
I'm starting to work with the drools-solver to help on a gaming project. Basically, we have a game that works in two modes: 1) a competitive game where humans (or agents) compete with one another on a well defined game board to achieve 24 points by using three (or four) agricultural development tokens. 2. A puzzle, where all 4 players work cooperatively to create an equitable solution, where all 4 players win with at least 24 points by means of our agricultural development tokens.

I am starting to work with drools-solver to address the puzzle part of our game. Basically, we are interested in having the solver do two things for us: a) find the optimal solution for our game/puzzle, based upon our requirements [this part seems quite straightforward] and b) getting the total number of solutions that satisfy our constraints. We would like, as well, to be able to inspect these other, sub-optimal, solutions, in order to explore our game and puzzle further. From my reading of the "Solver" API , it looks like we will only be able to get the optimal solution. Does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround in this case? Or is there some functionality in the solver that I am missing?

I look forward to your feedback.

best wishes,


Andrew Waterman
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

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