Re: [rust-dev] Porting some nesC features to rust?

2014-04-02 Thread Ashish Myles
And just in case there is a confusion (as I have noticed others to
have), it might help to see a specific example comparing static
dispatch with dynamic.

// This is a single function for all types implementing the LCD Trait.
fn foo(x : LCD) { // x's type is LCD rather than the actual type of
the object being passed in
x.line(); // dynamic dispatch

// Like C++ templates, this generates a function for each type T that
implements LCD.
fn fooT : LCD(x : T) { // x's type is T rather than LCD
x.line(); // static dispatch based on type T known at compile-time

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Daniel Micay wrote:
 On 02/04/14 06:25 AM, Vladimir Pouzanov wrote:
 If I get it right, calls to traits are resolved in runtime (so, traits
 are kind of similar to C++ virtual methods).

 All method calls on regular types are resolved via static dispatch,
 whether or not they come from a trait. For example, consider a generic
 function like the following:

 fn minT: TotalOrd(a: T, b: T) - T {
 if a  b { a } else { b }

 This function performs a *static* call of the `lt` method defined on the
 `Ord` trait that `TotalOrd` inherits from. Generics are fully expanded
 at compile-time just as C++ templates are.

 Rust also allows using traits as boxed objects, but this is an entirely
 transparent choice. They're almost always used for static dispatch via
 trait bounds on generics, or simply outside of generics.

 What I'm proposing here is a compile-time approach.

 Let's say we have the following trait:

 pub trait LCD {
   fn line(mut self, x0_b: i32, y0_b: i32, x1: i32, y1: i32, color: u8);
   fn rect(mut self, x0: i32, y0: i32, x1: i32, y1: i32, color: u8);
   fn fillrect(mut self, x0_b: i32, y0_b: i32, x1_b: i32, y1_b: i32,
 color: u8);
   fn putc(mut self, value: char);
   fn puts(mut self, s: str);

   fn flush(self);
   fn clear(mut self);

 which defined a LED screen. There are two structs implementing it:
 C12832 and ILI9341 (two different lcd controllers).

 So I want my app to print hello world on lcd, I write the following code:

   let mut lcd = lcd_c12832::C12832::new(spi);
   let mut l: mut lcd::LCD = lcd as mut lcd::LCD;
   l.puts(hello, world);

 Which results in a runtime dispatch, a slower and bigger code than the
 one I'd have without a trait.

 You can call methods defined on a trait without boxing the object as a
 trait object. The ability to perform dynamic dispatch via a trait object
 is totally optional. The methods can also be called directly, including
 inside a generic function by specifying the trait as a type parameter
 bound. You can simply call the `puts` method directly on the `lcd`
 object without a cast.

 A second problem is there is no easy way to write unified code that
 supports both the lcds based on passed in --cfg, as I can't
 apply #[cfg(lcd_c12832)] to a chunk of code in fn, and it's kind of
 problematic to return a LCD out from it given that there is no heap and
 no analog of placement new from C++.

 Rust supports generic functions, and you can write code supporting both
 types by making it generic. The choice between static dispatch and
 dynamic dispatch is entirely up to you in the current system.

 Proposed binding concept solves those two problems:

 let Binding: binding {
   let lcd: lcd_c12832::C12832;
   let main: Main;

   bind main.lcd = lcd;

 at this point of time compiler can be sure about what struct is
 implementing LCD trait for main.lcd and can bind the function bodies as
 compile time, inlining them if applicable.

 This also might be something that is already implemented, please advice.
 The goal here is to minimise runtime code being executed and its size.

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Re: [rust-dev] Possible bug? os::args() then split then print

2014-02-25 Thread Ashish Myles
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Phil Dawes wrote:

 fn main() {
 let arr : ~[str] = std::os::args()[1].split_str(::).collect();
 std::io::println(first  + arr[0]);
 std::io::println(first again  + arr[0]);

I am working on an older version of the compiler that fails to compile this
code, giving an error about the reference to the return value of
std::os::args() not being valid for the duration of its use.
let args = std::os::args();
let arr : ~[str] = args[1].split_str(::).collect();
work properly?

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Re: [rust-dev] How to use dynamic polymorphism with collection

2014-02-08 Thread Ashish Myles
On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Philippe Delrieu

 pub trait Base {
 fn do_base(self);

 struct TestBase;

 impl Base for TestBase{
 fn do_base(self){

 trait GenerciFn{
 fn do_genericT: Base(self, base: T);

 struct DoGenericFn;

 impl GenerciFn for DoGenericFn {
 fn do_genericT: Base(self, base: T){

 struct ToTestStr{
 vec_gen: ~[~TestBase],

 impl ToTestStr{
 fn testgencallT: GenerciFn(self, gen: T){
 for base in self.vec_gen.iter(){
 //let test = base as ~TestBase;

 fn main() {
 let base = TestBase;
 let test = ToTestStr {vec_gen: ~[~base],};
 let gen = DoGenericFn;

 It took me a few attempts to get the for loop right, but here you go.

 pub trait Base {
 fn do_base(self);

 struct TestBase;

 impl Base for TestBase {
 fn do_base(self) {

 trait GenericFn {
 fn do_generic(self, base: Base);

 struct DoGenericFn;

 impl GenericFn for DoGenericFn {
 fn do_generic(self, base: Base) {

 struct ToTestStr {
 vec_gen: ~[~Base],

 impl ToTestStr {
 fn testgencallT: GenericFn(self, gen: T){
 for ref base in self.vec_gen.iter() {

 fn main() {
 let testbase = TestBase;
 let test = ToTestStr {vec_gen: ~[~testbase as ~Base],};

 let gen = DoGenericFn;

Also, for a little more runtime polymorphism, you could change
testgencall's declaration to
fn testgencall(self, gen: GenericFn) {
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Converting ~[T] embedded in struct to [T]

2014-01-19 Thread Ashish Myles
Thanks for the detailed explanations!

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 2:01 AM, Alex Crichton wrote:

  fn borrow1'a('a self) - 'a int {
  match (self) {
  // error: mismatched types: expected `'a int` but found
  // (expected -ptr but found ~-ptr)
  Foo(ref v) = *v

 This doesn't work because the local variable v has type ~int, when
 you dereference this you get something of type ~int which if you load
 is a move so you're not allowed to do that. Additionally, the return
 type wants int when you're giving it ~int

What's the reason ~T not coerced to T the same way as in the main()
function and borrow3 -- ie. why isn't it automatically converted to **v as
it is in these cases? The conversion is identical, no?  The inability in
this particular context seems rather arbitrary.

