[Rails] how to open a pop-up page in rails 3 and load data from database

2012-11-19 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I am using ruby-on-rails + psql

I have list of pages. On some page click I have to open page in pop-up.

How I'll load data in that pop-up for specific page.

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[Rails] how to change theme in rails 3.2.7

2012-08-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using rails 3.2.7.

I have few themes in my public/themes folder.
For example in my theme-1 folder
there is one index.html + style.css + few images (if required)

At the time of registration user will select one theme. Now when the
user will login that theme will display. I will use handle
bar(http://handlebarsjs.com/) for data insertion.

My main problem is that how I'll load the theme from public/themes
folder to the user after login.

My controller is below after user login

class ClientUsersController  ApplicationController

def index



Right now when user login he will redirect to index method and
index.html.erb data display to him with application.html.erb layout.

So how I will display the theme instead of application layout.

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[Rails] Re: how to change theme in rails 3.2.7

2012-08-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Jordon Bedwell wrote in post #1073894:
 On Thursday, 30 August 2012 05:13:57 UTC-5, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:


 Right now when user login he will redirect to index method and
 index.html.erb data display to him with application.html.erb layout.

 So how I will display the theme instead of application layout.

 Store all the CSS files and image files in hierarchical (except for the
 stylesheets) order inside of the assets folders and then store their
 preference in the session and use `stylesheet_link_tag(session[:theme]
 :default)` but you might add in an extra check to make sure the theme
 exists first I guess to prevent simple tampering.

Thx Jordon

But where should I keep my theme1/index.html file

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[Rails] Re: how to change theme in rails 3.2.7

2012-08-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Jordon Bedwell wrote in post #1073902:
 On Thursday, 30 August 2012 05:26:14 UTC-5, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:

 Thx Jordon

 But where should I keep my theme1/index.html file

 Depending on what it has in it, what I would do is turn it into a
 in the folder of the controller and just add a manual render at the
 of the controller that triggers based on the theme.  So if your
 is UserController and the theme is theme1 then I would make
 theme1/index.html into app/views/user/theme1.erb and then do render
 in the controllers action.  Though at the point I don't know what you
 need mustache/handlebar for unless it's entirely Ajax.

Thx Jordon

Now I'll put theme folder in view section

Is it not possible if I put all these folders in public

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[Rails] how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3

2012-08-07 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using rails 3.2.1 with jquery for an ajax call.

My juqery code is :

url: /org_pages,
data: 'org_id='+ org_id,
type: POST,
success: function(result){
escape_javascript(render(:partial = 'pages/top_link')) %);
error: function(){
alert('Error occured');

My problem is on the web page the output is showing this :

%= render :partial = 'pages/top_link', :collection=@pages %

How it should display my render partial page. :(

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[Rails] Re: how to do render partial on jquery ajax success method with rails 3

2012-08-07 Thread Manish Nautiyal
That is a .js file.

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[Rails] how to load graph after loading other data

2012-06-22 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using rails 3.2.1

My page is divided into 5 parts

part-1 header
part-2 div area
part-3 graph part
part-4 data in tabular format
part-5 footer

Now my problem is that graph take too much time to upload.
Due to which this page take too much time to load.

Please tell me any method so that my graph load in the last but other
data will display.

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[Rails] How to get password from database using devise

2012-06-20 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Hi all

I'm using rails 3.2.1 + devise 2.0.4

My problem is that in my website only : Admin will create new users no
direct registration for users. Now when Admin create new_user
confirmation mail will be send to the user email id. The content of the
mail is


But the password come in encrypted format.

How I'll get password in readable form.

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[Rails] Re: Re: How to get password from database using devise

2012-06-20 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Tyler wrote in post #1065431:
 On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:20:13 AM UTC-7, ixti wrote:

 I understand the use case, but still doesn't make sense to store the
 password in plain text in the database.  It's actually even more
 if all the users are admins... then they call all just see each others'
 passwords.  And it gives the illusion of security, when in actuality
 one params vulnerability away from giving all-encompassing access to any
 hacker that wants it

Dear Tyler

I don't want to store password in plain text in database. I just want to 
send an email to user that your login  password is this. Devise will 
store password in encrypt form in database.

