[Rails] How do I stop email from being delivered in the interceptor?

2011-02-28 Thread Sam Kong

I am developing a rails 3 application.
I want to use a interceptor before delivering emails.
If a conditions meets, I want to stop the email.
How do I do that?



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[Rails] ActionMailer: hostname was not match with the server certificate

2011-02-18 Thread Sam Kong

I am setting up SMTP for my Rails 3 App.

This configuration works.

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :address  = smtp.gmail.com,
  :port = 587,
  :domain   = mydomain.com,
  :user_name= username,
  :password = password,
  :authentication   = plain,
  :enable_starttls_auto = true
But this configuration doesn't. It gives hostname was not match with
the server certificate

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :address  = some_other_server.com,
  :port = 587,
  :domain   = mydomain.com,
  :user_name= username,
  :password = password,
  :authentication   = plain,
  :enable_starttls_auto = true
Strangely, the same configuration works in Rails 2.3.8. (:tls = true)

What's wrong?



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[Rails] Is this a bug of accepts_nested_attributes_for ?

2011-01-26 Thread Sam Kong

I've been digging a bug for 3 days.
I pin-pointed the problem line of codes.
It's not my code but the activerecord code.

The problem is with the

line# 376: association.send(:add_record_to_target_with_callbacks,
existing_record) if !association.loaded? 
!call_reject_if(association_name, attributes)

I realized that the line was changed from activerecord-3.0.0. (which
works well)
It used to be:
association.send(:add_record_to_target_with_callbacks, existing_record)
unless association.loaded?

The problem is:

_destroy option doesn't work for nested attributes if the association is
not loaded.
I don't think that's the feature.

Here's how I tested it in console.
(I intentionally removed some outputs for simplicity.)

Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.3)
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post=Post.find 204
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.attachments.loaded?
 = false
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.save
 = true
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.attachments.map { |i| i.id }.join(, )
 = 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 #44 is still there.
# Now I try to destroy it again when the attachments are loaded.
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.save
 = true
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.attachments.reload
# To make sure that attachments are reloaded after the change.
ruby-1.8.7-p302  post.attachments.map { |i| i.id }.join(, )
 = 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 # Now 44 is gone.

Can anybody confirm that this is a bug?



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[Rails] Question about accepts_nested_attributes_for and reject_if

2011-01-24 Thread Sam Kong

I am developing a rails 3.0.3 application and
accepts_nested_attributes_for method is giving me pains.

To simplify the issue, I created a new app and generated 2 models.


name: string

user_id: integer
name: string

class User  ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :cars

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :cars, :allow_destroy = true,
:reject_if = proc { |attrs| attrs['name'].blank? }

class Car  ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

Very simple, huh?

In console,

I created a user and create 2 cars for the user.

u = User.first
u.cars_attributes={0={id=2, _destroy=1}}

This should destroy the car but didn't.
If I modify the User model like

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :cars, :allow_destroy = true

Then, it works as I expect meaning it destroy the car with the same code
in the console.

If I modify the line like the following, it works also.

accepts_nested_attributes_for :cars, :allow_destroy = true, :reject_if
= proc { |attrs| attrs['id'].blank? and attrs['name'].blank? }

As I understand it, reject_if option is only for new instance not for
destroyed instance.
Am I wrong?


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[Rails] Weird Rails 3 Route Problem

2011-01-10 Thread Sam Kong

I am using simple_captcha. It worked find until I add the following line
to routes.rb

match :controller(/:action), :constraints = {:controller =

The captcha image is not showing and the log shows the following error

Started GET
for at Sun Jan 09 23:21:29 -0800 2011

AbstractController::ActionNotFound (The action
'8cdf70c193dc8823f281828f11c250e1739883da' could not be found for

Why does the line in the routes affect simple_captcha?



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[Rails] Relay Access Denied

2010-11-26 Thread Sam Kong

I have several rails applications on a shared hosting.
To avoid the server's restriction of sending mails, I use an external
It works most of times but for some sender emails it gives an error.

Net::SMTPFatalError (554 5.7.1 sam.s.k...@gmail.com: Relay access

The error happens if sender's domain is gmail.com, yahoo.com or
But it works most other domains.

