Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-02-10 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:10:46AM -0500, Jason Bandlow wrote:
 I am indifferent to the choice of convention.  I agree that the conflict
 you point out is disturbing.  My choice for using the smallest support
 was based on the current behavior of printing in sage (for most
 sage: X = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1,2,3]);   B = X.basis()
 sage: B[3] + B[1]
 B[1] + B[3]
 sage: SF = SymmetricFunctions(QQ); SF.inject_shorthands()
 sage: s(e[1]^3)
 s[1, 1, 1] + 2*s[2, 1] + s[3]
 I vote -1 on leading_term always giving the last term printed and
 trailing_term always giving the first term printed.  I have no problem
 with changing the order of printing, though.

Ah, interesting. As Simon, I really have a Gröbner point of view here
(leading = large). I had actually never associated the leading term of
something with how it reads on screen. Probably because the printing
convention varies from system to system, and even within a system.

For polynomials, the terms are sorted decreasingly, so it would be
consistent to do the same for symmetric functions and the like
(although series are probably printed the other way around). I am just
a bit reluctant to fix all the doctests accordingly, but sage
-fixdoctest can probably relieve us from most of the trouble.

Preference anyone? In particular, who thinks consistency between
leading / trailing and the way elements are printed is important?

  A related call for votes: what do we want to mean by upper/lower
  triangular morphisms? Let X be a module with basis, and b its basis.
  Then, a morphism f: X-X is upper triangular if, for all i,
   - Option 1:   f( b[i] ) = c * b[i] + smaller terms
   - Option 2:   f( b[i] ) = c * b[i] + larger terms
  Intuitively, I vote for Option 1. An argument is that this matches
  with upper triangularity of the matrix A of f when writing the images
  f(b[i]) as column vectors, which is the usual convention when f(x) is
  calculated by A * X.
 Well, maybe it isn't too unusual to think of x as a row-vector and
 compute f(x) = x * A.

I know ... I am fairly agnostic as well, and probably are mostly
influenced by the fact that we always teach A*X in class, or at least
here in France.

Hmm, one point though: morphisms in Sage compose from right to left
(as the usual \circ). So it would be consistent to think left action /
multiplication by their matrix on the left.

 After all, a list of coefficients looks like a row vector and not a
 column vector.  As an example, currently in sage we have

 sage: SF = SymmetricFunctions(QQ); SF.inject_shorthands()
 sage: s.transition_matrix(m,3)
 [1 1 1]
 [0 1 2]
 [0 0 1]
 Do you agree that, in principle, this command should return the matrix
 representing the morphism from the Schur basis to the monomial basis?


 If so, this is currently in agreement with option 2, and should be
 changed if we adopt option 1.  Again, I am basically agnostic as to the
 convention we choose, as long as we document it and use it consistently.

Ok. Transition matrix will have to be rewritten in a generic way at
some point anyway, though we will have to be careful with backward

 I'll note that we seem to be in agreement that the upper-left corner of
 the matrix should be indexed by the (smallest-smallest) pair of indices.


   I think this is useful, as it naturally generalizes to the commonly
 occurring case of a semi-infinite set with a smallest, but not largest,
 element (eg, NonNegativeIntegers). But I will point out that if we use
 leading_term=largest, then the rows and columns of this matrix will
 begin with the trailing term and end with the leading term, which again
 seems unfortunate to me.


Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-01-26 Thread Jason Bandlow
Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 04:02:17PM -0500, Jason Bandlow wrote:
 Ok, I tried this, but I'm running into pickling problems with attrcall:

 sage: f = attrcall(is_one)
 sage: f == loads(dumps(f))

 So I don't know how to implement the approach you suggested and wind up
 with something that can be pickled in the end.  Suggestions?
 Oops, I had *completely* forgotten about #5524. I just posted a patch
 which needs review :-)

Thanks!  See the ticket for my comments.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-01-17 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi Jason!

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:47:01PM +0100, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
  I now have a patch up at

A couple details; could you:

 - rename the patch in the queue as on trac
 - Add a description to the top of the patch (for example using
   hg qrefresh -e), like:

   #7914: Implementation of triangular morphisms for modules with basis

 - extract two functions:

   def max(iterable, cmp = ...)
   def min(iterable, cmp = ...)

   possibly in sage.misc.misc_c, or maybe that should be in the new
   sage.misc.sage_itertools I introduced in #7921 (but then it will
   introduce a dependency upon it).


Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil
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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-01-14 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 04:04:59PM -0500, Jason Bandlow wrote:
 Well, it seems sage-devel approves, so term = coeff * monomial it is.

Adjugé, vendu!

Thanks for handling this.

 I've spent today preparing a patch to do this, and I think I've done it.
 I have to run now, but tomorrow I'll put up a trac ticket for you to
 look at it.  If you want a quick look tonight, it's on the combinat

I had a quick look, and this looks good. The next step is to update
the patches in the Sage-Combinat queue that are not yet in Sage and
use term/monomial. Luckily, there are only a couple of them. For the
ncsf one, you can go ahead, and do it in place. For the others, you
can either ask permission to the patch author, or do a follow up patch
to be folded in later.

The last step will be for everyone to update his/her private code if
needed. We should advertise this change!

 I'll also need to make a good explanation of what I've done to
 this list--I'll do that tomorrow too.


Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil
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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-01-13 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi Jason,

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 06:05:06PM -0500, Jason Bandlow wrote:
   - self._monomial_coefficients is specific to the
 CombinatorialFreeModule implementation. But you can use directly
 x[k] to get the coefficient of k in an element x of a module with
 Very good to know. Do you know how I can get the list of all basis
 elements which appear in x?  Will work?