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[Rails] how to use oncomplete in Rails-3.2.1 Ajax

2012-05-10 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using Rails-3.2.1 and working on ajax.

Below is my code and I want to add woking in progress msg while my
function is in progress.

example.html.erb file

div id=showmsg
Once you approve it will publish.

span id=status_section
%= link_to Approve, {:action=approve_status, :id=params[:id],
:stat=approved}, :remote=true %
nbsp; | nbsp;
%= link_to Reject, {:action=approve_status, :id=params[:id],
:stat=rejected}, :remote=true %

controller method

def approve_status
@camp_id = params[:id]
@camp_stat = params[:stat]

@campaign = Campaign.find_by_id(@camp_id)
@campaign.approved_status = @camp_stat

example.js.erb file

jQuery(#app_stat).html(%= @camp_stat %);

How to use ajax complete or success in this?

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[Rails] whenever cron is not working with rails-3

2012-04-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using Whenever for the first time. My cron is not working on the
production server.

I m using rails-3.1.2

In my schedule.rb file

every :hour do # Many shortcuts available: :hour, :day, :month,
:year, :reboot
  runner Report.create_report, :environment=development

every 2.minutes do
runner Report.create_report2 , :environment=development

In my Report model file

  def self.create_report
r = Report.new
r.ad_network_campaign_id =1

  def self.create_report2
r = Report.new
r.ad_network_campaign_id =5

After this I run the command

whenever --update-crontab project_name

In my crontab

crontab -l
# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: jigserv
0 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/jigserv  script/rails
runner -e production '\''Report.create_report'\'''

* * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/jigserv  script/rails runner -e
production '\''Report.create_report2'\'''

# End Whenever generated tasks for: jigserv

In the last my data is not inserted in the Report table as I want.

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[Rails] jquery validation function not working properly with rails 3.2.1

2012-03-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using Rails -3.2.1. In one of my form I'm using jquery validation.
My form is below


%= form_for(@account, :url ={:action= create_account}) do |f| %

table width=80% border=1 align=center cellpadding=5
  td width=30%
  %= f.label :Account_Name, :class = :style1_bold %
  %= f.text_field :account_name, :class =input_border required
   %=f.submit Add Account %
   %= link_to Cancel, home_path, :class=style2_link %
% end %
In application.js

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
// require_tree .
//= require_directory .


 Validatior for only alphabet
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-zA-Z
},Only Alphabet is allowed);

 Validation for Create Account
  rules: {
account_account_name: {
required: true,
maxlength: 30
messages: {
account_account_name: {
required: Please fill category,
ONLY_ALPHABET: Only Alphabet is allowed,
maxlength: Not more than 30 characters

On Form submit. It doesn't show my message instead it show jquery
default messages.

I include this file jquery.validate.min.js

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[Rails] Google calendar is not working properly with gcal4ruby (0.2.6)

2012-03-20 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm using

Rails - 2.2.2

gcal4ruby (0.2.6)

I'm using google calendar to display events for users in my website.

Till 18-march-2012 everything was working fine. But now whenever user
add events to the calendar it show only busy in the calendar.

