[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.8.5 on ia64-Linux

2007-09-25 Thread mabshoff

On Sep 24, 10:53 pm, Kate Minola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Kate,

 While trying to build sage-2.8.5 on ia64-Linux using

 1.  For flint-0.2.p2, I had to remove the CFLAG
 option -funroll-loops in order to get it to build.

Interesting - which gcc are you using? 4.2.1?

 2. For iml-1.0.1.p8, there is some autotools problem
 that I have not been able to track down.  Is
 everything up-to-date with configure, etc.
 for this package?

William reran autoconf after I patched in some stuff to fix some issue
on OSX. The spkg with the fixes but with the old autoconf build are at


You can give it a try and let us know if that fixes your problem.

 (My itanium machine does NOT have the
 latest autotools installed.)




 Kate Minola
 University of Maryland, College Park

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[sage-devel] Re: Some thought on trac and the Sage development process - feedback wanted

2007-09-25 Thread mabshoff


hopefully I incorporated all feed back:

*Better Sage Project Management With The Help of Trac - rev 2*

# Opening Remarks #

The is more about than just the use of trac to help out with Sage
development, but also about work flow in general and how we can
make developing Sage more efficient now that more and more
developers are joining Sage.

# The Situation #

* The use of trac seems to work out well. It seems that we do not
  lose bug reports and issues keep getting added to make sure they
  do not disappear. everything you work on is a ticket rule
  has been accepted by the vast majority of developers.
* The number of open tickets keeps on rising (from about 220 to
  slightly under 300 at the moment), but turnover is rather high.
  The increased numbers of bugs found and enhancements requested
  is a good sign because it shows that Sage is being used by more
  and more people and that people care enough to report problems.
  Many times I have looked for software to do a specific task
  and encountered bugs. I ususally do neither attempt to fix
  the problem nor report it unless it is something I see potential
* Bug Days have closed up to 70 ticker, the lower bounds seems to
  be about 40. It will be interesting to see how many tickets will
  be closed/opened during SD5.
* The old cruft, i.e. tickets closed along the way, that were left
  in trac seems to have all been closed.
* If you do development for Sage or consider yourself a user who
  wants to report issues get an account for Sage's trac installation:
  either email William Stein or alternatively contact him on
  #sage-devel on freenode. Preferably get a tray account with the
  same name as your google group nickname, so that one know how to
  contact you.

# Releases,  Milestones vs. Releases #

* Milestones are usually goals to be met while working toward a
  release. In Sage's trac we use milestones instead of releases,
  but unless somebody volunteers to clean up all the old milestones
  we will stick with the current model. It doesn't make a whole lot
  of a difference if we use milestone instead of release.
* finely grained releases are good, release early and often is the
  way to go, especially as more and more patches are coming in.
* it is realistic to make a big release and schedule at least one
  bugfix release after that to sort out the inevitable doctest X
  is broken on distribution Y and compiler Z problem. If we ever
  get access to a compile farm the number of those issues will
  hopefully decrease, but given the number of compilers and
  operating systems out there one has to be realistic to expect

# Opening Tickets #

* Before opening a ticket make sure that nobody else has opened
  a ticket about the same or closely related issue.
* It is better to open several specific tickets than one that is
  very broad.
* Be precise: If foo doesn't work on OSX, but is fine on Linux
  mention that in the title, also use the keyword option to make
  searches pick up the issue
* be careful with the priority: blocker should be used sparingly,
  don't be surprised that such a ticker is reclassified. On the other
  hand tickets that one might consider to be of non-blocker quality
  might be promoted. When in doubt write an email to sage-devel or
  ask around on #sage-devel.

# Working On Tickets #

* Every bug fixed should result in a doctest: Example Zombie det()
  problem with LinBox, considered fixed twice, but reopened in both
* Cooperative debugging via IRC is faster by at least a magnitude. If
  you haven't learned how to use IRC please do so. If you have
  problems to use IRC because of firewalls, but you do have an
  on sage.math you can use irssi via ssh there. If you have a flaky
  connection (hello malb ;) - you can use it together with screen.
* This is mostly an issue with defects, there are many enhancements
  possible for Sage, but too few developers to implement all the
  good ideas. But it is useful to keep ideas in a central place
  because in the google groups they tend to get lost once they drop
  off the first page
* If you are a developer be nice and try to solve a stale/old ticket
  every once in a while.
* mhansen and I  (and some other people I properly forgot to mention)
  regularly do triage, especially before Bug Days. Triage in this
  context means that we look at new bugs and classify them according
  to out perceived priority.