 ... *snip* ...

 fn borrow3'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
 match (self) {
 // error: mismatched types: expected `'a [int]` but found
 // `V2` (expected vector but found -ptr)
 FooVec(ref v) = do_borrow(*v)

This doesn't work because the do_borrow function takes something of
 type int, not ~[int] (which is the type of *v). You'd need to rewrite
 the borrow function to take [int] instead of int.

 Another solution for vectors is to return v.as_slice() which is a
 function that will convert all forms of vectors to its slice
 representation ([T])

 Hope that helps!

Wow, thanks...this worked (surprisingly to me).
fn do_borrow_ary'a, T(t : 'a [T]) - 'a [T] {
fn borrow3'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
match (self) {
FooVec(ref v) = do_borrow_ary(*v)

This leads to multiple points of confusion for me.  It seems that [T] is
special-cased in a way that prevents it from being used as a regular type.
In particular,

1. How did do_borrow_ary manage to coerce ~[T] to [T] when the other
methods (eg. automatic insertion of *)  failed? Is this special-cased by
the compiler?  Is there some way to trigger this coercion without requiring
an intermediate function like do_borrow_ary (say, if one wants to return a
static array value type, not a slice)?

2. Why did
fn do_borrow'a, T(t : 'a T) - 'a T
fail to match types? Isn't [S] a type T and of the same kind?  (Any other
language also exhibit this dichotomy?)  This prevents one from being able
to write a truly generic function -- one must duplicate the code for T and
[T] variations.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Cloning a statically-sized array

2014-01-19 Thread Ashish Myles
Thanks! I was half thinking of implementing this. :)

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:04 AM, Jason Fager wrote:

 The workaround for this is a wrapper struct around the fixed-size vec,
 with the trait methods you want impl'd on the wrapper.

 I've got a macro for this:

 So to wrap a [u16,..8], you'd say something like:

 fixed_vec!(WrapperType, u16, 8)

 and get a back a type called WrapperType implementing IterBytes, Eq, Ord,
 and Clone (would be easy to add others).  Not ideal, but useful until this
 gets straightened out.

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:19 AM, Daniel Micay danielmi...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Ashish Myles
  Now, I already know that statically-sized arrays of primitives are
  implicitly copyable, but consider, for example, a statically-sized
 array of
  a non-copyable but Clone-able type.  I find that for v of type [T, ..2],
  v.clone() is not a static array.  Perhaps it's because v is being
  treated as [T] instead.
  fn make_cloneT : Clone(a : T) - T {
  fn main() {
  let a : [int, ..2] = [1, 2];
  // error: failed to find an implementation of trait
  // for [int, .. 2]
  let a : [int, ..2] = [1, 2];
  // error: mismatched types: expected `[int, .. 2]` but found
  // ([] storage differs: expected 2 but found )
  let b : [int, ..2] = a.clone();
  So is it a missing feature of rust that Clone is not supported
 generated for
  statically-sized arrays or is there a more fundamental reason that it
  doesn't exist?

 Clone is entirely a library feature, and Rust currently provides no
 way to implement methods on fixed-size arrays. The latter is the real
 issue, because there are other methods like `Eq` that should be
 implemented on them too.
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Re: [rust-dev] Converting ~[T] embedded in struct to [T]

2014-01-19 Thread Ashish Myles
Thanks! I appreciate the detailed answers and look forward to future
changes. :)
And I had already run into and started reading Niko's article you linked
for DSTs.
I love the thorough analyses you guys go through for each feature.


On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Alex Crichton wrote:

  What's the reason ~T not coerced to T the same way as in the main()
  function and borrow3 -- ie. why isn't it automatically converted to **v
  it is in these cases? The conversion is identical, no?  The inability in
  this particular context seems rather arbitrary.

 Sadly this is correct. Right now type coercion does not happen in all
 places, where the return expression is one of them. Coercion is
 allowed in let expressions through type ascription and around method

 The conversion is indeed similar, and we've talked about refining this
 sort of behavior in the past. This is partly the topic of, but specifically
 concerning return type coercion I don't think a bug exists.

 It can be argued though that coercion on the return type is a little
 different than coercion on a function call, though. You've explicitly
 listed the return type as int, but then you return something of type
 ~int. This reasoning isn't very strong though, and I think I would
 personally like to see coercion *everywhere* as opposed to just a few

  Wow, thanks...this worked (surprisingly to me).
  fn do_borrow_ary'a, T(t : 'a [T]) - 'a [T] {
  fn borrow3'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
  match (self) {
  // WORKS
  FooVec(ref v) = do_borrow_ary(*v)
  This leads to multiple points of confusion for me.  It seems that [T] is
  special-cased in a way that prevents it from being used as a regular
  In particular,

 That is correct. Sadly you cannot instantiate a type parameter T with
 something that looks like [U] (but soon you will be able to)!

 This is the source of a number of difficulties throughout the stdlib
 and language, which is why we definitely intend to fix it!

  1. How did do_borrow_ary manage to coerce ~[T] to [T] when the other
  methods (eg. automatic insertion of *)  failed? Is this special-cased by
  the compiler?  Is there some way to trigger this coercion without
  an intermediate function like do_borrow_ary (say, if one wants to return
  static array value type, not a slice)?

 This sort of coercion is special-cased in the compiler to allow it to
 be possible.

  2. Why did
  fn do_borrow'a, T(t : 'a T) - 'a T
  fail to match types? Isn't [S] a type T and of the same kind?  (Any other
  language also exhibit this dichotomy?)  This prevents one from being
 able to
  write a truly generic function -- one must duplicate the code for T and

 Ah, it appears I answered this above! I would recommend reading,
 the most recent development in DST and it should explain how we intend
 to allow this in the future. Soon, hopefully!