Yes! The standard ModulesWithBasis methods ought to be listed and
documented in the category, either as abstract_methods or as default

Please see the attached document I had written with Mike when he
implemented CombinatorialFreeModule (and that I should have
advertised). It contains a (preliminary/to be cleaned up) list of
standard ModulesWithBasis methods.

See also:

 By the way, at some point, we should have an
 ModulesWithBasis(...).example(), with a very minimal implementation
 to catch this kind of things in tests.
 Agreed.  I'll try to create this too. (It will be another good way for
 me to learn more about Categories).

Cool, thanks!

You can have a look in ModulesWithBasis.tst above for a (too minimal)
example; it just had to implement fromList (replaced by from_dict in
Sage), toList (replaced by __iter__ in Sage), coeff, and monomial.

For Sage's minimal example, I'd suggest KK^n (where KK is the
base_ring of the module with basis, and n defaults to, say, 4), with
elements represented as lists of n elements of KK.

 Now, we hit the question of what a term is, and what a monomial is.
 We currently use MuPAD's convention that x^3 is a term, while 2*x^3
 is a monomial. But other system use the reverse convention.
 I think Sage already has the reverse convention. If f=2*x^3*y^2 in a
 MultiPolynomialRing, currently returns 2 and f.lm() currently
 returns x^3*y^2.  The SymbolicRing seems to have methods
 leading_coefficient() and trailing_coefficient(), along with
 not-very-shortcuts leading/trailing_coeff(), which take a single
 variable as input and return everything which is multiplied by that
 variable in the first term in which that variable appears.  A
 UnivariatePolynomialRing seems to have leading_coefficient() but nothing
 else.  I had looked at these before, but your comment prompted me to
 look further.  I found this in the doc of
 sage.rings.polynomial.toy_d_basis (written by Martin Albrecht):
The notion of 'term' and 'monomial' in [BW93]_ is swapped from the
notion of those words in Sage (or the other way around, however you
prefer it). In Sage a term is a monomial multiplied by a
coefficient, while in [BW93]_ a monomial is a term multiplied by a
coefficient. Also, what is called LM (the leading monomial) in
Sage is called HT (the head term) in [BW93]_.
 So, as I understand it,
 3 * x^2 : term
 3 : coefficient
 x^2 : monomial
 would be consistent with the rest of Sage.  Do you know of someplace in
 Sage that is not consistent with that?

Not on top of my head. But a systematic search is in order. It would
be worthwhile to include embedded software in the search. Singular and
Magma seem to use the same convention as Sage (term = c * monomial):

 It's kind of the last occasion we have to change that; it might
 actually be too late. Still, could you raise the issue on sage-devel?
 Do you still think so?

Thinking twice about it, the change should not be that bad, since term
is current essentially monomial with a default second argument
coeff=1; so we can swap the two while maintaining backward
compatibility. The other functions that should be fixed as well
(sum_of_terms/sum_of_monomials, ...) are not that many, and I don't
expect them to have been used much outside of our patches.

 If you do, and if you can answer my previous question, I am happy to
 do this.

Great, thanks!

For the record: I added in PS a discussion with the MuPAD team in
... 1998 ..., about the same issue :-) I would love to see it resolved
once for all. Please make a call on sage-devel, and if there is a
consensus for standardizing for term = coeff * monomial, go ahead with
the change!

I'd suggest a first patch/ticket doing the change, and then your
triangularity patch on top of it. I am happy to review all of this
promptly. It would be good to have all of this in Sage before Sage
days 20 at the end of February.

 maybe x.leading_item, consistent with 

Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Category Questions

2010-01-12 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi Jason!

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:19:36PM -0500, Jason Bandlow wrote:
 While working on this, I added a ``TestSuite(phi)`` test where ``phi``
 is a TriangularModuleMorphism, mimicking what was done for

Good idea!

 Unfortunately, pickling fails.  I don't really know where to start
 tracking this down... can you give me a pointer?

phi is constructed from f, which itself can't be pickled:

sage: X = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1, 2, 3]); X.rename(X)
sage: Y = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1, 2, 3]); y = Y.basis()
sage: f = lambda i: sum(  y[j] for j in range(i,4)  ) 
sage: loads(dumps(f))

Traceback (most recent call last):
PicklingError: Can't pickle type 'function': attribute lookup 
__builtin__.function failed

That's because functions are pickled by name; but the name of f is
__main__.f. Pickles detects that there is no such function in the
__main__module, and rightfully deduces that f could not be unpickled
in a latter Sage session.

Luckily, one can cheat-around this, faking f being picklable, by
forcefully inserting it into __main__, as in:

sage: import __main__; __main__.f = f

Oh, and f should be defined with def, not lambda.

sage: X = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1, 2, 3]); X.rename(X)
sage: Y = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1, 2, 3]); y = Y.basis()
sage: def f(i): sum(  y[j] for j in range(i,4)  )
sage: import __main__; __main__.f = f
sage: loads(dumps(f))
function f at 0xbfbc9cc
sage: phi = X.module_morphism(f, triangular=True, codomain = Y)
sage: TestSuite(phi).run()

See the first example of TriangularModuleMorphism.

Altogether, whenever possible, I try to use standard sage functions
(like factorial) for such building blocks in tests. Here is a handy
trick, which involves a bit of magic in sum_of_terms (it's a morphism,
and therefore * is function composition):

sage: f = Y.sum_of_terms * range
sage: f(5)
B[0] + B[1] + B[2] + B[3] + B[4]
sage: loads(dumps(f))
A map to X

Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil
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