[Rails] Directing command output to a view

2009-09-27 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,

Ive recently designed a system that is started from the command line.

The system is a long running task that outputs messages via "puts" to
the shell as its being executed.

I need to run this command from a rails application so that 1) it doesnt
block .ie user gets a "please wait" screen 2) and more importantly I
want the output of the command sent in real-time or near real-time to
the view, under the "please wait" message. And when the command exits,
the user is redirected to another view.

Any ideas whats the best way to do this?

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[Rails] JRuby/glassfish v3 logging problem

2009-04-19 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,

Ive just tried to run my app with jruby and glassfish. It seems to work
mostly fine, except one weird thing. Glassfish turns over
log/development.log when its size hits 1.9MB, renames it to something


but never creates a fresh development.log and at that moment the
glassfish server just stops working.

What im doing is basically cd into my application's RAILS_ROOT, and
execute glassfish_rails.

My OS is FreeBSD 7.2

Any ideas?
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[Rails] Re: Background tasks + multi processing

2009-04-19 Thread Petr Janda

Wouter de Bie wrote:
> I wouldn't run a long running process directly from your controller, 
> since rails first renders all stuff that should be sent to the client 
> (html/xml/js/etc) before it actually sends it. This means that the 
> complete controller action should be finished to show something in your 
> browser.
> I think that the best way to go is to use something that is able to 
> spawn background processes (like Starling).

I'm aware of different solutions to run a background job. However, the 
problem is how to make 4 background jobs MPSAFE, all of them working on 
the same Hash. Any ideas?

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[Rails] Background tasks + multi processing

2009-04-19 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,

Ive recently been trying to figure out a way to make a long running
background task scale accross all CPUs in Ruby on Rails, since
multi-processing (not multi-threading) seems like the way to go.

A theoretical example would be:

# code in controller

def do_something
   @mydata = Hash.new

   # Start 4 background processes
   # and start adding data to @mydata
   # Page loads while the processes are working, displaying
   # something like "We are currently processing your data"

Question is how to handle reading/writing to @mydata safely because 4
processes would be trying to read/write to it? What is the best way to
approach this problem?

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[Rails] Re: Passenger caching in development mode, wtf?

2009-04-15 Thread Petr Janda

Ok i resolved it, after hours of trying to figure it out, i noticed that 
the cause is having config.threadsafe! enabled in development mode. For 
some reason it causes caching to get enabled. This option should be 
documented better.

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[Rails] Re: Passenger caching in development mode, wtf?

2009-04-14 Thread Petr Janda

This makes no difference. The problem is with mongrel is that I need the 
devel applications to be accessible even when im not developing, ie. 
client review. And id need to make a start up script in case i reboot 
the server to make all the mongrels start up. Its just hassle. 
dispatch.cgi/fcgi was ideal for simple setup in development mode where 
speed usually doesnt matter.

PP Junty wrote:
> perhaps here:
> http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html#RailsSpawnMethod
> but can't you use mongrel for development and passenger for production?
> Petr Janda wrote:
>> I just tested with Ruby 1.8 and its the same behaviour.
>> An clues people?

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[Rails] Re: Passenger caching in development mode, wtf?

2009-04-14 Thread Petr Janda

I just tested with Ruby 1.8 and its the same behaviour.

An clues people?
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[Rails] Passenger caching in development mode, wtf?

2009-04-14 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,
I updated an application to Rails 2.3.2(and ruby 1.9.1) and installed
Passenger, after learning that it turns production mode on by default, i
changed that to development mode. Logs are correctly being saved to
development.log so i should definately be in development mode, right?

Well NO! Any change to my code has to be followed by a restart of the
application due to some caching that I dont want.

Now that they are removing CGI support too, just how the hell am I
supposed to be making a website in development mode without having to
restart 500 times a day

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[Rails] Mongrel and application's public path problem

2009-03-31 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,

Im trying to fix a path problem. My app was developed while using
fastcgi. When I did FileUtils.mkdir it created a new directory under the
public directory in my application.

Now in production we use mongrel + mongrel_cluster, BUT the directory is
created in the application's directory in "/usr/websites/myapp" instead
of "/usr/websites/myapp/public".

What do I have to do to fix this?

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[Rails] Just how the hell do you set Cache-Control max-age?

2009-03-23 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,

Ive been googling for couple of hours and I just cant figure it out. I
want to set the max-age value to 300 for the WHOLE application,
regardless of development or production mode.

Is there anyone that knows?

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[Rails] Re: Multi-Site sessions

2009-03-20 Thread Petr Janda

Anyway, session_domain works as expected. Thanks!

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[Rails] Re: Multi-Site sessions

2009-03-20 Thread Petr Janda

No its not because one box cannot handle the load, but because certain
activities the users would be doing are best done on a separate
high-performance box(other than the normal web-server).
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[Rails] Multi-Site sessions

2009-03-20 Thread Petr Janda

Hi all,
Im developing an application that runs on multiple physical boxes (and
thus different hostnames). Both of the boxes will run the same
application (connecting to a shared postgres server). What I need is
when someone logs in on box 1 (ie. box1.domain.com), and then traverses
via a link to box 2 (ie. box2.domain.com), he or she will not have to
login again.

How can I do this?

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