[sage-devel] Re: Inconsistency in next_prime

2007-06-08 Thread Jack Schmidt

My benchmarks agree.  The gap between primes is so small as to make my
communication point moot.  Even checking some of the record setting
prime gaps, the pure pari method was never more than 20% faster, and I
think asymptotically it is likely they are equal speed (gaps don't get
big enough fast enough for iterating through the gap to be a
nontrivial cost compared to a primality proof).  I still think the
patch is wise since pari's number theory is likely to be better
maintained and optimized over the long term and I believe writing
SAGE's own nextprime is reinventing the wheel, not building the car
but there is not much difference to the average user and maintenance
on such a simple function is not terribly costly.

Before I forget, I had a couple of other comments on the inconsistency

(1) Previous_prime has no proof option

(2) The documentation for primes in sage/rings/arith.py line 660
claims next_prime has proof=true by default, but the documentation for
next_prime itself has the opposite, same file line 728.

On Jun 8, 12:55 am, Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well I did some benchmarks and sage's provable next_prime seems
 to be about the same speed as a combination of pari next_prime
 with is_prime. I agree that this is a bit counterintuitive.

 sage: time next_prime(2^1024, proof=False)
 CPU times: user 0.69 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.70 s
 Wall time: 0.92
 sage: time is_prime(_)
 CPU times: user 29.81 s, sys: 0.10 s, total: 29.91 s
 Wall time: 38.23
 sage: time next_prime(2^1024, proof=True)
 CPU times: user 30.66 s, sys: 0.04 s, total: 30.70 s
 Wall time: 38.98

 On Jun 8, 3:48 am, Jack Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Pari uses the Baillie-Pomerance-Selfridge-Wagstaff primality test,
  which at its heart is the observation that very few numbers are both
  (Fermat) strong pseudoprimes base 2 and Lucas pseudoprimes for x^2+P*x
  +1 where P is the smallest positive integer such that P^2 - 4 is not a
  quadratic residue (for the specific number being tested).  There are
  no such pseudoprimes less than 10^13 which can be verified by
  consulting the list of fermat strong pseudoprimes base 2 at:

  In some sense this is not a probabilistic test as described in
  textbooks since the (unknown) probability is fixed.  One could
  supplement BPSW with Rabin-Miller, but tests during the GAP
  implementation showed that even a single trial of Rabin-Miller was
  ridiculously slow given the fact that not a single composite BPSW
  pseudoprime has ever been found.

  The pari implementation contains speedups for small integers and
  integers with small factors.  It also contains a clever optimization
  to use GCD instead of trial division to handle testing many factors at
  once.  There is a relatively simple calculation to show when GCD is
  faster than trial division.

  The pari implementation is in basemath/ifactor1.c lines 390-508 in the
  functions BSW_psp and the machine integer version uisprime.

  Pari does allow calling Rabin-Miller using the ispseudoprime(N,1)
  function, but this is not done in nextprime() which uses direct calls
  to BSW_psp(N) and a simple stepping procedure similar to the one in
  SAGE, but using prime residues mod 210 instead of mod 2.  This is line
  637-675 of the same file.

  I recommend patching SAGE to increment using nextprime rather than n
  +=2, partially because pari's code is currently more optimizied and
  more likely to continue to be optimized, and partially because there
  is less I/O between the two processes; let pari have the entire tight
  loop, don't communicate during the tight loop.

  On Jun 7, 3:28 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 6/7/07, Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess you mean the opposite.

   Yes, I meant the opposite -- I wrote that in an extreme hurry
   before getting to lunch.

The pseudoprimetest
used internally by pari should never declare a prime number
to be composite. Most likely they use Miller Rabin which
has this property. I will check.

   Yes, please do.


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[sage-devel] Re: Dynamical systems support

2007-06-08 Thread Hamptonio


There's a link to the project overview, I forgot to put it in the
original post.

On Jun 8, 1:14 pm, Hamptonio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was just at the SIAM dynamical systems meeting in Snowbird, and it
 got me curious about how support for dynamical systems could be put
 into sage.  Unfortunately, the research I was presenting was done
 entirely in Mathematica, so I couldn't give sage a lot of press.  I
 did show sage to various people, and one of them pointed me to
 PyDSTool, a python-based project for dynamical systems.  It is
 currently in a beta state, but it looks like a healthy project that
 might already be useful.

 The other options are AUTO (written in fortran, and I'm not sure what
 the license is), or XPP (in C).  Apparently XPP has some AUTO-calling
 capability as well.

 I would be interested in comments familiar with these projects, and
 what their licenses really are.


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[sage-devel] Re: Dynamical systems support

2007-06-08 Thread David Joyner

Hamptonio wrote:
 I was just at the SIAM dynamical systems meeting in Snowbird, and it
 got me curious about how support for dynamical systems could be put
 into sage.  Unfortunately, the research I was presenting was done

Maxima already has some material on dynamical systems
In fact, there is a 200+ book but it is in Portuguese. The English
translation in incomplete (37 pages) but is available on the webpage.
The Maxima manual also has some material

SAGE wrappers for this would be wonderful to have but I doubt I'll
have the time to write them myself.

 entirely in Mathematica, so I couldn't give sage a lot of press.  I
 did show sage to various people, and one of them pointed me to
 PyDSTool, a python-based project for dynamical systems.  It is
 currently in a beta state, but it looks like a healthy project that
 might already be useful.
 The other options are AUTO (written in fortran, and I'm not sure what
 the license is), or XPP (in C).  Apparently XPP has some AUTO-calling
 capability as well.
 I would be interested in comments familiar with these projects, and
 what their licenses really are.

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