[rules-users] 5.1M2 release notes? Feature-complete?

2010-05-27 Thread Ed Staub

Are release notes available for 5.1M2?

Is 5.1M2 feature-complete - that is, does everything that's intended to be
in 5.1 work in 5.1M2, with the exception of a list of issues that's
available somewhere (Jira?)?

(Sorry if these are answered elsewhere - I did look!)

-Ed Staub
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Re: [rules-users] Flow - handling multiple events of the same kind

2010-05-03 Thread Ed Staub

salaboy wrote:
> Can you give us a use case for that situation?
The case is one where an asynchronous workitem - that is, one which doesn't
call completeWorkItem from within executeWorkItem - creates messages which
need to invoke additional business-process behavior.  These could be made to
invoke secondary processes, but there's a lot of economy in keeping their
behavior within the same process - error-handling, external aborting, and
monitoring are all a lot simpler.


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Re: [rules-users] Flow - handling multiple events of the same kind

2010-05-03 Thread Ed Staub

salaboy wrote:
> Can you give us a use case for that situation?
The case is one where an asynchronous workitem - that is, one which doesn't
call completeWorkItem from within executeWorkItem - creates messages which
need to invoke additional business-process behavior.  These could be made to
invoke secondary processes, but there's a lot of economy in keeping their
behavior within the same process - error-handling, external aborting, and
monitoring are all a lot simpler.


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[rules-users] Flow - handling multiple events of the same kind

2010-04-30 Thread Ed Staub

If the same event-node is triggered twice with different data, the same
variable will be recycled for the different data payloads.  How does one
ensure that data is not lost?

My best guess is to follow the event node with a composite node, and copy
the top-level variables into the composite's variable scope in the first
sub-node of the composite.  But I'm not sure whether I can guarantee that
the composite will be able to do that before the engine handles the second

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Re: [rules-users] Access to globals from WorkItemHandlers?

2010-04-20 Thread Ed Staub

tolitius wrote:
> I don't really understand why would not out of the Drools Flow box mapping
> ( e.g.  to="databaseCredetials" /> ) work for you.

It would, technically.  It's actually a marketing problem that I'm trying to
avoid!  We are by no means settled on Drools.  There are a lot of horror
stories about rule-engine performance, and Drools in particular.  I'm sure
that most of them are based on bad design choices... but I'd like to avoid
any smell of unnecessary rule-engine overhead.  

You probably can see where I'm going... in a forward-chaining engine like
Drools, every introduction or mutation of a variable requires matching
against the active rules.  

In the context of a normal workflow, I believe that this overhead is
ridiculously trivial in the kind of use-case I've been talking about.  But
I'd prefer to avoid the discussion altogether!


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Re: [rules-users] Access to globals from WorkItemHandlers?

2010-04-20 Thread Ed Staub

tolitius wrote:
> If credentials come in to your flow in a "DatabaseCredetials" object,
> I don't really see the problem to map this object into / out from workitem
> handler using "Parameter in/out mapping":

Forget about flow, for the moment, and just consider rules.
If you could roll back time, and didn't have to consider
backward-compatibility, would you eliminate the ability to use globals in
rule right-hand-side code?  
If not:
  Why not?  And does the same logic not apply to the WorkItemHandler

Is your message that "use of globals in any user code (rule right-hand-side
or WorkItemHandler) is strongly deprecated, regardless of whether any
alterations are made?"  That's my interpretation.

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Re: [rules-users] Access to globals from WorkItemHandlers?

2010-04-20 Thread Ed Staub


tolitius wrote:
>If WorkitemHandler has a reference to "getGlobal(String name)", that
> means that there is a chance for workitem to change those globals, and
> just by looking at the process definition ( since these variables are not
> mapped visually [ XML ] ), there is no way to track that change. 
That's true - but exactly the same, I believe, as in code under the
right-hand-side of rules.  The engine doesn't know if a rule mucks with the
internals of a global either.  "Don't run with scissors in your hand"
shouldn't lead to the abolition of scissors on alternate Saturdays.   

tolitius wrote:
>And in your case, depending on what design you adhere to (DDD or
> Service -> DAO), I would create a service that would be able ( through
> specific DAO(s) ) to access DB, and _inject_ that service into workitem
> handler [ or in case of DDD, if that is a behavior of the entity, workitem
> handler will have a reference to that entity ].
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're getting at... in the case I described,
the credentials are supplied by the initiator of the process.  Where exactly
are you envisioning them being stored?  In my case, the data is analogous to
database credentials - not actually them - so specific design idioms that
are specific to them aren't relevant.  The credentials are for access to a
thick access library that has its own data-access architecture.

Touma wrote:
> One method of reading external data and outputting data would be to use
> the 'Parameter Mapping' and 'Result Mapping' feature of handlers.
This only provides mapping to and from variables.  What you're suggesting
is, I think, exactly what I was asking for!


