It should work fine, the entire LHS is basically copied to the second  
rule. Just try it with it all in one rule and make sure you syntax is  


On Aug 20, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Chandana Pingle < 
 > wrote:

> Hi,
> I found an example on using "extends" to extend a rule from another  
> rule.
> Using extends would only include the WHEN side of the rule.
> I want to use the variable defined in the parent rule in sub rule
> ,something like below example,how do i do that?
> rule A
> when
>    $a:String( )
>    eval($a=="abc")
> then
>    do something
> end
> rule B extends A
> when
>   $b:String( )
>   $c:SomeClass()
> then
>   $c.someMethod($a,$b) //i am not able to use $a here
>   end
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Chandana
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