How do I avoid this error?

The smtp configuration is like the following.

  config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
  config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:tls = true,
:address  = smtpdomain.com,
:port  = 587,
:domain  = www.mydomain.com,
:user_name  = my_user_name,
:password  = my_pasword,
:authentication  = :plain



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[Rails] passenger for both rails 2.3 and 3.0

2010-10-27 Thread Sam Kong

I installed ruby 1.8.7 and passenger 3.0 for apache2 on Ubuntu 10.10.
Rails 2.3 works fine.
But Rails 3.0 gives an error saying that rack version is not 1.2.1.
If I upgrade the rack to 1.2.1, then rails 2.3 app complains that the
rack version is not ~1.1.0.

How do I satisfy both rails 2.3 and 3.0?
Passenger standalone seems to be an option but I want to know if there's
a better way.



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[Rails] Where can I find the full document for rails application template?

2010-10-24 Thread Sam Kong

I am trying to learn how to use rails application template (as in rails
new app_name -m temaplate).
I can find some examples but I can't find full document for the APIs.
Does anyone know where the document is?



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[Rails] Passenger is not working

2010-10-22 Thread Sam Kong

I just installed passenger 3.0.(on rvm system, using sudo).
Strangely, gem path was not found.
So I did sudo /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/passenger-install-apache2-module.
Installation process was smooth.
I modified httpd.conf and added myapp.local configuration and modified
hosts for the local domain.
I also reloaded apache2.

When I visit the site from my browser, it just shows blank page.
No error.

What did I miss?



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[Rails] Problem while installing passenger for apache

2010-10-18 Thread Sam Kong

I am trying to install passenger 3.0 for apache2 on Ubuntu 10.10.

It says that I need to install libopenssl-ruby.

But when I did 'sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby', I got the
following error.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'libruby' instead of 'libopenssl-ruby'
libruby is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 21 not upgraded.

How do I install libopenssl-ruby?



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[Rails] gvim error with rails.vim

2010-10-15 Thread Sam Kong

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and vim 7.2.330.
I Use rails.vim and set it auto-start when pwd is rails directory.

vim works find.
However, gvim gives errors.

Error detected while processing function SNR18_menuBufEnter.
E117: Unknown function rails#app
E15: Invalid expression: rails#app...
And some more error messages related to rails#app.

Why doesn't gvim work while vim works fine?
rails.vim is the latest, by the way.



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[Rails] When to use 'bundle package'

2010-09-01 Thread Sam Kong

If you do 'bundle install vendor', gems will be installed in the
Then, you can deploy it to your production server.

When do you need to do 'bundle package'?
If you do 'bundle package', the gem files will be in vendor/cache.
Do you normally add vendor/cache to your git repository?


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[Rails] Rails 3 routing for namespaced controllers

2010-08-23 Thread Sam Kong

I need to use legacy-style routing. And it's namespaced.

According to http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html, it should
be like the following.

match ':controller(/:action(/:id))', :controller = /admin\/[^\/]+/

/admin/c1/a1 works fine.

But the problem is that, if I have /c2/a2 (note it's not namespaced with
admin) /admin/c2/a2 also works even if I don't have Admin::C2Controller.
So /admin/c2/a2 is mapped to c2#a2.

This might not be a big problem but I feel it's weird.
What do you think?

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[Rails] Re: What's the best way to solve this?

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Kong
Colin Law wrote:
 On 16 August 2010 06:05, Sam Kong li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 Here's a situation:
 A product belongs to multiple categories and the categories are top
 menus of a site.
 That does not make sense, do you mean product has_many categories, or
 more likely category has_many products and product belongs_to

I was not clear about this.
Product and Category are m:n relationship.
Actually there's a Categoryship model.

 I want to highlight the category of a product when the product detail
 page is loaded.
 If there's some context, I can determine which category should be
 (For example, I can track the categories that a user selected).
 But sometimes there's no context (for example, the user visits the page
 directly without getting through categories).
 If you have a product, @product say, then the the category of the
 product is @product.category, assuming you have setup the ActiveRecord
 relationships correctly.

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[Rails] Re: Re: What's the best way to solve this?

