Re: [rules-users] Unable to upload POJO model jar to Guvnor 5.3.1 on Glassfish 3.1.2

2012-06-13 Thread Garf
On June 1st, claz12 wrote: "when I try to upload the model jar file, I get
the error 'Unable to to upload the file' message box displayed."

I was able to reproduce this problem on Guvnor 5.4 / Tomcat 7 -- and
uploading a JDK1.7 compiled Jar. 
The HTTP response suggested that the Java version was wrong. 
I produced 1.6 java, and it was able to upload successfully.

I suppose it probably would be best to show the precise error message to the


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[rules-users] Planner - Initialized solution & local search

2012-07-11 Thread Garf
I'm using v5.4. I've built a prototype which uses the constructionHeuristic,
and localSearch, as the example does, and am able to run the solver (though
it still doesn't do a good job of solving at this point).

I've now added customSolverPhase, and set it to use an initializer class
which implements CustomSolverPhaseCommand.

In my changeWorkingSolution, I call scoreDirector.beforeEntityAdded(), and
then set the planning entity's planning variable, and then call

If I leave any entities unadded -- and let the constructionHeuristic
(BEST_FIT, etc) do the fitting (which I can verify from the logs)-- I then
get this exception:

/java.lang.IllegalStateException: Phase localSearch started with an
uninitialized Solution. First initialize the Solution. For example, run a
phase constructionHeuristic first./

For now, I can update my code to ensure that all of the entities are fitted
and bypass the constructionHeuristic, but I'm curious why this error is
getting thrown. I did hunt through the source code to look at all the
isInitialized() methods, but I haven't yet stepped through to see which one
returns false any why.

As for turning on TRACE mode, see my
recent post .


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Re: [rules-users] Score curruption exception in drools-planner-5.4.0.CR1

2012-07-11 Thread Garf
Right, the root of the behavior is that TRACE enables assertWorkingScore(),
which tells me that the workingScore (reflecting the score after the move)
is not the same as the uncorruptedScore (reflecting prior to the change),
and specifically, that 4 ConstraintOccurrences are mismatched. For some
reason, new

I looked, along the lines of Christopher's earlier suggestion, that equals()
was the issue, but it was not.
It just appears that insertLogical() is not replacing the
ConstraintOccurences that were associated with the PlanningVariable's class.


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Re: [rules-users] Planner - Initialized solution & local search

2012-07-11 Thread Garf
re: /Double check if you aren't calling afterEntityAdded() on the
non-initialized entities too.
Also check that the construction heurstics run before the localSearch solver
does (the order in which they are declared in the config xml matters)./

Checked both.
I'll file a JIRA bug, but I'm just searching the source some more -- I'm
trying to verify that DefaultGreedyFitSolverPhase.solve() doesn't exit the
loop before calling setSolutionInitialized().


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Re: [rules-users] Planner - Initialized solution & local search

2012-07-12 Thread Garf
I figured out the problem.

DefaultSolver.runSolverPhases() will go through each phase, and will revert
the changes if they're not better. Or, more exactly, here are lines 191-193:

if (it.hasNext()) {
// solverScope.setWorkingSolutionFromBestSolution();

Now, if this involved setting the planning variables for the first time,
those will be reverted.

There's a few ways of tackling this, some of which are on the user end, such
as a adding a hard constraint to penalize the solution if the planning
variable isn't set.


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Re: [rules-users] Planner 5.4 - Overriding CachedMoveFactory to skip some PlanningEntity instances

2012-07-13 Thread Garf
my error here in looking to extend CachedMoveFactory. Obviously, the moves
are cached, and not regenerated each forage.

I suppose if I wanted to achieved what I wanted, I'd just override
isMoveDoable() to make it more discerning -- but,as the JavaDoc suggests,
there's little benefit to doing this. I'd be putting business logic into
Java that would be redundant to the rules, with little performance gains.

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[rules-users] Planner - IntConstraintOccurrence not being retracted

2012-07-13 Thread Garf
I've been building a prototype similar to CloudBalancing.
I've got IntConstraintOccurrence objects being inserted via insertLogical()
through my rules.

For some reason, I don't think these are being retracted as expected -- the
count() of accumulated IntConstraintOccurrence's ramps up to 10x what I
expected to be (and the sum of weights is similarly 10x what I expect).

Also -- I have enabled Drools debugging, but I don't see the Audit Logs.

any ideas?