My code is

def add_event
  user_id = current_user.id

  service = GCal4Ruby::Service.new
  service.authenticate(usern...@gmail.com, password)

  calendar = GCal4Ruby::Calendar.find(service, 'Events' ,
{:scope = :first})

  title = params[:events][:location].upcase+' -
'+params[:events][:traveller].upcase+' - '+params[:events][:title]

  event = GCal4Ruby::Event.new(calendar)
  event.title = title
  event.content = params[:events][:content]
  event.where = params[:events][:location]
  event.start = Time.parse(#{sdate} at #{kstime} )
  event.end = Time.parse(#{edate} at #{ketime})
  if !event.save
return false
event_id =  event.id

params[:events][:content], params[:events][:location], sdate, stime,
edate, etime, user_id)
  redirect_to :action=index


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[Rails] CSV problem with migration but working fine in controller

2012-03-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I'm getting problem with csv. When I use below code in my Controller
method then it works but when I put this in my migration then this don't
work. Why so

In My Controller's index method. It works.

require 'csv'

do |row|
 obj_language = Language.new
   obj_language.name = row[1]
   obj_language.adwords_id = row[0]

But When I write this in my migration this doesn't work. No error come
but data didn't inserted in the tables. Below is the migration code.

 require csv

 class LoadLanguageData  ActiveRecord::Migration
 def self.up
 CSV.foreach(#{Rails.root}/db/adwords_location_data/languages.csv) do
 obj_language = Language.new
 obj_language.name = row[1]
 obj_language.adwords_id = row[0]

  def self.down

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[Rails] how to use link_to with :remote=true in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-29 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I m using Rails 3.2.1. how to use link_to with remote=true

My Method in Controller

def clickme
@clk = you click me
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :layout=false }

My View
In my new.html.erb file

%= link_to click here, {:action=clickme}, {:remote = true,
:id=clk} %

div id=allclick
%= render :partial = 'goclick'  %


%= @clk %


$(allclick).update(%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =
goclick)) %);

On my web-page everything is fine when I click on click here link
nothing change. But when I check Firebug console it shows me:

$(allclick).update(you click me);

Help Me :(

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[Rails] Re: how to use link_to with :remote=true in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-29 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Tim Shaffer wrote in post #1049440:
 You probably want to use $(#allclick).update instead of

 Note the # that indicates you are selecting an element by the ID.

I'm using $(#allclick).update

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[Rails] Re: how to use link_to with :remote=true in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-29 Thread Manish Nautiyal
after doing some googling I got the answer

wrong way :
$(#allclick).update(%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =
goclick)) %);

correct way :
$(#allclick).html(%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =
goclick)) %);

Instead of update now I'm using html

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[Rails] Re: Object doesn't support #inspect in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Valery Kvon wrote in post #1048646:
 I got the output but when I do


 I got

 (Object doesn't support #inspect)

 Update ruby to 1.9.3 (much more stable).
 Be sure you've updated Rails correctly (Gemset file and all configs).
 Update all gems you have and bundle it again.

 If nothing happens, revise all third-party libs and plugins for


I just create one new project and everything work fine there.

But in my migrate project console is not working properly.
Following process I follow -
1) Create new rails application
2) shifting old code to new rails
3) all gems in Gemfile is updated
4) Using Restful authentication plugin for rails 3.2.1

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[Rails] Re: Re: Object doesn't support #inspect in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Colin Law wrote in post #1048648:
 On 24 February 2012 13:43, Manish N. li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 I got error
 NoMethodError: undefined method `zero?' for :+:Symbol

 What do you see when you do c=Campaign.first in the console, and what if
 you do

 I have to agree with Manish, it sounds like an gem not updated to
 correct version.


How can I find which gem is not updated to correct version?

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[Rails] Re: Object doesn't support #inspect in rails 3.2.1

2012-02-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal
what I found is this

warning: encoding option is ignored - u
warning: encoding option is ignored - u
warning: encoding option is ignored - u

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[Rails] Re: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError

2012-02-17 Thread Manish Nautiyal
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:address  = 'smtp.gmail.com',
:port = 587,
:domain   = 'gmail.com',
:user_name= 'my_n...@gmail.com',
:password = 'secret_password',
:authentication   = 'login',
:enable_starttls_auto = true

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[Rails] Re: How to set up a has_many :through association with Ultrasphinx

2010-12-03 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Thanx for your information. Wasting half a day I found your post and 
this help me so much.