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Kong
Colin Law wrote:
 On 16 August 2010 17:10, Sam Kong li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 I was not clear about this.
 Product and Category are m:n relationship.
 Actually there's a Categoryship model.
 It would be easier if you could just supply the relationships.  I
 think you are saying category has_many products through categoryship
 and product has_many categories through categoryship also.  In that
 case if you have a product then the categories are available as
 @product.categories.  I am not sure what your question is.

You are understanding the relationships correctly.
The problem is that @product.categories is multiple.
I need to highlight only 1 category for the product and show only 1 
If there's some path that the user took, I can select the category but 
if there's no such context, I don't know what to do.
I can make my own policy but I want to know how other developers are 


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[Rails] Re: Re: Re: What's the best way to solve this?

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Kong
Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Sam Kong li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 The problem is that @product.categories is multiple.
 I need to highlight only 1 category for the product and show only 1
 If there's some path that the user took, I can select the category but
 if there's no such context, I don't know what to do.
 I can make my own policy but I want to know how other developers are
 So instead of
   _products_  _category_  product
 you could do
   _products_  { multiple categories }  product
 where the { multiple categories } is a mouseover dropdown to show
 the list of relevant category links.

Yes, that will do.
Our top menus are categories.
I need to highlight the category.
Do you have any good idea for that?

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[Rails] Re: Re: Re: Re: What's the best way to solve this?

2010-08-16 Thread Sam Kong
Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Sam Kong li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Our top menus are categories.
 I need to highlight the category.
 Do you have any good idea for that?
 Well, some choices are to highlight
 1) none of the categories
 2) all of the relevant categories equally
 3) one, based on some heuristic like most used to access this product
 4) all relevant categories with differential highlighting (i.e. visual 
 using the measure from #3
 I hesitate suggesting one without seeing the whole thing in context :-)
 Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
 twitter: @hassan

You were very helpful.

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[Rails] Best way to render partial

2010-08-15 Thread Sam Kong

I wonder which is better between [1] and [2].

div id=content
  %= yield %

h1Page title/h1
pSome contents.../p

%= yield %

div id=content
h1Page title/h1
pSome contents.../p

Practically they are same.
I think [1] is more DRY.
But I feel kinda weird with [1] because the wrapper div is separated
from the real content.

Which do you think is better?

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[Rails] What's the best way to solve this?

2010-08-15 Thread Sam Kong

Here's a situation:
A product belongs to multiple categories and the categories are top
menus of a site.
I want to highlight the category of a product when the product detail
page is loaded.
If there's some context, I can determine which category should be
(For example, I can track the categories that a user selected).
But sometimes there's no context (for example, the user visits the page
directly without getting through categories).
How can you solve this problem?


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[Rails] Re: Passenger can't find rails gem

2010-07-24 Thread Sam Kong
rholmes wrote:
 I fixed this on my machine as follows:
 The boot.rb file is the one that was generating this message, in a
 method called 'load_rails_gem'.  If you print the value of the
 variable 'load_error' it will give you a specific error message as to
 why the gem wouldn't load.  In my case, it was a mismatched version of
 rack; I installed a down-revision and everything worked.

Thanks Rechard.

I'll try that.


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[Rails] Re: Passenger can't find rails gem

2010-07-24 Thread Sam Kong
Sam Kong wrote:
 rholmes wrote:
 I fixed this on my machine as follows:
 The boot.rb file is the one that was generating this message, in a
 method called 'load_rails_gem'.  If you print the value of the
 variable 'load_error' it will give you a specific error message as to
 why the gem wouldn't load.  In my case, it was a mismatched version of
 rack; I installed a down-revision and everything worked.
 Thanks Rechard.
 I'll try that.


I misspelled your name, Richard.

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[Rails] Passenger can't find rails gem

2010-07-07 Thread Sam Kong

I installed rvm on my OS X Snow Leopard.
And I installed ruby 1.8.7 and gemset rails3.
I also installed passenger.

My rails app runs find with 'rails server'.
However it doesn't run on passenger.