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Re: [rules-users] Planner - IntConstraintOccurrence not being retracted

2012-07-16 Thread Garf
Rookie error -- I neglected to put the modify() in the RHS of a rule.
That'll make a big difference.  :-)

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Re: [rules-users] Drools Planner changing problem fact

2012-07-17 Thread Garf
last month, Ralph wrote: /All the examples in the drools-planner-examples
seem to have a fixed list of problem facts (rooms, teachers, timeslots)
which only should be combined optimally./

Just to address this one unanswered point.
The Cloud Balancing example does support changing the problem facts,
specifically by removing computers (bins).

The last section of the planner documentation (section 12.4) addresses
realtime planning, through the Solver.addProblemFactChange() API. This works
whether you are removing problem facts (as the example shows) or modifying
their contents.

This generally restarts the Solver -- but, if you are relatively optimized,
the adjustment is found relatively fast. (I'm curious, though -- does the
Solver expressly prioritize doing moves associated with those problem facts
that were just changed?)

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Re: [rules-users] modifying the problem facts while running the solver - Drools Planner

2012-08-15 Thread Garf

spinjala wrote
> 1) When a solution violates all constraints, does it provide a default
> solution? If so, can it be changed so that it doesn't provide one?
> Otherwise, is there a way to assure that no solution is generated when ALL
> constraints are violated. 

Let's walk through the code. 
Solver.solve() will look for solutions until any of the conditions specified
by the termination configuration are met. These could be based on time, or
score, etc.

In your case, your best solution will have a negative hard score. You would
find this via:

Solution Sol = solver.getBestSolution();
if (Sol.getScore().getHardScore() == 0) {
  // no constraints are violated
} else {
  // Sol = null

spinjala wrote
> 2) When a feasible solution is not generated, is it possible to make a
> custom solution as the most relevant solution instead of the generated
> one? For ex. if the solution generated by Drools planner assigned a work
> order WO2 to a resource R1, is it possible to create a custom solution
> that assigns it to, possibly R2?

Sharpen your grammar here.
Your first sentence's first clause says that the feasible solution is not
generated, but the last clause references "the generated one."

So who (or what) is making this custom solution?
Remember that the Solution is your class. You are free to write your own
code to fill it on your own via your own code (or user actions).


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Re: [rules-users] Rule flows in Drools planner configuration?

2012-08-15 Thread Garf

spinjala wrote
> Is it possible to have a rule flow file that defines a set of rules
> (constraints) but executed in the order per the defined ruleflow.? I dont
> see any example doing that so I was wondering if it is possible at all to
> have the constraints defined with a rule flow file instead of single .drl
> file?

I guess that the challenge here is that a rule flow file awaits
startProcess() to be fired.
Planner's DroolsScoreDirector.calculateScore() only calls fireAllRules().


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Re: [rules-users] modifying the problem facts while running the solver - Drools Planner

2012-08-15 Thread Garf

spinjala wrote
> I tried setting the scoreAttained and maximum time allowed to spend in my
> termination configuration, but none seems to stop the solver finding the
> solution that violates ALL constraints  and hence throws a negative hard
> score. Is this the only way to do it or any other way is available to
> force the solver not to look for a solution when ALL constraints are
> violated?

>From Planner's perspective, there are multiple possible solutions.
Each solution has a score, a combination of the hard and soft scores, each
of which represents the sum of constraint violations.
If the scores are <0, then the solution is nonoptimal; and thus, it will
keep looking.

You might try the termination/maximumUnimprovedStepCount config setting.
(see section 6.6.4 of the doc)

This stops the solving after a number of steps have been tried without any
improvement to the score.


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Re: [rules-users] Any additional (better) documentation for the examples included in Drools Planner product?

2012-08-15 Thread Garf

spinjala wrote
> We have been having real hard time understanding the examples with such
> limited/no documentation about the examples that are included in the
> product. Did someone find any other documentation on them apart from the
> 5-6 paragraphs mentioned in the reference manual? Also, we found the
> reference manual not detailed/ easy enough for us to delve into the
> product to understand its features better. The biggest question is , Is
> this product production ready and supported by Redhat yet?

Did you see the reference manual here:

Which are the 5-6 paragraphs you are referring to?

I'll concede that there could be shorter summaries of the manual for getting


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Re: [rules-users] modifying the problem facts while running the solver - Drools Planner

2012-08-17 Thread Garf

spinjala wrote
> THis is what is happening now with my sample solution that I am writing..
> Once the solver finds that a workorder (WO1) couldn't be assigned to any
> resource in the list of resources (due to the constraints)...

Well, it's a slightly different problem them. Planner's approach is to solve
problems in parallel, where it's not trivial to determine where a given item
can be matched.

Part of the motivation beyond using Planner is that whether one item fits
may be dependent on how the other items are arranged.

If workorders are coming in one at a time, why not apply the rules to that
item alone -- and that remove it from the planning scenario if it can't be


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