[Rails] Re: SubDomain Queries

2009-05-31 Thread sahil

On May 30, 8:52 pm, Hassan Schroeder 
> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 8:43 AM, sahil  wrote:
> > so, when a user goes to blog.company.com, he should see contents of
> > the the rails_app, but the domain part of the url should not change.
> ? So, maybe I'm not understanding the issue.
> Create a virtual host for blog.company.com and install your blog app
> there. No redirection, no url change.
> Yes?

Yes, i think you are right.

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[Rails] Re: SubDomain Queries

2009-05-30 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 8:43 AM, sahil  wrote:

> so, when a user goes to blog.company.com, he should see contents of
> the the rails_app, but the domain part of the url should not change.

? So, maybe I'm not understanding the issue.

Create a virtual host for blog.company.com and install your blog app
there. No redirection, no url change.


Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com

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[Rails] Re: SubDomain Queries

2009-05-30 Thread sahil

On May 29, 7:07 pm, Robin Fisher  wrote:
> Hi Sahil,
> If someone types in blog.company.com, you will need access to the
> server on which that domain resides in order to redirect it to your
> app, it has nothing to do with how you structure your application.
> If you setup a redirect, then the user will see yourapp.com/blog/:id
> unless you reconfigure the routes in routes.rb.  The alternative so
> that the user sees blog.company.com is to frame your site on the
> company.com website although this is considered slightly 2001 and not
> really the done thing.

No, actually i am not looking for the redirection thing. What i want
is the CNAME Record change of blog.company.com. I have access to this
and the other domain.
so, when a user goes to blog.company.com, he should see contents of
the the rails_app, but the domain part of the url should not change.


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[Rails] Re: SubDomain Queries

2009-05-29 Thread Freddy Andersen

Apache and mod_rewrite will be your friend. I would also setup a
virtualhost for the blog.company.com

But are you saying that you have mycompany.com which is a rails app
and you want your blog.othercompany.com to use your blog controller?

Or when people go on your blog they should see blog.mycompany.com in
the browser?
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[Rails] Re: SubDomain Queries

2009-05-29 Thread Robin Fisher

Hi Sahil,

If someone types in blog.company.com, you will need access to the
server on which that domain resides in order to redirect it to your
app, it has nothing to do with how you structure your application.

If you setup a redirect, then the user will see yourapp.com/blog/:id
unless you reconfigure the routes in routes.rb.  The alternative so
that the user sees blog.company.com is to frame your site on the
company.com website although this is considered slightly 2001 and not
really the done thing.


On May 29, 7:28 am, Sahil Dave  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a requirement in my rails application where i need to provide access
> to a blog from another domain.
> e.g:  blog.company.com should point to my app's blog_controller's show
> action. Is this possible.
> & if it is possible, will the user see:
> 1. blog.company.com/blog/some-blog
> 2. myapp.com/blog/some-blog
> I read a lot about Subdomain_fu. But i think it can only emulate subdomains
> in my own app. like (blog.myapp.com) or (company.blog.myapp.com).
> I really need help on this. Any pointers or suggestions are always welcome.
> Regards
> --
> Sahil
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