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Converting ~[T] embedded in struct to [T]

2014-01-18 Thread Ashish Myles
I understand as per a previous discussion that the owned box ~[T] doesn't
quite have the semantics of a unique *pointer*. Below include my successes
in some borrowing scenarios and analogous failed attempts at borrowing a
reference to a unique pointer to an array within a FooVec struct.  How do I
do this?  Is there a borrow() type function/method provided for owned boxes
somewhere? (I see some borrow() stuff within the libstd source, but doesn't
seem to be relevant.)

fn main() {
let a : ~[int] = ~[1,2,3];

// WORKS (borrow1 style below)
let b : [int] = a;

fn do_borrow'a, T(t : 'a T) - 'a T {

struct Foo(~int);

impl Foo {
fn borrow1'a('a self) - 'a int {
match (self) {
// error: mismatched types: expected `'a int` but found `~int`
// (expected -ptr but found ~-ptr)
Foo(ref v) = *v

fn borrow2'a('a self) - 'a int {
match (self) {
Foo(ref v) = **v

fn borrow3'a('a self) - 'a int {
match (self) {
Foo(ref v) = do_borrow(*v)

struct FooVec(~[int]);

impl FooVec {
fn borrow1'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
match (self) {
// error: mismatched types: expected `'a [int]` but found
// `~[int]` ([] storage differs: expected 'a  but found ~)
FooVec(ref v) = *v

fn borrow2'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
match (self) {
// error: type ~[int] cannot be dereferenced
FooVec(ref v) = **v

fn borrow3'a('a self) - 'a [int] {
match (self) {
// error: mismatched types: expected `'a [int]` but found
// `V2` (expected vector but found -ptr)
FooVec(ref v) = do_borrow(*v)
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Cloning a statically-sized array

2014-01-18 Thread Ashish Myles
Now, I already know that statically-sized arrays of primitives are
implicitly copyable, but consider, for example, a statically-sized array of
a non-copyable but Clone-able type.  I find that for v of type [T, ..2],
v.clone() is not a static array.  Perhaps it's because v is being
implicitly treated as [T] instead.

fn make_cloneT : Clone(a : T) - T {

fn main() {
let a : [int, ..2] = [1, 2];
// error: failed to find an implementation of trait std::clone::Clone
// for [int, .. 2]

let a : [int, ..2] = [1, 2];
// error: mismatched types: expected `[int, .. 2]` but found `[int]`
// ([] storage differs: expected 2 but found )
let b : [int, ..2] = a.clone();

So is it a missing feature of rust that Clone is not supported generated
for statically-sized arrays or is there a more fundamental reason that it
doesn't exist?

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[rust-dev] Macros expanding to multiple statements

2014-01-11 Thread Ashish Myles
Rust 0.9 indicates that support for expansion of macros into multiple
statements is now supported, and the following example from the test suite
works for me.

However, I receive an error for the following code


macro_rules! my_print(
($a:expr, $b:expr) = (
println!({:?}, a);
println!({:?}, b);

fn main() {
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
my_print!(a, b);

(Note that the ^~~ below points at println.)

$ rustc 6:16 error: macro expansion ignores token
`println` and any following println!({:?}, b);
error: aborting due to previous error
task 'rustc' failed at 'explicit failure',
task 'main' failed at 'explicit failure',

What's the right way to do this?

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Macros expanding to multiple statements

2014-01-11 Thread Ashish Myles
Ah, I didn't realize the distinction.  I am comparing the code in the first
comment in the bug you linked against the test suite example I linked.  I
guess the distinction between items and statements is that items correspond
to code outside any method, whereas statements are defined as code within a
method, and macro expansions in the latter case seem to be broken even in
the case of a single statement.  Please correct me if I am wrong.


On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 9:43 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:

  That test is for multiple *items*, not statements.

 For the moment, you just have to wrap the interior of a macro expanding to
 an expression in a set of braces, so that it becomes a single statement.

 macro_rules! my_print(
 ($a:expr, $b:expr) = (
 println!({:?}, a);
 println!({:?}, b);

 Multi-statement macros are covered by .


 On 12/01/14 13:40, Ashish Myles wrote:

  Rust 0.9 indicates that support for expansion of macros into multiple
 statements is now supported, and the following example from the test suite
 works for me.

  However, I receive an error for the following code


 macro_rules! my_print(
 ($a:expr, $b:expr) = (
 println!({:?}, a);
 println!({:?}, b);

 fn main() {
 let a = 1;
 let b = 2;
 my_print!(a, b);

  (Note that the ^~~ below points at println.)

 $ rustc 6:16 error: macro expansion ignores
 token `println` and any following println!({:?}, b);
 error: aborting due to previous error
 task 'rustc' failed at 'explicit failure',
 task 'main' failed at 'explicit failure',

  What's the right way to do this?


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[rust-dev] What type to put for index when impl-ing Index?

2014-01-08 Thread Ashish Myles
The following implementation of Index for Foo works fine.

struct Foo([f64, ..3]);
impl Indexuint, f64 for Foo {
fn index(self, index: uint) - f64 {
match self {
Foo(ref v) = v[*index].clone()
fn main() {
let tmp : uint = 0;
let foo = Foo([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
println!({:?}, foo[tmp]);

But if tmp is of type int, then I get an int-uint type mismatch failure. So
I tried the following.

use std::num::Int;
implIdx : Int IndexIdx, f64 for Foo {
fn index(self, index: Idx) - f64 {
match self {
Foo(ref v) = v[*index].clone()

But I get
error: mismatched types: expected integral type but found `Idx`
with the error pointing at *index above.  What's the right way to go about
implementing generic operator indexing?  Or does one always require
conversion to uint (in the first case above) on the caller's side?

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Re: [rust-dev] What type to put for index when impl-ing Index?

2014-01-08 Thread Ashish Myles
That'll do it, thanks! :)

Here's to hoping that the compiler is smart enough to remove the
bounds-checks and the None pathway for when I is one of the unsigned
integer primitives.