Error message is:
Could not find gem 'rails (= 3.0.0.beta4, runtime)' in the gems
available on this machine. (Bundler::GemNotFound)

I added the following line to config.ru:
ENV[GEM_PATH] = /Users/ssk/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p...@rails3

/etc/apache2/other/passenger.conf has the following:
LoadModule passenger_module
PassengerRuby /Users/ssk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p299/bin/ruby

Why can't passenger find rails?




gem env is
RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [i686-darwin10.0.0]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/ssk/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p...@rails3
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /Users/ssk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p299/bin/ruby
- ruby
- x86-darwin-10
 - /Users/ssk/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p...@rails3
 - /Users/ssk/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p...@global
 - :update_sources = true
 - :verbose = true
 - :benchmark = false
 - :backtrace = false
 - :bulk_threshold = 1000
 - http://rubygems.org/

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.0.beta4)
actionpack (3.0.0.beta4)
activemodel (3.0.0.beta4)
activerecord (3.0.0.beta4)
activeresource (3.0.0.beta4)
activesupport (3.0.0.beta4)
arel (0.4.0)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (0.9.26)
erubis (2.6.6)
fastthread (1.0.7)
i18n (0.4.1)
mail (2.2.5)
memcache-client (1.8.5)
mime-types (1.16)
mysql (2.8.1)
passenger (2.2.15)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.2.1, 1.1.0)
rack-mount (0.6.6)
rack-test (0.5.4)
rails (3.0.0.beta4)
railties (3.0.0.beta4)
rake (0.8.7)
rdoc (2.5.8)
text-format (1.0.0)
text-hyphen (1.0.0)
thor (0.13.7)
treetop (1.4.8)
tzinfo (0.3.22)
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[Rails] Re: Passenger can't find rails gem

2010-07-07 Thread Sam Kong
Leonardo Mateo wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Sam Kong li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Could not find gem 'rails (= 3.0.0.beta4, runtime)' in the gems
 PassengerRuby /Users/ssk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p299/bin/ruby

 Why can't passenger find rails?
 How did you installed passenger? I think you must install it using
 rvmsudo if you're using RVM:
 rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module
 Take a look at this:

Yes, I used rvmsudo.

Thank you.


 �- RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299) [i686-darwin10.0.0]

 erubis (2.6.6)
 rack-test (0.5.4)
 rails (3.0.0.beta4)
 railties (3.0.0.beta4)
 rake (0.8.7)
 rdoc (2.5.8)
 text-format (1.0.0)
 text-hyphen (1.0.0)
 thor (0.13.7)
 treetop (1.4.8)
 tzinfo (0.3.22)
 Leonardo Mateo.
 There's no place like ~

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[Rails] How do I upgrade rack in my current rails app?

2010-06-14 Thread Sam Kong

I have a rails 2.3.8 app which has rack 1.1.0.
I get parse_multipart error.
There's a new release of rack 1.2.0 which might fix the multipart error.

The question is how I upgrade the rack?
I froze the rails.
I did gem update rack and it upgraded rack to 1.2.0.
But my rails app still uses rack 1.1.
How do I set the rails app use rack 1.2.0?


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[Rails] Re: How do I upgrade rack in my current rails app?

2010-06-14 Thread Sam Kong
Robert Walker wrote:
 Sam Kong wrote:
 I have a rails 2.3.8 app which has rack 1.1.0.
 I get parse_multipart error.
 There's a new release of rack 1.2.0 which might fix the multipart error.
 The question is how I upgrade the rack?
 I froze the rails.
 I did gem update rack and it upgraded rack to 1.2.0.
 But my rails app still uses rack 1.1.
 How do I set the rails app use rack 1.2.0?
 Sorry, I don't know exactly how to resolve your issue, but I can tell 
 you this much. Rails version 2.3.5 used a version of Rack prior to 1.1.0 
 (I don't remember the exact version). Rails used that version even when 
 a newer Rack gem was installed. Apparently its dependency is restricted 
 it to use the older version only.
 Maybe Rails 2.3.8 is doing something similar for Rack 1.1.0.
 What indication do you have that upgrading to Rack 1.2.0 will solve your 
 problem? Did you read that somewhere, or are you just guessing? If the 
 latter then you're probably wasting your time. If Rails 2.3.8 were 
 having issues with the version of Rack installed, then it seems likely 
 that a lot of people would be having the same problem.
 I've not actually been able to try Rails 2.3.8, because I can't install 
 it on one of my machines for some reason. I haven't figured out why. 
 And, with Rails 3.0 so close to release I may skip 2.3.8 altogether. It 
 seems like it still has some issues anyway.

