The "convert a local array to xml" is where I am running into issues.
I keep trying to set a "pings" property but it isn't working. How do I
shove that into the Uptime object so that they are all transmitted at
the same time?
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 4:16 AM, glennswest wrote:
> Yes you would normally update pings as they occur, unless your
> thinking of submitting
> a xml and doing a bulk update. So the "pinger" is doing a butch of
> pings, then
> sending the results to the backend?
> Then you just need to convert a local array to a xml file and submit
> it to your Restful web app.
> On Apr 7, 6:45 am, Carl Fyffe wrote:
>> Given the following models:
>> class Uptime < ActiveRecord::Base
>> has_many :pings
>> end
>> class Ping < ActiveRecord::Base
>> belongs_to :uptime
>> end
>> I can create an ActiveResource that will get the uptimes and ping models:
>> class UptimeResource < ActiveResource::Base
>> = "http://localhost:3000";
>> self.element_name = "uptime"
>> end
>> class PingResource < UptimeResource
>> self.element_name = "ping"
>> end
>> If the information exists in the database, I can do
>> UptimeResource.find(1).pings and get a list of pings. But how can I
>> create pings besides creating an UptimeResource and then creating the
>> pings separately. I am trying to save the XML into an XML Database and
>> bypass a relational database (client requirements). I wish I had
>> something like CouchDB_fu but for XML databases...
>> Is this a job for DataMapper? I am open to any strategy. Swift kicks
>> to the head welcome.
>> Carl
> >
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