# Assigning Tickets #

* each ticket should have a milestone assigned
* defect vs. enhancement vs. task
* if you are unsure whom to assign to assign to somebody or was
* certain categories have default people to assign to
* if you have been assigned a ticket you should either accept it
  or assign it back to somebody or tbd

# Closing Tickets #

* if you have a solution/patch attach it to the ticket and indicate
  that there is a solution available by adding [with patch] to the
  title. It might also be a good idea to reassign the ticket to the

[sage-devel] Re: Proposed minor enhancement: elliptic curve transformations

2007-09-25 Thread David Kohel

Hi John,

  Group -- WierstrassIsomorphismGroup
  GroupElement -- WeierstrassIsomorphism

 OK I'll try that.

On this subject, I had the idea that an Iso(X,Y) subset of Hom(X,Y)
be defined for every category.  Note that the subset Aut(X) of an
End(X) is
a group, but in general the WeierstrassIsomorphism class are (two-
G-sets (over Aut(X) and Aut(Y)) but not groups.  Thus I think they
have some inheritance like

Morphism - EllipticCurveIsogeny - EllipticCurveIsomorphism,

The middle class could be skipped for the moment.  Within the category
abelian varieties, we can assume 0 goes to 0.  In the future it might
be of
interest to have special classes of genus 1 curves which might admit
general isomorphisms, but they will no longer be given by linear
which reduce to coefficients [u,r,s,t] of an (upper triangular)

You could cc me in relevant messages to make sure that I response --
have a one-week teaching break, but need to pack up my office this


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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread Jason Martin

 Actually GMP is far from stale.  Anyway, I put the chances of a
 viable GMP fork in the next year at 1% (see below).

 It would be very useful to figure out what the situation is with Singular's
 licensing plans.  Do they have a mailing list or something?

  -- William

 Why I think GMP won't be  fork: Torbjörn is
 really the organizing force behind GMP, as far as I can tell, and he
 seems completely OK with LGPLv3 as a license for GMP.I don't know
 any serious players who have the necessary resources and who are
 interested in forking GMP, and the license change from LGPLv2 to LGPLv3
 likely has no impact on Maple and almost none on Magma.Basically
 before any of this LGPLv3 stuff, various people have made noise about
 forking GMP for more serious reasons, and nothing happened, so I doubt it
 would happen now.

I also have serious doubts that GMP will be successfully forked.  I
looked into doing this myself, and the simple, painful, truth is that
the build scripts in GMP are more complicated than the mathematics.
(And, several times a year, someone on the GMP mailing lists suggests
forking the project, to which Torbjörn always responds, go ahead,
but I can't find any successful GMP forks on the web.)  Maintaining
build scripts for assembly level code for hundreds of platforms has
got to be a painfully tedious task that no one else wants to take on.
Torbjörn may be somewhat tough to work with, but you have to give the
guy credit: he's probably one of the best all around programmers on
the planet.

So, I think that there is only one realistic option: Sage must go v2 or later.


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

Well that answered my next question, which is whether this method
could be used for Qbar.

Carl, what language is your code in. I would be interested in taking a


On 23 Sep, 20:15, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/23/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here's one (heavily biased) example:

  sage: sum([sqrt(AA(i)) for i in range(1, 1000)])
  [21065.833110879048 .. 21065.833110879056]

  I'm pretty sure that doing computations with this number algebraically
  requires dealing with polynomials of degree at least 2^168 (there are
  168 primes less than 1000), which is obviously impossible.

 It is also possible to do very fast arithmetic in QQbar building on AA
 as illustrated below:

 sage: R.x = AA[]
 sage: Q.i = R.quotient(x^2 + 1)
 sage: w = i * AA(3).sqrt(); w
 [1.7320508075688771 .. 1.7320508075688775]*i
 sage: omega = (1 + w)/2; omega
 [0.86602540378443859 .. 0.86602540378443871]*i + 1/2
 sage: omega^3
 [-1.0003 .. -0.99988]
 sage: omega + AA(5).sqrt()
 [0.86602540378443859 .. 0.86602540378443871]*i + [2.7360679774997893
 .. 2.7360679774997899]
 sage: z1 = omega = (1 + w)/2; omega
 [0.86602540378443859 .. 0.86602540378443871]*i + 1/2
 sage: z1 = omega = (1 + w)/2 + sqrt(AA(5))
 sage: z1
 [0.86602540378443859 .. 0.86602540378443871]*i + [2.7360679774997893
 .. 2.7360679774997899]
 sage: z1^10
 [2882.8577427505738 .. 2882.8577427505789]*i + [-37786.733390210728 ..
 sage: (z1^10)[0].minpoly()
 x^2 + 37851*x + 9713701/4
 sage: (z1^10)[1].minpoly()
 x^4 - 17754903/2*x^2 + 75340716089409/16

 This could probably be useful for some applications.