Thanx a lot  :)

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[Rails] Re: Run Rake from Controller/View?!

2010-11-26 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Dear Ingmar Hamer

Thank you for your support to run rake task with

system('rake ultrasphinx:index:delta')

I have to run rake ultrasphinx:index:delta after every entry in database 
so I use this command

It help me

so thx you.

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[Rails] Ultrasphinx help

2010-11-15 Thread Manish Nautiyal
I switch from ferret to ultrasphinx.

In my table user I have following fields

id, firstname, lastname, login, password, created_at, updated_at

is_indexed :fields = [{:field = :login},{:field = :firstname},{:field
= :lastname}]

Now what I want is to search with a character
like if you write 'm' then search m in login field where ever it find

In ferret it works.

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[Rails] Re: Rails 2.3.x documentation archive?

2010-09-11 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Tom wrote:
 I'm a developer on several projects using rails 2.3.4 and since the
 release of 3.0, I haven't been able to find any documentation for
 2.3.4 online. I have the rdocs from the gem install, but haven't been
 able to find anything else.
 Is this stuff archived somewhere?

I agree with Tom
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[Rails] Re: Re: How to create XML

2010-09-09 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:

thank u radhames brito. If I get any problem in this. I'll again disturb 
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[Rails] Re: Re: how to call rails method from javascript method.

2010-09-09 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 call the action like /controller_name/action_name.js this from the
 javascript file, if the call is ajax make your controller respond to js
 then the file action_name.js is really named action_name.js.rb file 
 there do
 %=render :text = user.id%
 this is what should happen, you call from the javascript
 /controller_name/action_name.js, this goes to the route and matches
 map.connect /:controller/:action.:format
 you see the format at the end ? rails will return the action_name.js.rb
 ignoring the rb part as it does with index.html.rb that file will render 
 text with the user id, another option is returning a json object, read a 
 about it because i think json is the way to go.

Hi radhames brito

again diturbing you. Please give me the link for this also.
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[Rails] Re: Re: mysql2

2010-09-09 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 at least its solved right?

you are talking about window or linux ?
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[Rails] Re: Re: Rails 3 not working with windows 7

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 You have a other rails 3 apps that are running with mysql2 on windows 7 
 this one doesnt work or you are not able to find th gem for windows 7?

Hi radhames brito

This is my first application with rails 3 other application are with 
rails 2.3.8

the same problem occurs with 3.0.0.rp this version also.
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[Rails] How to create XML

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal

I wanna crate XML file in this format.

rsp status_code=0 status_message=Success
 count date=20100415T00:00:00214/count
 count date=20100409T00:00:00205/count
 count date=20100410T00:00:0014/count
 count date=20100411T00:00:0044/count
 count date=20100402T00:00:0021/count
 count date=20100422T00:00:00241/count
 count date=2010041T00:00:0014/count

when I user
render :xml = @service

then it pick all the data from the table and show. But the format is not
what I want.

my table name is service-enquiries.

service-enquiries type=array
   user_id type=NilClass6/user_id
   date type=NilClass2009-06-22/date

How I change the format?
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[Rails] Re: XML builder

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
bensomers wrote:
 Try using send to send the element name.  So
 element_name = :tag
 xml.send(element_name) Brandon

thanx for your help. It was really helpful

how can I add attribute. I want in this format

count date=20050412T00:00:00214/count

how can I add attribute date.

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[Rails] Re: Re: Re: Rails 3 not working with windows 7

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 Then it could be that mysql2 is not supported

Then wht the solution?
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[Rails] Re: Re: Re: Rails 3 not working with windows 7

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Manish Nautiyal wrote:
 radhames brito wrote:
 Then it could be that mysql2 is not supported
 Then wht the solution?

From surfing net for so long what I got is this.

The mysql2 gem does not currently support Windows (although I hear they 
are working on it). Just use the old mysql gem for now.

