills with interactive and fun computer games. Our games
> build skills in math, logic, memory, vocabulary, alphabet, spelling,
> geography, computer skills, color identification, shape identification
> and other various problem solving. Our commitment to parents, teachers,
> and kids, is to connect learning and skill building with a sense of
> challenge, fun, and self esteem.
> Output
> Kid games need to be both fun and educational. Aimed at ages pre-K
> through =>
> <= middle school, safe environment to discover their abilities and learn
> new =>
> <= skills with interactive and fun computer games. Our games build
> skills in =>
> .
> .
> => a sense of challenge, fun, and self esteem.
> Regards and thanks
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: ruby and MySql

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Does the database exist that you are connecting to?
#> mysqladmin create temp_development

also ensure you have the mysql gem installed (current versions of
rails require the native gem)

#> sudo gem install mysql

lastly make sure your project can communicate with the database
rake db:migrate

If all is well the only thing you should have to do in the future is
ensure the database exists with the mysqladmin command.

On May 26, 2:04 pm, William Downs 
> Hi there - new to RoR but very excited about it indeed -
> I have just manged to install everything.
> However, when I browse tohttp://localhost:3000/then click the "About
> your application’s environment" - from the console I get :
>   Status: 500 Internal Server Error
>   no such file to load -- mysql
> Perhaps someone can tell from my configuration what is wrong ??? What I
> may be missing ??
> My configuration is
>     * Mac OSX 10.4.11
>     * Ruby - v 1.8.6
>     * Rails
>     * Mongrel
>     * RubyGems 1.3.3
>     * MYSQL 5.0.27
> database.yml file =
> development:
>   adapter: mysql
>   encoding: utf8
>   database: temp_development
>   username: root
>   password:
>   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
> # Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
> # re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
> # Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
> test:
>   adapter: mysql
>   encoding: utf8
>   database: temp_test
>   username: root
>   password:
>   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
> production:
>   adapter: mysql
>   encoding: utf8
>   database: temp_production
>   username: root
>   password:
>   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
> Many thanks in advance
> Glorifindal
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: library for URL parameters adding, removing, or replacing?

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

URL paramaters are usually passed as a hash, with that if a new key
matches and existing key the new key/value pair will overwrite the
existing key/value pair thus preventing duplicate entries.


On May 26, 11:47 am, Jian Lin 
> i think PHP doesn't have such simple functions yet...  does Ruby have
> it?
> if in PHP, when we add a param to the URL
> $redirectURL = $printPageURL . "?mode=1";
> it works if $printPageURL is "http://www.somesite.com/print.php";, but if
> $printPageURL is changed in the global file to
> "http://www.somesite.com/print.php?newUser=1";, then the URL becomes
> badly formed. If the project has 300 files and there are 30 files that
> append param this way, we need to change all 30 files.
> the same if we append using "&mode=1" and $printPageURL changes from
> "http://www.somesite.com/print.php?new=1"; to
> "http://www.somesite.com/print.php";, then the URL is also badly formed.
> is there a library in Ruby/Rails that will automatically handle the "?"
> and "&", and even checks that existing param exists already and removed
> that one because it will be replaced by the later one and it is not good
> if the URL keeps on growing longer?
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: memcache for variables

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Except in the collection you actually would put [u.name,u.id]

On May 26, 11:33 am, BenH  wrote:
> in your config/environment/development.rb file (or whatever
> environement your are configuring)
> config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
> Depending on how much memory you want to consume you can either load
> your whole user model, the name to ID collection or just the users
> that log in.
> In the User model do something like:
> def self.names
>   Rails.cache.fetch('user_names', :expires_in => 3600)
> {User.all.collect {|u| [u.id,u.name]}} # names are cached for 1hr
> (3600 seconds)
> end
> again in your controller:
> def list
>   @names ||= User.names.sort
> end
> in your view:
> <% @names.each do |name| -%>
>   <%= name[0] -%>
> <% end -%>
> If the names aren't cached or the cache is older than the one hour
> defined in the model then the fetch method knows to go grab them
> afresh.
> I'm using memcache in a more complex manner with full objects and it
> works like a charm - as a matter of fact this has taken common
> requests for fetching data completely off of the database. I rebuild
> the cache without using expiration by implementing callbacks on
> modification of the underlying data - this has taken load times for
> data intensive / cmplex data sets from 20+ seconds down to an
> imperceivable delay... makes clients happy to see that kind of
> improvement. :)
> Naturally you will need to have the memcache service running somewhere
> in your environment.
> Hope that helps
> Ben
> On May 26, 4:05 am, wakathane  wrote:
> > hey,
> > for performance reasons i want to cache (template) variables using
> > memcache, making access to data easy in templates by using a simple
> > syntax like <%=users(2).name%>. this actually should tell the view to
> > load the field 'name' from the model/table 'users' with id=2. it first
> > tries memcache and if not found, loads the data from the and stores it
> > in memcache.
> > has anyone done this before, any ready to use plugins available? :).
> > if not, any ideas/suggestions on how to implement this best in ror?
> > caching partials or whole actions is not an option because of too
> > complex dependencies.
> > thanks
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[Rails] Re: memcache for variables

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

in your config/environment/development.rb file (or whatever
environement your are configuring)

config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store

Depending on how much memory you want to consume you can either load
your whole user model, the name to ID collection or just the users
that log in.