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[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.8.5 on ia64-Linux

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

 On Sep 24, 10:53 pm, Kate Minola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  While trying to build sage-2.8.5 on ia64-Linux using

  1.  For flint-0.2.p2, I had to remove the CFLAG
  option -funroll-loops in order to get it to build.

?? ?? ?

I tried to find information on why this might be a problem. But came
up blank.

Can you by any chance give a list of the errors which result. Perhaps
it is not related directly to the unroll-loops option itself, but a
strange interaction with something else.


P.S: David Harvey set up a trac server for FLINT and I'm about to
start using it now that bits and pieces of FLINT are finding
themselves in SAGE. People can email me to get an account if required.
All bugs which prevent SAGE from being built should be filed as major


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread cwitty

On Sep 25, 8:02 am, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well that answered my next question, which is whether this method
 could be used for Qbar.

The biggest obstacle to handling Qbar directly is that I haven't found
a good way of isolating the roots of a complex polynomial (that is,
finding the roots with a GUARANTEED error bound) and then refining a
root to arbitrary precision.  (The other annoying part is that SAGE
does not yet have complex interval arithmetic.)

And the third obstacle is that at the moment, I only care about real
numbers; so I'm not very motivated to work on the extension to
Qbar. :-)  (Although I'd be happy to answer questions, if anybody else
wanted to work on it!)

 Carl, what language is your code in. I would be interested in taking a

The part I wrote is just Python (although it makes heavy use of the
rest of SAGE); it's in .../sage/rings/algebraic_real.py .



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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread John Cremona

I thought this had been solved some time ago, and was implemented in
pari.  Or is that only for real roots of real polynomials?


On 9/25/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 25, 8:02 am, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well that answered my next question, which is whether this method
  could be used for Qbar.

 The biggest obstacle to handling Qbar directly is that I haven't found
 a good way of isolating the roots of a complex polynomial (that is,
 finding the roots with a GUARANTEED error bound) and then refining a
 root to arbitrary precision.  (The other annoying part is that SAGE
 does not yet have complex interval arithmetic.)

 And the third obstacle is that at the moment, I only care about real
 numbers; so I'm not very motivated to work on the extension to
 Qbar. :-)  (Although I'd be happy to answer questions, if anybody else
 wanted to work on it!)

  Carl, what language is your code in. I would be interested in taking a

 The part I wrote is just Python (although it makes heavy use of the
 rest of SAGE); it's in .../sage/rings/algebraic_real.py .




John Cremona

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[sage-devel] Re: making new infix operators

2007-09-25 Thread Mike Hansen

In SAGE, '+' is used for union of sets.  For example,

sage: a = Set([1,2])
sage: b = Set([2,3])
sage: a+b
{1, 2, 3}

Since currently, + is not defined for graphs, it'd be a natural choice.


On 9/25/07, Jason Grout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm thinking more about how to make the Graph class easy to use.  One
 thing that crops up is that the operations that combine graphs only
 combine two graphs at a time (e.g., g.union(h), where g and h are graphs).

 Is there a way to define an infix operator that would allow one to say:

 g union h union i union j union k?

 I could do it with something like:

 reduce(lambda x,y: x.union(y), [g,h,i,j,k])

 But that doesn't seem as clear as the infix things above.

 For reference, Mathematica allows an operator in backticks to be applied
 to its surrounding arguments, so the equivalent operation above would be:

 g `union` h `union` i `union` j `union` k

 And of course, you can set whether the operator is left-associative or

 Of course, one solution is to use a for loop:

 for graph in [g,h,i,j,k]:

 But that seems a lot clunkier than the infix expression above.

 I guess another solution is to return the new graph from the union, so
 that you could do:





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[sage-devel] Re: making new infix operators

2007-09-25 Thread Hamptonio

I would appreciate any tips on how to extend the + operator in this
way, since I would like to implement Minkowski sums of polytopes and
this is natural notation for that.

On Sep 25, 10:37 am, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In SAGE, '+' is used for union of sets.  For example,

 sage: a = Set([1,2])
 sage: b = Set([2,3])
 sage: a+b
 {1, 2, 3}

 Since currently, + is not defined for graphs, it'd be a natural choice.


 On 9/25/07, Jason Grout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm thinking more about how to make the Graph class easy to use.  One
  thing that crops up is that the operations that combine graphs only
  combine two graphs at a time (e.g., g.union(h), where g and h are graphs).

  Is there a way to define an infix operator that would allow one to say:

  g union h union i union j union k?

  I could do it with something like:

  reduce(lambda x,y: x.union(y), [g,h,i,j,k])

  But that doesn't seem as clear as the infix things above.