To be specific:


  Put this line in your Gemfile:

  gem 'mysql', '2.8.1'

  Run bundle install

  Make sure you use adapter: mysql and not adapter: mysql2 in your 

This is how my system is currently set up, and it works fine with Rails 
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[Rails] Re: How to create XML

2010-09-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 user builder to build your xml template and render the template
 create a file service.xml.builder in the view directory for that 
 xml.rsp(:status_code = 0, :status_message= Success)
 @services.each do |service|
 xml.count(service.code,:date= service.date)
 then render = services
 there you have it
 rsp status_code=0 status_message=Success
 count date=20100415T00:00:00214/
 count date=20100409T00:00:00205/count
 count date=20100410T00:00:0014/count
 count date=20100411T00:00:0044/count
 count date=20100402T00:00:0021/count
 count date=20100422T00:00:00241/count
 count date=2010041T00:00:0014/count

Hi radhames brito

thanx for your support.
Can you give the link from where I learn more. How to create XML.

what you tell me above is very nice. But I wanna know how it is working.

so pls if possible give me the link.
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[Rails] Re: Rails 3 not working with windows 7

2010-09-07 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 Errr, this does not seem to be related to rails 3 it seems like you dont
 have mysql.gem installed , try gem install mysql

Thx for your quick help.

But the problem is that I have rails version[3.0.0, 3.0.0.rp, 2.3.8]
And my two version is working gud with mysql. Only in new version 3.0.0 
it show error message.

I installed mysql gem . But the problem still exists.

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[Rails] Re: how to call rails method from javascript method.

2010-09-07 Thread Manish Nautiyal
radhames brito wrote:
 read on link_to_remote
 and please be more specific

I am more specific now.

There is one swf file. When I click on that swf file it will return 
And below that swf file I have to show detail of the specific users. The 
detail will come from database. Now the problem is that there is small 
javascript function which will give me the user id. So from that 
javascript function I wanna call rails method which will fetch data from 
database and show it where I want.
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[Rails] Rails 3 not working with windows 7

2010-09-06 Thread Manish Nautiyal
ruby 1.8.7
gem 1.3.7
rails 3.0.0, 3.0.0.rc

when i write rails -v
error message come

Could not find gem 'mysql2 =0, runtime' in any of the gem sources.
Try running 'bundle install'.

when I run bundle install then also it cann't install mysql2

please help me.
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[Rails] how to call rails method from javascript method.

2010-09-06 Thread Manish Nautiyal

I wanna call rails method from the javascript method.

It should be ajax call for rails method.

please help me.
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[Rails] Re: rake db:create = LIBMYSQL.DLL not found. how to solve??

2010-05-23 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Rails Terrorist wrote:
 [1] gem install mysql
 [2] you will see like error syntac but dont pay attention to it
 [3] find LIBMYSQL.DLL from your mysql/bin folder in your mysql folder 
 not ruby folder.
 [4] copy  paste that file to ruby/bin
 [5] restart your server or console, if you are already run it.
 Then Cheer,

Thanx Reinhart

this helps me to run rails on windows.
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[Rails] Re: NameError in CompetitorsController#index

2010-05-18 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Frederick Cheung wrote:
 On May 15, 9:28�am, Manish Nautiyal li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 class Competitor  ActiveRecord::Base

 Is this in app/models/competitor.rb (case is probably important) ?

Yes it in the app/models/competitor.rb
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[Rails] Re: NameError in CompetitorsController#index

2010-05-18 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Manish Nautiyal li...@ruby-forum.com 
 I am getting this problem when I run this code in server. In my
 localhost everything is running fine. But when I deploy my code in the
 server it shows me the error.
 �def index
 � �...@compet = Competitor.find(:all) � ### GETTING ERROR IN THIS LINE
 Are you sure all your migrations have run successfully on the server?
 What happens if you open a console and try `Competitor.find(:all)` ?
 Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
 twitter: @hassan

Yes Hassan all my migrations have run successfully on the server.
On the server there is no console facility.
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[Rails] NameError in CompetitorsController#index

2010-05-15 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Hi all

I am getting this problem when I run this code in server. In my
localhost everything is running fine. But when I deploy my code in the
server it shows me the error. I am using FERRET SERARCH IN MODEL.