On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Brendan Zabarauskas

 struct Foo([f64, ..3]);

 implI: Int IndexI, f64 for Foo {
 fn index(self, index: I) - f64 {
 let index = index.to_uint().unwrap();
 match self {
 Foo(ref v) = v[index].clone()

 fn main() {
 let tmp : uint = 0;
 let foo = Foo([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
 println!({:?}, foo[tmp]);

 On 9 Jan 2014, at 2:08 pm, Ashish Myles wrote:

  The following implementation of Index for Foo works fine.
  struct Foo([f64, ..3]);
  impl Indexuint, f64 for Foo {
  fn index(self, index: uint) - f64 {
  match self {
  Foo(ref v) = v[*index].clone()
  fn main() {
  let tmp : uint = 0;
  let foo = Foo([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
  println!({:?}, foo[tmp]);
  But if tmp is of type int, then I get an int-uint type mismatch failure.
 So I tried the following.
  use std::num::Int;
  implIdx : Int IndexIdx, f64 for Foo {
  fn index(self, index: Idx) - f64 {
  match self {
  Foo(ref v) = v[*index].clone()
  But I get
  error: mismatched types: expected integral type but found `Idx`
  with the error pointing at *index above.  What's the right way to go
 about implementing generic operator indexing?  Or does one always require
 conversion to uint (in the first case above) on the caller's side?
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Re: [rust-dev] Auto-borrow/deref (again, sorry)

2013-12-28 Thread Ashish Myles
I think I see the confusion (as I suffered from the same point of
confusion). So let me restate your answer and please correct me of I am
1. mut int and  mut int are different types and the former doesn't
automatically convert to the latter.
2. The way to get the latter from the former is to say mut i since i
is defined as taking a non-mut borrow even if i is mut. (This was the point
of confusion I believe.)
3. No explicit conversion is needed within foo() since the type of i is
already mut int.

 On Dec 28, 2013 1:33 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 We have to say `mut i` in main() because `i` is non-mutable. We’re
 explicitly taking a mutable borrow.

 But once it’s in foo(), it’s *already* mutable. The type `mut int`
 carries its mutability with it. Having to say `mut` again makes no sense
 and is nothing but pure noise.


 On Dec 27, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Vadim wrote:

 For the same reason we currently have to say `mut i` in main() - to
 explicitly acknowledge that the callee may mutate i.  By the same logic,
 this should be done everywhere.

 On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 On Dec 25, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Vadim wrote:

 I agree that unexpected mutation is undesirable, but:
 - requiring 'mut' is orthogonal to requiring '' sigil, IMHO,
  - as currently implemented, Rust does not always require mut when callee
 mutates the argument, for example:

 fn main() {
 let mut i: int = 0;
 foo(mut i);
 println!({}, i);
 fn foo(i: mut int) {
 bar(i); // no mut!
 fn bar(i: mut int) {
 *i = *i + 1;

 Note that invocation of bar() inside foo() does not forewarn reader by
 requiring 'mut'.  Wouldn't you rather see this?:

 fn main() {
 let mut i: int = 0;
 foo(mut i);
 println!({}, i);
 fn foo(i: mut int) {
 bar(mut i);
 fn bar(i: mut int) {
 i = i + 1;

 What is the point of adding `mut` here? bar() does not need `mut` because
 calling bar(i) does not auto-borrow i. It’s *already* a `mut int`.


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[rust-dev] Define copyable types for [T, ..2] static vector initialization

2013-11-29 Thread Ashish Myles
Previously we had the Copy trait, which when implemented by trait T
allowed one to write
[Zero::zero(), ..SZ] where T implemented the Zero trait.  But now I am
not sure how to get that behavior.  Concretely, here is the code I
want to get compiling. (Just to check, I added both Clone and
DeepClone, even though they don't automatically allow implicit

use std::num::Zero;

enum Constants {
SZ = 2

struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

implT : Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
pub fn new() - FooT {
Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

The error I get is:

error: copying a value of non-copyable type `T` Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

Any way to do this? Or is this no longer supported for general types?
Any intentions to add this behavior again?  Otherwise, I can't even
initialize my struct while being agnostic to the specific value of SZ.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Define copyable types for [T, ..2] static vector initialization

2013-11-29 Thread Ashish Myles
Is there a plan to support fix-sized vector initialization without manual
replication?  My example is just a simplified version -- this was part of a
macro that takes the size as input ($n:expr) and the initialization was
[Zero::zero(), .. $n].  Is this use case no longer intended to be
On Nov 29, 2013 6:47 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:

 On 30/11/13 10:33, Ashish Myles wrote:

 Previously we had the Copy trait, which when implemented by trait T
 allowed one to write
 [Zero::zero(), ..SZ] where T implemented the Zero trait.  But now I am
 not sure how to get that behavior.  Concretely, here is the code I
 want to get compiling. (Just to check, I added both Clone and
 DeepClone, even though they don't automatically allow implicit

 use std::num::Zero;

 enum Constants {
  SZ = 2

 struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

 implT : Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
  pub fn new() - FooT {
  Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 The error I get is:

 error: copying a value of non-copyable type `T` Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 Any way to do this? Or is this no longer supported for general types?
 Any intentions to add this behavior again?  Otherwise, I can't even
 initialize my struct while being agnostic to the specific value of SZ.

 Rust-dev mailing list

 Initialising a fixed size vector [T, ..n] by [foo(), .. n] unfortunately
 requires that `T` is implicitly copyable (that is, it doesn't move
 ownership when passed by value), and there's no way around this other than
 [foo(), foo(), foo(),...].

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Define copyable types for [T, ..2] static vector initialization

2013-11-29 Thread Ashish Myles
That's some seriously nifty stuff, which got my stuff compiling again. :)

But for the long term, it would be nice to have a syntax that behaves
as was the case with the Copy trait -- it takes a single value and
clones it into the elements of the static array.  Or perhaps the
developers disagree and consider it to be a niche use (static arrays
with sizes known a-priori when writing the code) -- it would be good
to get some clarity on this.


On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 10:20 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 If you're willing to use unsafe code and std::unstable, you can do it.

 use std::num::Zero;
 use std::unstable::intrinsics;

 enum Constants {
 SZ = 2

 struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

 implT: Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
 pub fn new() - FooT {
 let mut ary: [T, ..SZ];
 unsafe {
 ary = intrinsics::uninit();
 for i in range(0u, SZ as uint) {
 intrinsics::move_val_init(mut ary[i], Zero::zero());


 On Nov 29, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 Is there a plan to support fix-sized vector initialization without manual
 replication?  My example is just a simplified version -- this was part of a
 macro that takes the size as input ($n:expr) and the initialization was
 [Zero::zero(), .. $n].  Is this use case no longer intended to be supported?