  For reference, Mathematica allows an operator in backticks to be applied
  to its surrounding arguments, so the equivalent operation above would be:

  g `union` h `union` i `union` j `union` k

  And of course, you can set whether the operator is left-associative or

  Of course, one solution is to use a for loop:

  for graph in [g,h,i,j,k]:

  But that seems a lot clunkier than the infix expression above.

  I guess another solution is to return the new graph from the union, so
  that you could do:




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[sage-devel] Re: [SAGE Days 5] Re: Fwd: [sage-devel] SAGE days 6 and GPLv3

2007-09-25 Thread Jaap Spies

John Cremona wrote:
 If it has been decided not to invite someone from FSF to SD6 then that
 is fine with me.

There seems to be some confusion between SD5 and SD6.


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[sage-devel] Re: [SAGE Days 5] Re: Fwd: [sage-devel] SAGE days 6 and GPLv3

2007-09-25 Thread John Cremona

On 9/25/07, Jaap Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Cremona wrote:
  If it has been decided not to invite someone from FSF to SD6 then that
  is fine with me.

 There seems to be some confusion between SD5 and SD6.

No: you suggested this for SD6, then the SD5 organisers thought SD5
would be better being in Boston, but decided against it, and their
reason for doing so is also valid, I think, for SD6.  So as an SD6
organiser I vote against.

By the way, SD6 is being entirely funded by the Heilbronn Institute
for Mathematical Research in Bristol.




John Cremona

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[sage-devel] Re: making new infix operators

2007-09-25 Thread Jason Grout

Mike Hansen wrote:
 Since I don't think that graphs and polytopes fall under the SAGE
 coercion model, overloading operators is pretty straightforward.  You
 just need to define the __add__ method in your class.  x + y will call
 sage: class Foo:
 : def __add__(self, y):
 : return 42
 sage: a = Foo()
 sage: b = Foo()
 sage: a + b
 sage: b + a
 Note that you'll want to do some type-checking so that y is what you
 actually think it should be.

Thanks!  Knowing what to look for, google pulled up the following page 
from the python website, delineating the overloadable operators:


I put this here for future reference.



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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If SAGE developers weren't so thin on the ground, I'm sure that we
 could fork GMP. I'd be interested in doing so, for various reasons.
 There's already code in the FLINT project which could go straight into
 a forked GMP. I'd also like to get around to providing decent assembly
 support for the PS3.

 But I alone do not have the time to maintain such an enormous package,
 especially given that I'm already codeveloper of FLINT. A group of us
 could manage it, I'm sure. But whether it would be successful, I
 couldn't say.

I feel precisely the same way.   I also hope Sage developers will
become a bit more thick on the ground.

That said, it might be good to think about what team would do a GMP
fork, if it were to happen, just in case.  Probably you, me, Jason Martin, ??

Jason Martin remarked:
 Maintaining build scripts for assembly level code for
 hundreds of platforms has
 got to be a painfully tedious task that no one else
 wants to take on.

The first thing I would do if I forked GMP would be to greatly
reduce the number of supported platforms, in the same way
that Ubuntu supports far fewer platforms than Debian.  I would
chose the same platforms that Sage targets (and that Sage
*wants* to target).   The second thing I would do is release
the forked version (i.e., all _new_ code in the forked version)
under GPL (not LGPL) to prevent usage by Maple/Magma of
our version.   The third thing would be to integrate
in all the patches to GMP that we currently distribute that aren't part
of the official GMP.  The fourth thing would be to choose a
new name for the project.The fifth thing would be to setup a website
with bug tracker, wiki, mailing lists, and all the other standard
tools of an open source project.

That sounds like a lot of work.  I'm glad I'm not forking GMP.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

At this point it looks like the only reasonable option is to  
(begrudgingly) move to GPLv2 or above but there is another option  
that I haven't seen come up in discussion yet, and that is releasing  
SAGE under an amended GPLv2 that explicitly allows linking against  
LGPLv3+ libraries (or some other compatibility clause). This would  
free us from being at the mercy of whatever the FSF decides is a good  
idea 10 years from now, or even what they decided this last year.

In doing this, however, we would loose what to me is the biggest  
advantage of the GPL over all the other copyleft Open Source licenses  
out there, namely that one merely has to say this code is GPL and  
everyone has an idea (of varying accuracy) what you're talking about.  
Also, it would only cover LGPL code, not anything GPL.

I am not convinced that this is the best idea, I just wanted to throw  
it out there.

- Robert

On Sep 23, 2007, at 11:34 AM, William Stein wrote:

 On 9/23/07, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems odd that closed source software could use GMP under the
 LGPLv3, but that a GPLv2 project could not.  How tightly  
 integrated is
 the GMP stuff?  Aren't we pretty much just using it as a library?