Hi Robert,

According to the release note, 1.2.0 has Various multipart fixes

 June 13th, 2010: Tenth public release 1.2.0.
  * Removed Camping adapter: Camping 2.0 supports Rack as-is
  * Removed parsing of quoted values
  * Add Request.trace? and Request.options?
  * Add mime-type for .webm and .htc
  * Various multipart fixes
  * Switch test suite to bacon

Thank you for your reply.

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[Rails] Rack error: bad body content

2010-05-28 Thread Sam Kong

I get an error like the following.

/!\ FAILSAFE /!\  05/27/2010 12:50
  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
  bad content body

It happens when I update a page with images.
This doesn't happen on development server though.
So it might be rack version related.

My development server has rack 1.0 bundled.
The production server has rack 1.0.1.
Both are rails 2.3.2.

Any idea how to fix this problem?


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[Rails] What does attachment_fu do when saving?

2010-05-23 Thread Sam Kong

I have a model with attachment_fu.
The model saves images but I didn't put validates_as_attachment.

I understand that it takes long time to create an object as it has to
process images.
But I don't understand why it takes long time to update the object (not
changing file but only modify other non-attachment_fu attributes).
If I do object.save(false), it doesn't take long time.

So my question is...
What's the difference between object.save and object.save(false) when
the object is attachment_fu model and there's no validation?


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[Rails] attachment_fu slows down update

2010-05-20 Thread Sam Kong

I use attachment_fu and it slows down update.

product has many pictures.

6={_delete=0, color_id=3, id=2953},
11={_delete=0, color_id=9, id=2921},
22={_delete=0, color_id=24, id=2977},
7={_delete=0, color_id=4, id=2965},
12={_delete=0, color_id=10, id=2949},
23={_delete=0, color_id=27, id=2969},
8={_delete=0, color_id=5, id=2917},
13={_delete=0, color_id=11, id=2913},
24={_delete=0, color_id=28, id=2985},
9={_delete=0, color_id=7, id=2989},
14={_deete=0, color_id=12, id=2973},
25={_delete=0, color_id=77, id=2997},
15={_delete=0, color_id=13, id=2925},
0={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2937},
16={_delete=0, color_id=14, id=2941},
1={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2981},
17={_delete=0, color_id=14, id=1897},
2={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2961},
18={_delete=0, color_id=16, id=2929},
3={_delete=0, colo_id=2, id=2909},
19={_delete=0, color_id=17, id=2945},
20={_delete=0, color_id=18, id=2957},
4={_delete=0, color_id=2, id=1893},
10={_delete=0, color_id=8, id=2993},
21={_delete=0, color_id=21, id=2933},
5={_delete=0, color_id=3, id=1901}

This takes 15 seconds.

The workaround I found is
product.attributes = pictures_attributes={
6={_delete=0, color_id=3, id=2953},
11={_delete=0, color_id=9, id=2921},
22={_delete=0, color_id=24, id=2977},
7={_delete=0, color_id=4, id=2965},
12={_delete=0, color_id=10, id=2949},
23={_delete=0, color_id=27, id=2969},
8={_delete=0, color_id=5, id=2917},
13={_delete=0, color_id=11, id=2913},
24={_delete=0, color_id=28, id=2985},
9={_delete=0, color_id=7, id=2989},
14={_deete=0, color_id=12, id=2973},
25={_delete=0, color_id=77, id=2997},
15={_delete=0, color_id=13, id=2925},
0={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2937},
16={_delete=0, color_id=14, id=2941},
1={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2981},
17={_delete=0, color_id=14, id=1897},
2={_delete=0, color_id=, id=2961},
18={_delete=0, color_id=16, id=2929},
3={_delete=0, colo_id=2, id=2909},
19={_delete=0, color_id=17, id=2945},
20={_delete=0, color_id=18, id=2957},
4={_delete=0, color_id=2, id=1893},
10={_delete=0, color_id=8, id=2993},
21={_delete=0, color_id=21, id=2933},
5={_delete=0, color_id=3, id=1901}
product.save false

This is fast but I am not sure this is the right way.
Is there a better way?


