If you are more of a "watching/listening" follow-along learner than a
"reading" oriented one, there are some extremely useful screencast/
podcast resources that you may want to plug in to (some free, some for
a modest cost):
http://peepcode.com/ has a selection of screencasts and PDFs over an
ever-increasing set of topics ($9/each)
Ryan Bates' Railscasts (http://railscasts.com/ and iTunes, free) are
an excellent source of free, very focused screencasts on one technical
topic per episode
Our own LearningRails.com course (free, iTunes and http://LearningRails.com/),
is a gentle, step by step "class" where we build a _very_ simple CMS-
like app, showing all the behind the scenes nitty-gritty. We provide
linked show notes and articles from BuildingWebApps.com that go from
tool installation, Rails programming, testing, and deployment. Some of
the older episodes need a Rails 2.1+ tune-up, but the comments contain
the important pointers.
The Pragmatic Programmer's new screencast series (http://
pragprog.com/, small fee), has several Rails and Ruby oriented
The RailsEnvy screencasts (as well as Gregg and Jason's news oriented
podcast, http://railsenvy.com, small fee on screencasts), are an
entertaining resource that discusses the latest and greatest in RoR.
Basically, there is a wealth of non-book resources, so worth at least
book-marking as you learn.
Good luck,
On Nov 2, 5:14 pm, glennswest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It depends on "what" you have interest in doing.
> For my applications, there database focused.
> So here is the "getting" something going in the shortest possible
> time.
> 1. Get the "Ruby Cookbook fro Oreilly". (Keep on your desk)
> 2. ProActive Record is another one I would keep handy.
> 3. Choose a project.
> 4. Use the following plugins:
> a. ActiveScaffold
> b. Tabnav/Widgets
> 5. Use sqlite to start. (I used oracle to start, but I work in a
> enterprise)
> 6. Start your app.
> The lovely part of using activescaffold, is its highly customizable.
> So you can go
> far not "writing" any dhtml/xml/dom/css. Yes your have a "enterprisey"
> looking app,
> but your have it in short order. I've done apps with 20-30 tables,
> write a conversion script
> to import the data, write a generator script to generate controllers
> and models, and had
> it up and running and usable in 4 days.
> It all depends on the "type" of applications you want to do.
> You might want to look at mentalpagingspace.blogspot.com
> lots of experience I've gained in using ruby and rails for large
> scale corp applications.
> At this point I feel I can do anything from a Stock trading
> applications to a MRP/ERP system
> using ruby on rails. (And can do it in windows or linux).
> On Nov 2, 1:44 am, Tarek Demiati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I’m very interested in starting with ROR, however I do not know where
> > to start, I’ve a background as a developer of desktop application, the
> > web is new to me, there seems to be a lot of things to master in order
> > to become an efficient ROR developer, So I’m a bit confuse on what
> > should I learn first : HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS and then
> > Ruby on Rails ?
> > I’m aware that ROR does many of the low level dirty work for you, so
> > it hides the complexity from you
> > So my questions are :
> > 1/ Do you think someone can be a good ROR developer without mastering
> > the following technologies : HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS
> > 2/ Which books would you advise me to read (ideally in chronological
> > order)
> > 3/ Does the learning curve can be pretty steep for someone who do not
> > come from a web development culture (ie : Java/J2EE)
> > 4/ I would also appreciate book recommendations for :
> > HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS, Ruby, Rails
> > Best Regards from France,
> > Tarek Demiati
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