 On Nov 29, 2013 6:47 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:

 On 30/11/13 10:33, Ashish Myles wrote:

 Previously we had the Copy trait, which when implemented by trait T
 allowed one to write
 [Zero::zero(), ..SZ] where T implemented the Zero trait.  But now I am
 not sure how to get that behavior.  Concretely, here is the code I
 want to get compiling. (Just to check, I added both Clone and
 DeepClone, even though they don't automatically allow implicit

 use std::num::Zero;

 enum Constants {
  SZ = 2

 struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

 implT : Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
  pub fn new() - FooT {
  Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 The error I get is:

 error: copying a value of non-copyable type `T` Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 Any way to do this? Or is this no longer supported for general types?
 Any intentions to add this behavior again?  Otherwise, I can't even
 initialize my struct while being agnostic to the specific value of SZ.

 Rust-dev mailing list

 Initialising a fixed size vector [T, ..n] by [foo(), .. n] unfortunately
 requires that `T` is implicitly copyable (that is, it doesn't move ownership
 when passed by value), and there's no way around this other than [foo(),
 foo(), foo(),...].

 Rust-dev mailing list

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Define copyable types for [T, ..2] static vector initialization

2013-11-29 Thread Ashish Myles
+1 on specifying function. That potentially lowers the requirements on
the Traits -- e.g. don't have to force clone-ability as long as you
can create+move it; perhaps even create it in place.

I have been waiting on integer parameters on traits since I first ran
into Rust, but the rust team might be avoiding that to prevent getting
Turing complete generics/templates.


On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 12:39 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 Personally, I think it would be nicer to just have a syntax that says create 
 an array of length N by executing the following expression (typically a 
 function call) N times.

 Something along the lines of

 let ary = [Foo::new().., ..32];

 This would be more generic, because it will work with non-Clonable values, 
 and if you wanted cloned values you'd just say

 let ary = [foo.clone().., ..32];

 Although if we ever get the ability to make generics that have integral 
 parameters (which is necessary to implement traits on arbitrary arrays) then 
 we could do this in the libraries by writing a function like I had before. 
 Something like the following:


 fn from_fnT, N as uint init(f: |uint| - T) - [T, ..N] {
 let mut ary: [T, ..N];
 unsafe {
 ary = intrinsics::uninit();
 for i in range(0u, N) {
 intrinsics::move_val_init(mut ary[i], f(i));

 This would let you call it like Foo(array::from_fn(|_| Zero::zero())).


 On Nov 29, 2013, at 8:37 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 That's some seriously nifty stuff, which got my stuff compiling again. :)

 But for the long term, it would be nice to have a syntax that behaves
 as was the case with the Copy trait -- it takes a single value and
 clones it into the elements of the static array.  Or perhaps the
 developers disagree and consider it to be a niche use (static arrays
 with sizes known a-priori when writing the code) -- it would be good
 to get some clarity on this.


 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 10:20 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
 If you're willing to use unsafe code and std::unstable, you can do it.

 use std::num::Zero;
 use std::unstable::intrinsics;

 enum Constants {
SZ = 2

 struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

 implT: Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
pub fn new() - FooT {
let mut ary: [T, ..SZ];
unsafe {
ary = intrinsics::uninit();
for i in range(0u, SZ as uint) {
intrinsics::move_val_init(mut ary[i], Zero::zero());


 On Nov 29, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 Is there a plan to support fix-sized vector initialization without manual
 replication?  My example is just a simplified version -- this was part of a
 macro that takes the size as input ($n:expr) and the initialization was
 [Zero::zero(), .. $n].  Is this use case no longer intended to be supported?

 On Nov 29, 2013 6:47 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:

 On 30/11/13 10:33, Ashish Myles wrote:

 Previously we had the Copy trait, which when implemented by trait T
 allowed one to write
 [Zero::zero(), ..SZ] where T implemented the Zero trait.  But now I am
 not sure how to get that behavior.  Concretely, here is the code I
 want to get compiling. (Just to check, I added both Clone and
 DeepClone, even though they don't automatically allow implicit

 use std::num::Zero;

 enum Constants {
 SZ = 2

 struct FooT([T, ..SZ]);

 implT : Clone + DeepClone + Zero FooT {
 pub fn new() - FooT {
 Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 The error I get is:

 error: copying a value of non-copyable type `T` Foo([Zero::zero(), ..SZ])

 Any way to do this? Or is this no longer supported for general types?
 Any intentions to add this behavior again?  Otherwise, I can't even
 initialize my struct while being agnostic to the specific value of SZ.

 Rust-dev mailing list

 Initialising a fixed size vector [T, ..n] by [foo(), .. n] unfortunately
 requires that `T` is implicitly copyable (that is, it doesn't move 
 when passed by value), and there's no way around this other than [foo(),
 foo(), foo(),...].

 Rust-dev mailing list

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] deriving Clone on a struct with a static vector

2013-07-06 Thread Ashish Myles
On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 1:43 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:
 On 7/5/13 10:42 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 And an additional question.
 3. What is the rationale in having both Copy and Clone?  Can one
 provide an exhaustive list for where one would want to use Copy
 instead of Clone/DeepClone?  I tried to use clone everywhere, but I
 needed T : Copy + Zero to be able to write, for example,
 [Zero::zero(),.. 3] as in the following code

 I'm busy removing Copy from the language right now.

Ah, thanks, then after your refactor, what trait would T : Zero need
an implementation of to support [Zero::zero(),.. 3]?  Clone?

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] deriving Clone on a struct with a static vector

2013-07-06 Thread Ashish Myles
On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Jason Fager wrote:
 I've started implementing traits for fixed-length vectors with a few macros:

 I don't have Clone yet, but it should be easy to add.

As a side note, looking through your code, this is cool:

struct Foo([u8,..2]);


I had no idea one could define single-item/wrapper structs that way;
i.e. like an anonymous member. This is going in my cool tidbits

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Why separate equivalent impls for 'self [A], ~[A], @[A]

2013-07-06 Thread Ashish Myles
Perhaps this was an oversight as the code base has developed
organically. But in case it was intentional, I just wanted to check.

libstd/ defines each of the following impls
impl'self,A:ToStr ToStr for 'self [A]
implA:ToStr ToStr for ~[A]
implA:ToStr ToStr for @[A]
whereas only the first one seems to be needed to cover all array
cases. To test this, I defined an equivalent MyToStr trait, defining
only the implementation for 'self [A], and it seemed to work for all
the array types. So just to check: is there any particular reason one
would want to define all three with identical implementation?
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] deriving Clone on a struct with a static vector

2013-07-05 Thread Ashish Myles
1. The following code

struct V {
v : [f64, ..3]

fn main() {

gives the following error 1:16 error: mismatched types: expected `[f64, .. 3]` but found
`[f64, .. 3]` (expected vector but found -ptr) #[deriving(Clone)]

Is this intended behavior or a bug?