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[Rails] I cannot install Rails 3.0 on my OS X

2010-05-16 Thread Sam Kong

I've upgraded ruby to 1.8.7.
But when I tried to install rails 3.0, it said that I need ruby 1.8.7 or

ruby-1.8.7-p248$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248) [i686-darwin9.8.0]
ruby-1.8.7-p248$ sudo gem install rails --pre
ERROR:  Error installing rails:
  activesupport requires Ruby version = 1.8.7.

What should I do?

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[Rails] attachment_fu generates wrong public_filename

2009-10-06 Thread Sam Kong


attachment_fu generates wrong public_filename.

= ProductPicture id: 12331, product_id: nil, parent_id: 12330,
content_type: image/png, filename: b_9788994035109_mid.png,
thumbnail: mid, size: 16562, width: 205, height: 205, created_at:
2009-10-05 02:43:50, updated_at: 2009-10-05 02:43:50,
ProductPicture id: 12332, product_id: nil, parent_id: 12330,
content_type: image/png, filename: b_9788994035109_thumb.png,
thumbnail: thumb, size: 2300, width: 52, height: 52, created_at:
2009-10-05 02:43:51, updated_at: 2009-10-05 02:43:51
ProductPicture id: 12330, product_id: 23236, parent_id: nil,
content_type: image/gif, filename: b_9788994035109.gif, thumbnail:
nil, size: 73990, width: 400, height: 400, created_at: 2009-10-05
02:43:50, updated_at: 2009-10-05 02:43:50
= ProductPicture id: 12331, product_id: nil, parent_id: 12330,
content_type: image/png, filename: b_9788994035109_mid.png,
thumbnail: mid, size: 16562, width: 205, height: 205, created_at:
2009-10-05 02:43:50, updated_at: 2009-10-05 02:43:50, ProductPicture
id: 12332, product_id: nil, parent_id: 12330, content_type: image/png,
filename: b_9788994035109_thumb.png, thumbnail: thumb, size: 2300,
width: 52, height: 52, created_at: 2009-10-05 02:43:51, updated_at:
2009-10-05 02:43:51
= /product_pictures/0001/2330/b_9788994035109.gif
= /product_pictures/0001/2330/b_9788994035109_mid.gif

It generates .gif instead of .png when the actual type is '.png'
(gif is the parent's type)

This works ok with my dev machine but not with my production machine.

Any idea?


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[Rails] Recursive partial wasted my 2 hours

2009-06-11 Thread Sam Kong


When I called a page, the server choked like frozen.
I checked it with 'top' command and HDD(wa) was 95%.
There's no error or suspicious log.

After wasting 2 hours, I found that a partial called it self.
In _a.html.erb
%= render :partial = a %

Can rails detect such a mistake and stop proceeding and report it?


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[Rails] Passenger 2.2.1 error?

2009-05-04 Thread Sam Kong


I am running my rails 2.3.2 app on Passenger 2.2.1.

There's a simple page like

render :text = Hello

And it crashes about every 1 out of 5 refreshes.

Is there any known issue with Passenger 2.2.1?


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[Rails] Re: Passenger 2.2.1 error?

2009-05-04 Thread Sam Kong

Sam Kong wrote:
 I am running my rails 2.3.2 app on Passenger 2.2.1.
 There's a simple page like
 render :text = Hello
 And it crashes about every 1 out of 5 refreshes.
 Is there any known issue with Passenger 2.2.1?

I forgot to attach the error messages.