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Re: [rules-users] Access to globals from WorkItemHandlers?

2010-04-20 Thread Ed Staub


Thanks for the feedback.

>>    If they have access to globals, they would become always stateful, which 
>>is not _always_ the desired behavior. 

I don't see this, any more than with any other data.  If the WorkItem or 
WorkItemManager interface supplied a getGlobal(String name), and the 
WorkItemHandler doesn't stuff it away in a field or otherwise retain it as 
state, then it's not stateful - unless I'm missing something.

>>    But you can map all the variables into the handler, can't you? 

Yes, if I must.  But some resources used by workitems need to be configured by 
either the process initiator or a process participant, yet don't make sense in 
the variable domain.  Consider, e.g., a process where multiple workitems need 
to access a database - but the selection of database is up to the process 
initiator.  The connection credentials don't really belong in a variable, at 
least as I understand the intended uses for globals and variables.


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[rules-users] Access to globals from WorkItemHandlers?

2010-04-20 Thread Ed Staub

Do WorkItemHandlers not have access to globals by intent?
In Flow, at least from my perspective, most of the usefulness of globals
would be in WorkItemHandlers.
They'd probably need their own map - or a way of flagging names in the
"variable" map as globals - e.g., "*foo" means "the global foo".

If there's no counter-argument, I'll put a request in Jira.

BTW... thanks to the folks who contribute regularly here!

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Re: [rules-users] How to do Exception Handling???

2010-04-09 Thread Ed Staub

salaboy wrote:
> Ed, feel free to contribute with documentation about how you implement
> your
> own mechanisms to handle exceptions.
I'm a newbie, I've never written a WorkItemHandler, I've just read the doc
and tried to understand.
I came away from the "Exceptions" section of the doc with no idea of whether
or how it related to Java Exceptions, and they're not covered elsewhere. 
All I'm looking for (for now) is to simply throw into the docs (maybe in
"8.2.4. Executing work items") what Kris said here, which I think boils down

   "WorkItemHandlers should not throw exceptions of any kind.  If an
exception is to be handled at the business process level, convert it into a
Fault.  The WorkItemHandler should also provide whatever other handling
(logging, etc.) is desired."

I'd also suggest renaming section 3.8 from "Exceptions" to "Faults", and
talk about "Fault Handlers", not "Exception Handlers".  

It might make sense to provide an AbstractWorkItemHandler which wraps
executeWorkItem() with sensible default behavior of some kind.  But this is
less important, IMHO.  I agree that the mapping from Java exception to
business-process semantics is fundamentally the responsibility of the
WorkItemHandler.  The framework can help, and can make clear that the
responsibility exists -that's all.


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Re: [rules-users] How to do Exception Handling???

2010-04-09 Thread Ed Staub

tolitius wrote:
> would be cool to address real "Java" Exceptions (no matter what the
> approach is) in Exception Handling section of the documentation
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Re: [rules-users] Resuming the Flow: SESSION_ID, PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, WORKITEM_ID

2010-04-02 Thread Ed Staub


Thanks for your responses.

I don't see what's relevant in WSHT - but I wasn't very clear about the
problem I'm trying to solve.

We expect to be using Flow to glue together a lot of existing systems, with
existing async API's, largely transported over JMS.  They don't have a place
to hold onto a Drools-provided correlation ID - they have ad hoc correlation
ids constructable from common data in the request and response.  We will
need to map from these ad hoc ids to the workitem.

>> Cool, are you planning to implement your own work Item?
I haven't worked out where/how to wire this in yet.
I was hoping someone might point me to this being "on the shelf" somewhere!

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Re: [rules-users] Resuming the Flow: SESSION_ID, PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, WORKITEM_ID

2010-04-02 Thread Ed Staub

I'm facing similar requirements, I think.
In many cases the other systems that I'll be working with have no place to
stuff a WorkItem Id, etc.

I'm planning to implement a " http://www.eaipatterns.com/SmartProxy.html
Smart Proxy ", which stores in a database a mapping from:
- a unique set of data in the request and the response
- the session-id/process-id/workitem-id necessary to resume.

When a response comes in, the table will be used for correlation.
An event monitor will clean out the table entries when a given process

The mapping may be stored as rules - I'm not sure yet.

Thoughts?  Experience?
I'm a total drools-noob - this may make no sense.

-Ed Staub
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[rules-users] Drools version(s) commercially supported by JBoss

2010-04-01 Thread Ed Staub

Is the latest version of Drools commercially supported by JBoss 4.0.7?

Can you guess when they/you will support 5.0?  


(Please don't make me call them - that's the only sales contact mode they
offer from the website!)

Thanks very much,
-Ed Staub
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