2. Also, how does one now implement the Copy trait anymore?  Using
#[deriving Copy] currently gives the following error
error: unknown `deriving` trait: `Copy`
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] deriving Clone on a struct with a static vector

2013-07-05 Thread Ashish Myles
And an additional question.
3. What is the rationale in having both Copy and Clone?  Can one
provide an exhaustive list for where one would want to use Copy
instead of Clone/DeepClone?  I tried to use clone everywhere, but I
needed T : Copy + Zero to be able to write, for example,
[Zero::zero(),.. 3] as in the following code

struct VT {
v : [T, ..3]

implT : Copy + Zero VT {
pub fn new() - VT {
V { v: [Zero::zero(), ..3] }

(As the actual code was from a macro that was parametrized by the
number of elements, I don't want to simply rewrite the initialization
above as [Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()] to avoid the
dependence on Copy.)
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust 0.7 prerelease testing

2013-07-03 Thread Ashish Myles
openSUSE 12.2 (i.e. previous release). make check succeeds:

summary of 25 test runs: 5261 passed; 0 failed; 302 ignored

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust 0.7 prerelease testing

2013-07-03 Thread Ashish Myles
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Ashish Myles wrote:
 openSUSE 12.2 (i.e. previous release). make check succeeds:
 summary of 25 test runs: 5261 passed; 0 failed; 302 ignored

To clarify, I did the check against trunk
(0c6fc46c030ab0515a052fa99c9e10c75cfc8184), and my e-mail above was
~1hour after Brian's release announcement.
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Borrow lifetime assignment changed?

2013-07-03 Thread Ashish Myles
Any idea why the following fails

use std::{io,rand,task};

fn main() {
for [Alice, Bob, Carol].iter().advance |name| {
do task::spawn {
use std::rand::RngUtil;
let v = rand::rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);
for v.iter().advance |num| {
io::print(fmt!(%s says: '%d'\n, name, num))

with 4:33 error: borrowed value does not live long enough for [Alice, Bob, Carol].iter().advance |name| {
   ^ 12:5 note: borrowed pointer must be valid for the method
call at 12:4... }
^ 4:41 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the method
call at 4:8 for [Alice, Bob, Carol].iter().advance |name| {
error: aborting due to previous error

Changing to
let lst = [Alice, Bob, Carol];
for lst.iter().advance |name| {
succeeds, but I am surprised that the lifetime is not equivalent for lst
and the raw vector literal for this specific code as there is nothing after
the for-loop.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Front page example

2013-06-23 Thread Ashish Myles
Great, thanks, it works!

Is there a way to invoke the shuffle() without bringing it explicitly
into local scope, say via some verbose way that specifies the trait to
be used?


On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:
 On 23/06/13 12:53, Ashish Myles wrote:

 I have been out of rust for a bit, and coming back to it, I am having
 a difficult time adapting the front page example at to the trunk version of rust (updated last
 night). I turned the example to

 use std::*;

 fn main() {
  for [Alice, Bob, Carol].each |name| {
  do task::spawn {
  let v = rand::rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);
  for v.each |num| {
  io::print(fmt!(%s says: '%d'\n, name, num))

 and rustc complains with 6:51 error: type `std::rand::IsaacRng` does not
 implement any method in scope named `shuffle` let v = rand::rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);

 and a type inference error triggered by this part failing.  In
 libstd/, RngUtil seems to be defined for everything
 implementing Rng, which IsaacRng does.  Is this a bug or is it some
 change in the lookup?
 Rust-dev mailing list

 To use the methods from a trait, it has to be in scope, so:

 use std::rand::{rng, RngUtil};

 fn main() {
 for [Alice, Bob, Carol].each |name| {
 do spawn {
 let v = rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);
 for v.each |num| {

 print(fmt!(%s says: '%d'\n, name, num))

 seems to work with my rustc (ba05af7 2013-06-20 22:28:52 -0700).

 (The reason many other traits don't need to be explicitly imported
 is that they are exported from std::prelude, which is implicitly added
 as `use std::prelude::*;` at the top of every mod.)

 Rust-dev mailing list
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] tjc's pre-talk and talk (was: This Week in Rust)

2013-06-22 Thread Ashish Myles
 - tjc's pre-talk and talk, Rust: A Friendly Introduction went very well. The
   [slides]( are up, and
   a recording is coming soon (hopefuly). tjc says the slides aren't as
   understanable without the audio of the talk.

Thanks for the tutorial!
The slides seem perfectly comprehensible without audio, except
possibly for some points below that may either be corrected or perhaps
addressed in the slide notes themselves.


Slide 40:
  The notes say Change [@Drawable] to [~@Drawable]. The latter should be
  ~[@Drawable], or, to be consistent with the Slide 41, perhaps
  [@Drawable]? Both tested to work.

Slide 51:
  The program seems to be missing a unique pointer sigil ~; and the types of
  the array and the initializer (quux) don't match. Here is a possible
  correction? (Tested.)

  fn h(b: ~[int]) { }
  fn g(a: ~[int]) { }
  fn f(n: uint) {
  let v: ~[int] = vec::from_elem(n,1);

Slide 53:
  Perhaps the audio is needed for this slide, but I am confused. Before I
  start with that, I checked
struct Cat {
a : int,
fn main() {
let v: Cat::new();
  It seems that there is no default new() function, so I don't know the
  type of the object returned by Cat::new(). Is it Cat or ~Cat here?

  The comment about Cat not being copyable seems to imply that the type is
  Cat (i.e. stack-allocated). But then send_cat_to_moon(cat) should not be
  able to invalidate the reference, right? So there should not be a problem
  with that code as webcam should get destructed before cat at the end of
  the block.