 We are just using it as a library.  The problem isn't LGPLv3,
 but GPLv2 itself! But please see
 where it is made crystal clear that in fact a GPLv2 project can't
 even use an LGPLv3 library in library-only mode.

 There is a discussion here:

 In short, Magma and Maple can use GMP under LGPLv3, but
 Sage can't, because Sage is GPLv2, and the GPLv2 specifically
 disallows linking against libraries that are more restrictive
 (except things like the C library).

  -- William


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

Could the version for complex numbers use polar coordinates?


On 25 Sep, 18:55, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 25, 9:28 am, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I thought this had been solved some time ago, and was implemented in
  pari.  Or is that only for real roots of real polynomials?


  On 9/25/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The biggest obstacle to handling Qbar directly is that I haven't found
   a good way of isolating the roots of a complex polynomial (that is,
   finding the roots with a GUARANTEED error bound) and then refining a
   root to arbitrary precision.

 Maybe so, but the documentation doesn't give enough detail for me to
 be confident.  The documentation for Pari's polroots function says,
 ... it is guaranteed to converge and to give the roots to the
 required accuracy.  But I don't know what that means.  Am I supposed
 to trust every bit of the returned value (that is, the error is at
 most a half-ULP)?  I'm fairly sure I could construct examples where
 determining a 100-bit result to within a half-ULP would require
 intermediate values that were a million bits.  Does Pari go ahead and
 use the million-bit numbers here, or does it allow errors more than a
 half-ULP?  If it allows errors more than a half-ULP, how large are the
 errors it does allow?

 Worse, I need to work with polynomials with inexact (interval)
 coefficients, and polynomial root-finding is inherently unstable
 (small changes in the coefficients can make large changes in the
 locations of the roots); even if Pari gives exactly-correct (within a
 half-ULP) answers for the polynomials you give it, how much do you
 increase the size of the interval outputs to account for the
 uncertainty in the inputs?

 All of this is to support a constructor that takes a polynomial with
 Qbar coefficients, and a complex interval (a rectangle in the complex
 plane) enclosing exactly one root, and return an element of Qbar.
 Instead, there could be a constructor that takes a polynomial with
 Qbar coefficients, and a complex interval enclosing exactly one root
 tightly enough that it can be arbitrarily refined using Newton-
 Raphson; and then it would be the responsibility of the caller to find
 such a complex interval.  But how would the caller do that?


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

I don't think that would help. It would make mult/div nicer, but  
addition/subtraction more of a mess. I think the best analogue of an  
interval is a ball--addition and subtraction of open balls yield open  
balls, and multiplication/division of open balls are almost open  
balls (for inputs far enough away from the origin with respect to  
their radii).

- Robert

On Sep 25, 2007, at 11:07 AM, Bill Hart wrote:

 Could the version for complex numbers use polar coordinates?


 On 25 Sep, 18:55, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 25, 9:28 am, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I thought this had been solved some time ago, and was implemented in
 pari.  Or is that only for real roots of real polynomials?


 On 9/25/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The biggest obstacle to handling Qbar directly is that I haven't  
 a good way of isolating the roots of a complex polynomial (that is,
 finding the roots with a GUARANTEED error bound) and then  
 refining a
 root to arbitrary precision.

 Maybe so, but the documentation doesn't give enough detail for me to
 be confident.  The documentation for Pari's polroots function says,
 ... it is guaranteed to converge and to give the roots to the
 required accuracy.  But I don't know what that means.  Am I supposed
 to trust every bit of the returned value (that is, the error is at
 most a half-ULP)?  I'm fairly sure I could construct examples where
 determining a 100-bit result to within a half-ULP would require
 intermediate values that were a million bits.  Does Pari go ahead and
 use the million-bit numbers here, or does it allow errors more than a
 half-ULP?  If it allows errors more than a half-ULP, how large are  
 errors it does allow?

 Worse, I need to work with polynomials with inexact (interval)
 coefficients, and polynomial root-finding is inherently unstable
 (small changes in the coefficients can make large changes in the
 locations of the roots); even if Pari gives exactly-correct (within a
 half-ULP) answers for the polynomials you give it, how much do you
 increase the size of the interval outputs to account for the
 uncertainty in the inputs?

 All of this is to support a constructor that takes a polynomial with
 Qbar coefficients, and a complex interval (a rectangle in the complex
 plane) enclosing exactly one root, and return an element of Qbar.
 Instead, there could be a constructor that takes a polynomial with
 Qbar coefficients, and a complex interval enclosing exactly one root
 tightly enough that it can be arbitrarily refined using Newton-
 Raphson; and then it would be the responsibility of the caller to  
 such a complex interval.  But how would the caller do that?



