Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:46:08PM +0200, Samuel Lelièvre wrote:
>>    (SNIP)
>>    In addition, it seems that the version of the documentation at
>>    [10] corresponds to SageMath 6.3
>>    , while SageMath is now at 7.3.
>>    Combinat people,
>>    - is there a use for hosting SageMath's documentation at
>>      [11] and should it be updated to 7.3?
>>    - does this version have extra stuff from the combinat queue?
>>    - who is in charge?
> - This documentation is compiled with an old Sage with the patches
>   from the legacy Sage-Combinat queue applied.
> - It was occasionally useful, as there are some thematic tutorials
>   that have not yet been integrated into Sage.
> - The documentation cannot be updated to 7.3, as the patches don't
>   apply anymore.
> - It was hosted in the user directory of
>; Anne, Florent and myself have the
>   ssh keys for that account.

Is at all still up?

Samuel pointed me to [1] just yesterday.  (Gmane's web interface has
meanwhile gone, will perhaps return if others take over; luckily NNTP is
still there.)



> I see that is now redirected to the main
> Sage documentation. Given the issues the old doc was causing with
> google searches, I guess that's fair enough.
> Cheers,
>                               Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <>

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