  If Cat::new() returns ~Cat and Webcam::new() returns ~Webcam, then I can
  see this working out, but then there is the implicit assumption (that
  could perhaps be clarified in the comments) that send_cat_to_moon(cat)
  takes its argument as ~Cat rather than, say, Cat.
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Front page example

2013-06-22 Thread Ashish Myles
I have been out of rust for a bit, and coming back to it, I am having
a difficult time adapting the front page example at to the trunk version of rust (updated last
night). I turned the example to

use std::*;

fn main() {
for [Alice, Bob, Carol].each |name| {
do task::spawn {
let v = rand::rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);
for v.each |num| {
io::print(fmt!(%s says: '%d'\n, name, num))

and rustc complains with 6:51 error: type `std::rand::IsaacRng` does not
implement any method in scope named `shuffle` let v = rand::rng().shuffle([1, 2, 3]);

and a type inference error triggered by this part failing.  In
libstd/, RngUtil seems to be defined for everything
implementing Rng, which IsaacRng does.  Is this a bug or is it some
change in the lookup?
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Macro bugs or misunderstanding of use?

2013-04-09 Thread Ashish Myles

I am running the rust compiler from trunk. My macro usage seems to be a

macro_rules! my_print(
($a:expr, $b:expr) = (
io::println(fmt!(%d, a));
io::println(fmt!(%d, b));

fn main() {
let a : int = 1;
let b : int = 2;
my_print!(a, b);

Compiling with rustc gives the following suspicious warning 10:11 warning: unused variable: `b` let b : int = 2;

and ./tmp prints only 1.  Running rustc --pretty expanded
shows below that the second line io::println(fmt!(%d, b)); was

fn main() {
let a: int = 1;
let b: int = 2;
let mut __fmtbuf = ~;








 a, mut __fmtbuf);

Can someone point me in the right direction here?

Also, can someone provide examples of how exactly log_syntax!() and
trace_macros!(true) work?

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] How to use concat_idents! properly

2013-03-02 Thread Ashish Myles
So far, I have had a difficult time finding anything definitive on this
except for some rust test code.

fn main() {
// PART 1: works (from rust test code)
let asdf_fdsa = ~.;
io::println(concat_idents!(asd, f_f, dsa));

// PART 2: creating a function identifier
fn concat_idents!(foo, _, bar) () { // fails to compile

// PART 3: a numeric is a bad identifier, but a good sub-identifier
let asdf3 = ~.;
io::println(concat_idents!(asdf, 3)); // fails to compile

The first part works fine.

The second part, creating a function identifier seems a perfectly valid
use-case, but fails compilation, and I don't know a valid work-around.  I
have been unable to find a similar usage anywhere.

This third part was just some wishful thinking, actually, but if there are
ways to do this directly (other than changing 3 to a valid identifier
like N3), I would love to know.
(Though, this might not longer have much of a use case if/when generics
eventually support integral parameters.)

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] How to use concat_idents! properly

2013-03-02 Thread Ashish Myles
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Paul Stansifer wrote:

 `concat_idents!` is currently broken, and it's my fault. Here's a
 discussion of how it might be fixed in the future: Sadly,
 there is no workaround. Perhaps it should be removed so that it stops
 confusing people?


Thanks.  So am I to understand that this is a parsing issue -- in
particular concat_idents!(...) doesn't parse like an ident?  If so,
since macros already use $ as special syntax for macro arguments,
and there are only a handful of macro argument types, would it help
for parsing if the macro argument types were made more accessible to
the parser through specialized syntax?

Chosen somewhat arbitrarily, one could use the following prefixes
ident $$
expr $#
ty $^
pat $~
block ${}
so that macro arguments would be declared as $$i, $#j, $^T, etc.  Then
the type would be obvious to the parser and all operations between
types could be language-implemented so that the parser understands the
type of the expression it is dealing with.

For example, concat_idents!() could be replaced by ${$$i + _ + $$j},
and the parser could happily accept it as a valid ident instead of
requiring writing two macros when one should suffice. In the end, I
could have something like:
fn ${$$i + _ + $$j} () {
io::println(ident_to_str!(${$$i + _ + $jj}))

The other types could similarly be composed: ($~p, ( $~q))  could be a
composite pattern (unless patterns are already allowed to be composed
to create new patterns; not checked).  I couldn't come up with useful
compositions of the other types that the parser would choke on.

For example, it is not obvious that ident_to_str!() could be a cause
for problems (for example if a string literal is expected by the
parser).  But if it were, $$$i or $${$$i + _ + $$j} could replace
ident_to_str!($$i) or ident_to_str!(${$$i + _ + $$j}).

Of course, I may be barking up the wrong tree and simply
misunderstanding the underlying problem.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] I wanted a dollar but you gave me a ... dollar?

2013-02-24 Thread Ashish Myles
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 12:06 AM, Ashish Myles wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:35 PM, John Clements wrote:

 On Feb 22, 2013, at 6:22 AM, Paul Stansifer wrote:

  Rust syntax expects a literal number in the `[T * n]` construct; from the 
  parser's point of view, what it receives is an expression, without any 
  information that it is a number. (There are internal reasons for this, but 
  it also makes the behavior of `$` more consistent; for example, preventing 
  Rust from having C's issue where everybody has to use lots of parentheses 
  in macro definitions.) Implementing $n:integer in Rust is a possible 
  solution, but not likely to happen very soon.
  Unfortunately, I can't think of a workaround that generates the same type.

 More or less as a note to myself and Paul: I claim that this problem would 
 be solved by a token-tree-based macro system.


 I just want to add for consideration: I hope the (eventually)
 implemented solution allows compile-time evaluable integer expressions
 for maximal expressivity. Same thing for $n:bool, etc, if implemented.

Wait a sec...I guess we are barking up the wrong tree.  The problem is
not that rust macros don't support $n:integer, but that static array
initialization seem to require a raw integer literal (possibly at the
parsing level).  One can imagine designing a statically-allocated
matrix for size C1 x C2 that would allocate similar to:
const C1 : int = 2;
const C2 : int = 2;
let a : [int * (C1*C2)] = [1,2,3,4];
But the code above gives the following error
error: expected integral vector length but found `(`

If this misbehavior were fixed, I think the macro system would not
need to accommodate ints and other types specially, keeping it
fundamentally simpler.  I would think that anything that requires a
compile-time integer should be able to receive a compile-time
evaluable integer expression.  Ideally, it would be great if Rust went
further to allow something like
let a : [int * choose(C1, C2)];
const C3 = choose(C1, C2);
let a : [int * C3];
where choose is a pure function that returns n-choose-k.