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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread cwitty

On Sep 25, 10:10 am, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, someone sent me some very good code for doing complex root
 approximation in FLINT. But I've been too damned lazy to properly
 incorporate it in FLINT. I will get around to it soon.

 Carl if you can give me a specific interface that you'd like, I can
 put some thought into implementing it and it will eventually get

A lot of it depends on what people would want from an implementation
of Qbar.  Aside from the standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /,
nth root), how should elements of Qbar be created?  I assume there
needs to be at least one constructor that takes a polynomial and
indicates one particular complex root of that polynomial.  Do people
need polynomials with Qbar coefficients, or would construction from
polynomials with rational coefficients suffice?  Or maybe the
constructor should take a Qbar polynomial and return a list of all its
roots (as elements of Qbar)?  If you want to construct an element of
Qbar from a polynomial, do you already know that the polynomial is
squarefree, or does the constructor need to check?


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread cwitty

On Sep 25, 11:24 am, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, to make it work, it might have to switch between polar
 coordinates and rectangular coordinates, always ensuring the point you
 are talking about is inside the region, regardless of whether it is a
 polar rectangle or a right rectangle.

 Clearly I don't know anything about complex interval arithmetic if
 such a thing exists. Is there a reference I can read. Shame you aren't
 going to be at SAGE days 5 Carl. Are you going to number 6.


I know very little about complex interval arithmetic myself...just
what I learned from Googling for complex interval arithmetic and
spending a couple of hours skimming papers I found on the Web.

Some implementations use intervals represented as circles in the
complex plane; others use right rectangles.  I don't remember any that
use polar rectangles, but they might exist.  In any case, if you want
the tightest possible bounds, there's some fairly tricky math.

Fortunately, for implementing Qbar, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't need
an implementation of complex interval arithmetic that was carefully
optimized to get the tightest possible bounds.  I believe (although I
haven't gone through the math to check) that the extra looseness of
the simple algorithms is mostly a problem if the original bounds were
loose relative to the number.  However, if Qbar were implemented
similarly to my algebraic reals package, we start with very tight
bounds, and the result of a precision error is to make the bounds much
much tighter.  So I think the simplest possible implementation (a
complex interval is a pair of real intervals, and arithmetic
operations are implemented textbook fashion using these real
intervals) would probably suffice.

No, I'm not planning to go to SD6.  (After all, computer algebra is
only a hobby for me!)


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread John Cremona

Qbar means different things to different people (or to the same people
at different times).

Carl's view is to have Qbar fixed as a subfield of C so that an
element of Qbar is represented as a (necessarily approximate) complex
value together with its minimal polynomial.

Number theorists and algebraists would like a more general viewpoint,
to allow p-adics to enter the picture for example.

If you have just one algebraic number a with minimal polynomial f(x)
then the algebraist can be happy working with the abstract field
K=Q[x]/(f(x));  this can be embedded into any larger field L (such as
C) in which f has a root alpha just by mapping x to alpha;  and if
there are several roots then there will be that many different
embeddings (into the same L).

It gets more complicated if you now introduce a second algebraic
number b with minimum polynomial g(x), defineing a second abstract
field K'=Q[x]/(g(x)).  How do add a to b, since they live in entirely
different worlds?  The algebraists approach is that this only makes
sense if you have field L into which both K and K' embed and you do
arithmetic in L.  Taken to the limit (literally) one arrives at Qbar
as the direct limit of all fields like K, which in abstract terms is
obtained by taking the disjoint union of all the K=Q[x]/(f(x))
together with embeddings between these, and identifying two elements
if they have the same image in a field containing both.

Our discussion about how to make sense of symbolic expressions like
sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)-sqrt(6) is relevant here.  To make sense of this
expression you need not only the individual fields Q(sqrt(a)) for a=2,
3, 6;  you need a single field L containing sqrts of all three
numbers, together with those embeddings, i.e. a labelling of *which*
root of x^2-2 in this big field is the one which you want the abstract
sqrt(2) to.  One solution mentioned previously takes L=R (reals) and
labels the positive roots.  But, as we have seen that simple
solution breaks down quickly for more complicated algebraic numbers.

Excuse the ramblings:  but I always find that computational
ambiguities like this are best understood by treating the mathematics


On 9/25/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 25, 11:24 am, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, to make it work, it might have to switch between polar
  coordinates and rectangular coordinates, always ensuring the point you
  are talking about is inside the region, regardless of whether it is a
  polar rectangle or a right rectangle.
  Clearly I don't know anything about complex interval arithmetic if
  such a thing exists. Is there a reference I can read. Shame you aren't
  going to be at SAGE days 5 Carl. Are you going to number 6.