In the User model do something like:

def self.names
  Rails.cache.fetch('user_names', :expires_in => 3600)
{User.all.collect {|u| [u.id,u.name]}} # names are cached for 1hr
(3600 seconds)

again in your controller:

def list
  @names ||= User.names.sort

in your view:
<% @names.each do |name| -%>
  <%= name[0] -%>
<% end -%>

If the names aren't cached or the cache is older than the one hour
defined in the model then the fetch method knows to go grab them

I'm using memcache in a more complex manner with full objects and it
works like a charm - as a matter of fact this has taken common
requests for fetching data completely off of the database. I rebuild
the cache without using expiration by implementing callbacks on
modification of the underlying data - this has taken load times for
data intensive / cmplex data sets from 20+ seconds down to an
imperceivable delay... makes clients happy to see that kind of
improvement. :)

Naturally you will need to have the memcache service running somewhere
in your environment.
Hope that helps

On May 26, 4:05 am, wakathane  wrote:
> hey,
> for performance reasons i want to cache (template) variables using
> memcache, making access to data easy in templates by using a simple
> syntax like <%=users(2).name%>. this actually should tell the view to
> load the field 'name' from the model/table 'users' with id=2. it first
> tries memcache and if not found, loads the data from the and stores it
> in memcache.
> has anyone done this before, any ready to use plugins available? :).
> if not, any ideas/suggestions on how to implement this best in ror?
> caching partials or whole actions is not an option because of too
> complex dependencies.
> thanks
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[Rails] Re: dump and import MySQL table w/ accents

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

Ensure your database.yml file has a line like:

encoding: utf8

On May 26, 10:50 am, "Jeffrey L. Taylor" 
> I am switching to a composite primary key (string and user ID) from the Rails
> conventional auto-incrementing integer primary ID.  The table is large (2.5
> million records) and I'd rather not discard the contents.  The
> composite_primary_key gem doesn't appear to support altering the table with a
> migration to do its magic, only creating a table from scratch.  So I dumped
> the table with mysqldump, ran the migration (table looks good), and am trying
> to repopulate the table.  It has accented characters and is complaining about
> duplicates, apparently around words with and without accents, e.g., 'jose' and
> 'josé'.  I've been deleting one by hand from the dump, but it is tedious and
> very slow.  Emacs crawls when dealing with very large files with very long
> lines.
> I just don't understand why the accents are causing problems.  The string
> column is utf8_general_ci collation, just like other fields in the database
> with strings with accents.  What do I need to specify so it will import the
> dump?  Is there a problem with strings with accents in composite indexes?
> The table is created with a Rails migration, but everything else is pure MySQL
> utilities.
> TIA,
>   Jeffrey
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[Rails] Active Resource custom method using POST

2009-05-26 Thread BenH

I've written a small piece of code that is supposed to place an order
in a order handling system. get, put and delete functions are working
great but I cannot get post to function at all... the error I get back
from the code below is 400 (bad request). I think it has something to
do with the headers but I don't know how to get more info out of this.
Is there a problem with the way I am handling the post method?

Thank you for your input!!


class User < ActiveResource::Base
  self.site = "http://www.a_restful_api.com/api/";
  self.element_name = "user"
  self.format = :json

  def place_order(input)
# ... handle input constraints. input is a hash

# parse the hash to end up with "key=value&key=value&key=value"
body = ""
input.keys.sort.each do |k|
  if k == input.keys.sort.first
body += %Q{#{k}=#{input[k]}}
body += %Q{&#{k}=#{input[k]}}

user = User.find_by_remote_id(self.user_id)
header ||= make_header(user) # this function returns a hash with
the various elements in the header

method_string = "#{self.class.prefix}#{self.class.collection_name}/
resp = connection.post(method_string,body,header)

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[Rails] Re: external programs

2009-04-15 Thread BenH

Excuse the self reply - something that comes in handy is to capture
the exit status of the external application. To do this use

%x{echo "Hello World"}
puts $?.exitstatus

On Apr 15, 8:15 am, BenH  wrote:
> you may try something along this line:
> timeout(10) do
>   %x{sleep 12}
> end
> rescue Timeout::Error
>   # Do something to handle the time out.
>   puts "The sleep command timed out"
> end
> Hope that gets you going in a good direction.
> BenH
> On Apr 15, 7:41 am, Svetlana Vt 
> wrote:
> > how i can follow to execute external programs: define, that they don't
> > hung with Kernel method system or another? may be use timeout?
> > excuse me for my bad english :)
> > --
> > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: external programs

2009-04-15 Thread BenH

you may try something along this line:

timeout(10) do
  %x{sleep 12}

rescue Timeout::Error
  # Do something to handle the time out.
  puts "The sleep command timed out"

Hope that gets you going in a good direction.

On Apr 15, 7:41 am, Svetlana Vt 
> how i can follow to execute external programs: define, that they don't
> hung with Kernel method system or another? may be use timeout?
> excuse me for my bad english :)
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] SOAP WSDLFactory

2009-03-26 Thread BenH

I've created a method for creating a SOAP WSDL driver.
I've tested this without basic auth and without SSL and it works
great. The sysadmin has enabled SSL and basic auth and now I'm stuck.

The error is:
HTTPClient::BadResponseError: unexpected response:

Which seems to indicate a failed authentication...

Here's the method:

  def create_record_driver # WS for creating a new record
username = "username"
password = "mypassword"
ws_site = "https://#{BASE_SITE}/ws/CreateRecord.asmx";
wsdl = "#{ws_site}?WSDL"
drv = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new(wsdl).create_rpc_driver
drv.options['protocol.http.ssl_config.verify_mode'] =
drv.options["protocol.http.basic_auth"] << [ ws_site, username,
password ]
return drv

Any help would be appreciated.

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