Any thoughts?
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] I wanted a dollar but you gave me a ... dollar?

2013-02-23 Thread Ashish Myles
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:35 PM, John Clements wrote:

 On Feb 22, 2013, at 6:22 AM, Paul Stansifer wrote:

  Rust syntax expects a literal number in the `[T * n]` construct; from the 
  parser's point of view, what it receives is an expression, without any 
  information that it is a number. (There are internal reasons for this, but 
  it also makes the behavior of `$` more consistent; for example, preventing 
  Rust from having C's issue where everybody has to use lots of parentheses 
  in macro definitions.) Implementing $n:integer in Rust is a possible 
  solution, but not likely to happen very soon.
  Unfortunately, I can't think of a workaround that generates the same type.

 More or less as a note to myself and Paul: I claim that this problem would be 
 solved by a token-tree-based macro system.


I just want to add for consideration: I hope the (eventually)
implemented solution allows compile-time evaluable integer expressions
for maximal expressivity. Same thing for $n:bool, etc, if implemented.

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Simple use of templates/generics compilation hassles

2013-02-21 Thread Ashish Myles
Well, I eventually figured out how to get things compiling, but it was
highly non-obvious. I would appreciate it if someone could shed some light
on why things behave this way so that I may learn to visually see the

Say we have the following struct
pub struct Vector3T {
priv mut m_v: [T * 3]

1. The following fails because it says it can't find T in the second line.
pub pure fn fooT : Zero() - Vector3T {
Vector3T { mut m_v: [Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()] }
Changing it to
pub pure fn fooT : Zero() - Vector3T {
Vector3 { mut m_v: [Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()] }
works.  I had compared against core::DVec to avoid strange errors, but I
seemed to have overlooked the lack of type in the constructor there.  Why
is the redundant inclusion of T bad?  If anything it would allow the
compiler to point out an error if the types didn't come out to be as

2. Most of my other issues were multiple cases of this error. The following
invocation of the function above fails with unresolved name: int
let v = fooint();
Removing the explicit type specialization works, but requires an explicit
type declaration to be unambiguous.
let v : Vector3int = foo();
Why could I not be specific with the type parameter to the function?  Is
there an alternative meaning with which it clashed?

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Cloning managed memory between tasks?

2013-02-20 Thread Ashish Myles
I didn't much previous discussion on this topic on google. Sorry if I
missed something and re-starting an old discussion.

Here is an example from the manual of a standard lisp-style list.
 enum ListT {
   Cons(T, @ListT)
If one wished to move such a list to another task, a copy to unique
pointers would be needed. But it seems that this data structure doesn't
support any way of unique-ifying it, it would have to be copied to
a transferable data structure (like ~[T])
and reconstructed on the other side. As converting to another container
might not be as optimal for, say a tree or more complex data type, is
there another way to deal with such a use-case?
I see a serialization/de-serialization approach was suggested here:
Perhaps, a viable alternative would be to have a cloning procedure (given
two tasks specified) that creates managed memory only on the receiving
side while cloning?  Something like a copy to that task's heap and send
it a pointer functionality ?

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Many little questions while writing a Vector class

2013-02-20 Thread Ashish Myles
Lots of questions.

1. Is there an array string join function?  I looked through possible
pertinent vector- and string-related modules and I didn't see
something equivalent.

2. Any particular reason to_str() for arrays (defined in in std::to_str)
   is defined only for unique arrays? i.e.
implA: ToStr ~[A]: ToStr {
// ...
   rather than for all array types via ?
implA: ToStr [A]: ToStr {
// ...
   Modifying the definition seems to allow it to work for managed and static

3. What is the rust idiom for defining a constant value associated with a
   class? As an example, I defined N below for the vector class in C++ and
   immediately used it to define data members.
struct Vector3T {
enum { N = 3 };
T m_v[N];

   In static contexts like above, especially when there may be multiple data
   members dependent on the constant, I just wanted to associate a name with
   them. I am already defining a len() method as below to return this value.
struct Vector3T {
priv m_v: [mut T * 3]

implT Vector3T {
fn len(self) - uint { 3u; }
Rust does not seem to allow adding const definitions inside the struct.

4. How do I copy between mutable/immutable types and from dynamic to static
   array types?
let a : ~[int] = ~[1,2,3];
// I know these are by design, but I don't know how to get the desired
// effect.
let b : [int * 3] = copy a; // fails due to storage mismatch
let c : ~[mut int] = copy a; // fails due to mutability mismatch

5. Consistency of len/size:
   Each language seems to have its own standard for specifying container
   size. I thought Rust's convention was len from vector, dvec, list, etc,
   but deque uses size.  Should that also be len?  Or rather, as size is
   the more generic term (applies semantically to arbitrary containers like
   trees and maps), should size be the standard? Or, like ruby, perhaps
   both could be allowed.

6. Is there any way to get a number into a macro and splice it into a class
   name? i.e. Something like the intention behind the following.
macro_rules! VectorT {
// invoke it like VectorTN
($name:ident, $n:expr) = (
struct Vector$nT {
priv m_v: [mut T * $n];
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Parametrizing traits by integers (or equivalent behavior)

2013-02-18 Thread Ashish Myles
Firstly, as this seems to be the only discussion mailing list for rust, I
presumed that this might be a good place to ask newbie-ish questions.
Please correct me if I am wrong.  (I have previously played around with D,
which has separate mailing lists for learners.)
I am particularly interested in implementing and porting little utilities
to try to get a better understanding of how well the type system supports
(or gets in the way) of practical problems. I do understand rust is well in
the alpha stage and I don't have any problems with rust modifications
breaking my code.

Secondly, I was wondering how one would go about writing a rust equivalent
of the following C++ class for creating static-sized arrays interpreted as

template typename T, int _N
class Vector {
enum { N = _N };

T m_v[N];

As traits are not parametrized by integers, and macros don't seem to be the
right tool for this, is there some other language feature that could help
me get a similar effect?

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