 I know very little about complex interval arithmetic myself...just
 what I learned from Googling for complex interval arithmetic and
 spending a couple of hours skimming papers I found on the Web.

 Some implementations use intervals represented as circles in the
 complex plane; others use right rectangles.  I don't remember any that
 use polar rectangles, but they might exist.  In any case, if you want
 the tightest possible bounds, there's some fairly tricky math.

 Fortunately, for implementing Qbar, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't need
 an implementation of complex interval arithmetic that was carefully
 optimized to get the tightest possible bounds.  I believe (although I
 haven't gone through the math to check) that the extra looseness of
 the simple algorithms is mostly a problem if the original bounds were
 loose relative to the number.  However, if Qbar were implemented
 similarly to my algebraic reals package, we start with very tight
 bounds, and the result of a precision error is to make the bounds much
 much tighter.  So I think the simplest possible implementation (a
 complex interval is a pair of real intervals, and arithmetic
 operations are implemented textbook fashion using these real
 intervals) would probably suffice.

 No, I'm not planning to go to SD6.  (After all, computer algebra is
 only a hobby for me!)



John Cremona

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread boothby

This is not an option.  From GPL2:

2.  ...
   b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
   whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
   part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
   parties under the terms of this License.

From GPL3:

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable 
sections of that work, added by you, are not derived from the Program, and can 
be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then 
this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute 
them as separate works  for use not in combination with the Program. But when 
you distribute the same sections  for use in combination with covered works, no 
matter in what form such combination occurs, the whole of the combination must 
be licensed under this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to 
the entire whole, and thus to every part of the whole. Your sections may carry 
other terms as part of this combination in limited ways, described in section 

Hence, if Sage cannot function without GPL3 software, it *must* be licensed 
under GPL3, and no other license.  Therefore, GPL2 or later truly means 
GPL3 the instant that we include gmp4.2.2, no matter what we might tell 
ourselves.  Similarly, if there is a library which is GPL2 only, we cannot 
include it once we've included gmp4.2.2.  This is utterly ridiculous, but 
apparently a fact of life.

rantWith all of RMS's talk about subjugation, and Microsoft forcing 
people into using their software, he seems pretty happy to force people into 
using the new license, and cause others to turn around and pressure their 
friends to do the same -- does this remind anybody else of the early days of 
communism in China?  Oh, wait.  No.  I almost forgot: people aren't getting 
*killed* for doing or not doing these things -- what's subjugation mean 

Anyway.  Sorry for that.  I found this link useful:


and I got the above quotes from row #5.

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 At this point it looks like the only reasonable option is to
 (begrudgingly) move to GPLv2 or above but there is another option
 that I haven't seen come up in discussion yet, and that is releasing
 SAGE under an amended GPLv2 that explicitly allows linking against
 LGPLv3+ libraries (or some other compatibility clause). This would
 free us from being at the mercy of whatever the FSF decides is a good
 idea 10 years from now, or even what they decided this last year.
 In doing this, however, we would loose what to me is the biggest
 advantage of the GPL over all the other copyleft Open Source licenses
 out there, namely that one merely has to say this code is GPL and
 everyone has an idea (of varying accuracy) what you're talking about.
 Also, it would only cover LGPL code, not anything GPL.
 I am not convinced that this is the best idea, I just wanted to throw
 it out there.
 - Robert
 On Sep 23, 2007, at 11:34 AM, William Stein wrote:
 On 9/23/07, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems odd that closed source software could use GMP under the
 LGPLv3, but that a GPLv2 project could not.  How tightly
 integrated is
 the GMP stuff?  Aren't we pretty much just using it as a library?
 We are just using it as a library.  The problem isn't LGPLv3,
 but GPLv2 itself! But please see
 where it is made crystal clear that in fact a GPLv2 project can't
 even use an LGPLv3 library in library-only mode.
 There is a discussion here:
 In short, Magma and Maple can use GMP under LGPLv3, but
 Sage can't, because Sage is GPLv2, and the GPLv2 specifically
 disallows linking against libraries that are more restrictive
 (except things like the C library).
  -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

GMP 4.2.2 is LGPLv3, not GPLv3, so I think it would still work  
(though as I did mention, this is still an issue if we use anything  
with the (non-library) GPL). My proposal was that SAGE would be our  
GPL derivative but without this annoyance.

My understanding is that GPLv2 can link to libraries that are less  
restrictive (for instance BSD/MIT/LGPLv2) as long as they are GPL- 
compatible, but LGPLv3 is more restrictive which is why that doesn't  

BTW, I totally agree with your rant.