NameError in CompetitorsController#index

uninitialized constant CompetitorsController::Competitor

RAILS_ROOT: /home/troche/mrecip_tool/releases/20091219131859
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace


My controller is

class CompetitorsController  ApplicationController

  include AuthenticatedSystem
  layout 'application'

  auto_complete_for :proscribed, :competitor
  auto_complete_for :fee_earner, :fee_earner

  protect_from_forgery :only = [:tag]

  before_filter :login_required, :only = [:index, :show, :new, :edit]

  @@total_company = 70

  # GET /competitors
  # GET /competitors.xml
  def index
@compet = Competitor.find(:all)   ### GETTING ERROR IN THIS LINE

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml = @compet }

  # GET /competitors/1
  # GET /competitors/1.xml
  def show
@competitor = Competitor.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml = @competitor }

  # GET /competitors/new
  # GET /competitors/new.xml


My Model is

class Competitor  ActiveRecord::Base

  validates_presence_of :fee_earner_id, :notes

  belongs_to :fee_earner
  belongs_to :country
  belongs_to :state
  belongs_to :user

acts_as_ferret :fields =[:competitor, :client, :subject_matter],:remote
= true

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[Rails] NameError when using acts_as_ferret

2010-05-15 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Hi all

I am getting this error when I am using

acts_as_ferret :fields =[:competitor], :remote = true

NameError in PartController#index

uninitialized constant PartController::Competitor

My Model

class Competitor  ActiveRecord::Base

  validates_presence_of :fee_earner_id, :notes

  belongs_to :fee_earner
  belongs_to :country
  belongs_to :state
  belongs_to :user

acts_as_ferret :fields =[:competitor], :remote = true


My controller

class PartController  ApplicationController

 @@total_company = 70

def index

 @proscribeds = Competitor.paginate(:all, :order = sort , :page =
params[:page], :per_page = @@total_company )


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[Rails] Re: how to run a cron file

2010-05-10 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
 Quoting Manish Nautiyal li...@ruby-forum.com:
 * * * * *  cd /mnt/apps/NearbyAd/current; ./script/runner -e production

Thx Jeffrey
Its work.

many many thanks
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[Rails] Re: Ruby on Rails Associations - Practical Applications

2010-05-10 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Cam wrote:
 Hey All,
 Forgive me for posting a question that may be very elementary.
 I'm building an application and am a bit stuck on how to work out the
 associations. It goes like this:
 User :has_many vehicles
 User :has_many logs
 Vehicle :has_many logs
 User - Vehicles - Logs
 The Vehicles have a user_id attribute.
 The Logs have user_id and vehicle_id attributes.
 I am using restful authentication and am able to associate the
 vehicles with the users al a
  def create
 @vehicle = current_user.vehicle.build (params[:vehicle])
 I can't figure out how I should do it for the log.
 Thanks again, and sorry for my lack of understanding of how rails
 Cam Peterson

In User model write
has_many :logs
has_many :vehicles

In Vehicle model write
has_many :logs

In your logs model write
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :vehicle

In your vehicle model write
belongs_to :user

def create
 @vehicle = current_user.vehicle.create (params[:vehicle])
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[Rails] how to run a cron file

2010-05-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Hi all

I want to run this in production mode.

RAILS_ENV=production  ruby script/runner lib/camp.rb  in cron file.

what i have done in cron file is below

* * * * * RAILS_ENV=production /usr/bin/ruby

but i didn't get any success.