Passenger encountered the following error:
The application spawner server exited unexpectedly: Broken pipe

Exception class:
# File Line Location
0 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb 117 
in `spawn_application'
1 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb 265 in 
2 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb 80 
in `synchronize'
3 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb 79 
in `synchronize'
4 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb 250 in 
5 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb 153 in 
6 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb 282 in 
7 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb 337 in 
8 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb 337 in 
9 /dh/passenger/lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb 187 in 
10 /dh/passenger/bin/passenger-spawn-server 55
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[Rails] Re: Restful_authentication doesn't work in Rails 2.3.2

2009-05-01 Thread Sam Kong

Matt Jones wrote:
 Yep, you're seeing an incompatibility - I think 2.1.2 was the first
 version of Passenger that worked with Rails 2.3.2.
 --Matt Jones

Yes, you're right.
I complained to DreamHost and surprisingly they moved my account to a 
newer server which has Passenger 2.2.1.


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[Rails] Restful_authentication doesn't work in Rails 2.3.2

2009-04-30 Thread Sam Kong


I'm using restful_authentication on rails 2.3.2.
It works find on my local machine which has passenger 2.1.2.
But it doesn't work on the web hosting server (DreamHost) which may have
lower version of passenger.
The problem is session[:user_id] is not reserved while redirecting.

Is this an incompatibility issue between rails 2.3.2 and passenger?
If so, is there a workaround other than upgrading passenger?
(I've already asked DreamHost to upgrade passenger but it will take


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[Rails] tiny_mce and jquery + jrails

2009-04-29 Thread Sam Kong


I've been using tiny_mce_plus.
Recently I changed prototype to jquery and jrails.
It caused problems to tiny_mce_plus.
So I replaced the prototype.js part in tiny_mce_plus with jquery and
But according to log, the tiny_mce still uses prototype.js even if I
restarted rails app.

I grepped prototype.js over entire app and couldn't find any.
I don't know where I need to change.

Can somebody help?


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[Rails] compromising development mode and production mode

2009-04-09 Thread Sam Kong


I have a very stupid question.

I run my rails application on phusion passenger.
As you know, in production mode I need to 'touch tmp/restart.txt' when
I've changed some files.
In development mode, it's not needed.

Can I run the production mode application like it's development mode so
that I don't need to 'touch tmp/restart.txt'?
Of course, I can set it to run in development mode.
However, I don't want any other development mode feature except that
'touch tmp/restart.txt' thing.

The application doesn't have to be fast.
So speed is not an issue here.


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[Rails] IE's session id changes on every request

2008-11-13 Thread Sam Kong


I am developing a site with rails 2.1.2.
restful_authentication is used.

I can log in with Firefox but not with IE or Safari.
I checked the log and found that session ID changes every time for IE.

Why does this happen?


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[Rails] Re: IE's session id changes on every request

2008-11-13 Thread Sam Kong

Sam Kong wrote:
 I am developing a site with rails 2.1.2.
 restful_authentication is used.
 I can log in with Firefox but not with IE or Safari.
 I checked the log and found that session ID changes every time for IE.
 Why does this happen?

I found out the cause of the problem.

In my development server, the site was mapped to a host name that 
includes an underscore(_).
It caused the problem.

I found it at 


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[Rails] Re: InvalidAuthenticityToken error only in IE

2008-11-12 Thread Sam Kong

Mike wrote:
 i've got the same problem. i cant find any fix for it neither can i
 reproduce it. it just sometimes works.

Thanks for the reply.

I couldn't fix it.
I just disabled forgery protection. :-(

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[Rails] Sharing view between new and edit actions

2008-11-12 Thread Sam Kong


I had an argument with the web designer about a philosophical(not very
practical) issue.

Normally, we have new.html.erb and edit.html.erb and they share
_form.html.erb as a partial render.
The designer said that there should be only one view template and use
if-statement for minor differences.

For example, they all should be combined into form.html.erb.
She thinks that it's better design-wise.
No redundancy, blah blah...

I am against it.
But I failed to convince her.

What do you think?


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[Rails] auto-complete without connecting to the server

2008-11-05 Thread Sam Kong


My client wants to type instead of select from a list.
But it's not just a free typing but typing the first few letters.
So basically, it's auto-complete function except that the list data is
already in the client as an array in JavaScript.

Is there any plugin for such a function?
If not, how would you implement it?


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[Rails] Re: auto-complete without connecting to the server

2008-11-05 Thread Sam Kong

Robert Zotter wrote:

 Take a look at the local autocompleter wiki, it has all the
 information you will need.

Thank you very much.
This is exactly what I was looking for.

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