/usr/bin/ruby i got from  which ruby

please help me.
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[Rails] Re: script/runner and cron, funny behavior

2010-05-08 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Ryan Mohr wrote:
 I couldn't figure out why my cronjobs weren't executing correctly.  They
 would run, but the code would not be executed.  Here's what the problem
 This was the cronjob that was not working correctly:
 * * * * * /path/to/app/script/runner -e production Code.to_execute
 And this is what I had to do to get it to work:
 * * * * * cd /path/to/app/; ./script/runner -e production
 Why does changing into the app's directory before executing runner make
 a difference?  Anyone else run into this before?

Hi Ryan Mohr
Thx very much for your answer. I am also facing the same situation 
before reading your post. Now me 2 execute my cron file successfully.

Thank you
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[Rails] ar_sendmail is sending mail twice

2009-09-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Hi all

I am using ar_sendmail for sending mail.

Its working fine but sometimes it sends a mail twice to a single user.

Why this happens ?

Plz help me :(
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[Rails] Re: NoMethodError in Stories#show

2009-09-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Hey paul

can u paste your show url.

bcoz in your show method you have write

def show
@story = Story.find(params[:id])

your url must be..

so please paste your show url where you get error.

Colin Law wrote:
 2009/9/30 paul.denlin...@gmail.com paul.denlin...@gmail.com:

 Showing app/views/stories/show.html.rb where line #1 raised:

 You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
 The error occurred while evaluating nil.name
 Extracted source (around line #1):

 1: h2%= @story.name %/h2
 The error means that when it tries to display @story.name then @story
 is nil.  This likely means that the find used to setup @story in your
 controller did not find a record.
 I suggest having a look at the rails guide on Testing Rails Apps at
 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/  This may help you to work out what is
 wrong.  In addition the Getting Started guide and ActiveRecord
 Associations are compulsory reading.

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2009-09-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Hi Newb newb

use @date.strftime(%B %d, %Y)

to display only date no time.
and in table insert September 30, 2009 03:08 PM

Newb Newb wrote:
 Brijesh Shah wrote:
 just remove :time option from the syntax..
 thanks for the reply...
 actually i need time and date aswell .
 but i want to split the date and time ..
 how can i do it
 September 30, 2009 03:08 PM

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[Rails] Re: Is it possible to deploy a rails app, or is that something that cannot be done yet?

2009-09-30 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Leonardo Mateo wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:54 AM, DM davemak...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is it possible to deploy a rails app, or is that something that cannot
 be done yet?
 Something like what? Have you tried?
 Leonardo Mateo.
 There's no place like ~

Please explain more clearly.
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[Rails] Re: Ruby on Rails drop down help

2009-08-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal

For Static

%= select_tag recipro, options_for_select([ Received, Sent, 
Received) %


For Dynamic

%= select(fir, country, @top.collect {|p|[p.id, 
p.countryname]},{:include_blank = 'Select Country'}) %
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[Rails] Re: validation problem

2009-08-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Wap Addon wrote:
 Matt Jones wrote:
 Don't think like this - as other posters have pointed out, you're
 going to have to do server-side validation anyways. Worrying about the
 execution time of something this small is exceptionally premature
 In your example, the JS validation may work, but you're still going to
 have to validate server-side, as some users may have JS turned off.
 --Matt Jones
 On Aug 22, 5:43�am, Wap Addon rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net
 ok dear that's true

Use Live Validation.

%= f.submit 'Create', :onClick = 'new_animal()' %

function new_animal(){
  alert(Enter name...);
  return false;
  alert(Enter animal description ...);
  return false;
return true;

hope it will run...
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[Rails] Re: model validation

2009-08-24 Thread Manish Nautiyal

Wap Addon wrote:
 hello guys
 i am using model validation with ajax
 i have new.html.erb
 it is call through link__to_remote()
 then press create if any validate require page will redirect to it
 actual controller for ex. admins/new something like this
 i want display validation message on same page in this command url can
 not change in all page url remain same, if any one having idea about it
 please share with me.

Can you show me your code.

method in controller + html view all code.
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