- Robert

On Sep 25, 2007, at 12:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is not an option.  From GPL2:

 2.  ...
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

 From GPL3:

 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If  
 sections of that work, added by you, are not derived from the  
 Program, and can
 be reasonably considered independent and separate works in  
 themselves, then
 this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when  
 you distribute
 them as separate works  for use not in combination with the  
 Program. But when
 you distribute the same sections  for use in combination with  
 covered works, no
 matter in what form such combination occurs, the whole of the  
 combination must
 be licensed under this License, whose permissions for other  
 licensees extend to
 the entire whole, and thus to every part of the whole. Your  
 sections may carry
 other terms as part of this combination in limited ways, described  
 in section

 Hence, if Sage cannot function without GPL3 software, it *must* be  
 under GPL3, and no other license.  Therefore, GPL2 or later truly  
 GPL3 the instant that we include gmp4.2.2, no matter what we  
 might tell
 ourselves.  Similarly, if there is a library which is GPL2 only, we  
 include it once we've included gmp4.2.2.  This is utterly  
 ridiculous, but
 apparently a fact of life.

 rantWith all of RMS's talk about subjugation, and Microsoft  
 people into using their software, he seems pretty happy to force  
 people into
 using the new license, and cause others to turn around and pressure  
 friends to do the same -- does this remind anybody else of the  
 early days of
 communism in China?  Oh, wait.  No.  I almost forgot: people aren't  
 *killed* for doing or not doing these things -- what's  
 subjugation mean

 Anyway.  Sorry for that.  I found this link useful:


 and I got the above quotes from row #5.

 On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 At this point it looks like the only reasonable option is to
 (begrudgingly) move to GPLv2 or above but there is another option
 that I haven't seen come up in discussion yet, and that is releasing
 SAGE under an amended GPLv2 that explicitly allows linking against
 LGPLv3+ libraries (or some other compatibility clause). This would
 free us from being at the mercy of whatever the FSF decides is a good
 idea 10 years from now, or even what they decided this last year.

 In doing this, however, we would loose what to me is the biggest
 advantage of the GPL over all the other copyleft Open Source licenses
 out there, namely that one merely has to say this code is GPL and
 everyone has an idea (of varying accuracy) what you're talking about.
 Also, it would only cover LGPL code, not anything GPL.

 I am not convinced that this is the best idea, I just wanted to throw
 it out there.

 - Robert

 On Sep 23, 2007, at 11:34 AM, William Stein wrote:

 On 9/23/07, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems odd that closed source software could use GMP under the
 LGPLv3, but that a GPLv2 project could not.  How tightly
 integrated is
 the GMP stuff?  Aren't we pretty much just using it as a library?

 We are just using it as a library.  The problem isn't LGPLv3,
 but GPLv2 itself! But please see
 where it is made crystal clear that in fact a GPLv2 project can't
 even use an LGPLv3 library in library-only mode.

 There is a discussion here:

 In short, Magma and Maple can use GMP under LGPLv3, but
 Sage can't, because Sage is GPLv2, and the GPLv2 specifically
 disallows linking against libraries that are more restrictive
 (except things like the C library).

  -- William


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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein


 This is not an option.  From GPL2:

 2.  ...
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

 From GPL3:

 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
 sections of that work, added by you, are not derived from the Program, and can
 be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then
 this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you 
 them as separate works  for use not in combination with the Program. But when
 you distribute the same sections  for use in combination with covered works, 
 matter in what form such combination occurs, the whole of the combination must
 be licensed under this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend 
 the entire whole, and thus to every part of the whole. Your sections may carry
 other terms as part of this combination in limited ways, described in section

 Hence, if Sage cannot function without GPL3 software, it *must* be licensed
 under GPL3, and no other license.  Therefore, GPL2 or later truly means
 GPL3 the instant that we include gmp4.2.2, no matter what we might tell

The Sage program overall is GPL3.  The Sage library (new python/cython code)
itself is still GPLv2 or later, since it could be  (in fact is) used
with GMP-4.2.1
and GSL-1.9.

  Similarly, if there is a library which is GPL2 only, we cannot
 include it once we've included gmp4.2.2.  This is utterly ridiculous, but
 apparently a fact of life.

It is true that we cannot include any GPLv2 only libraries if we include
GMP-4.2.2.  Singular is a library with that property, so no matter what
happens we won't be including GMP-4.2.2 (or GSL-1.10) until Singular
is relicensed.   If for some reason the Singular people do decide not
to relicense, then we would be in quite a pickle (and would probably
be forced to fork GMP).

 Anyway.  Sorry for that.  I found this link useful:


 and I got the above quotes from row #5.

Excellent, many thanks for posting that, but I hope nobody else
looks at it, since unfortunately it seems to be seriously out of date.
 It's from January 2006 and the GPLv3 changed a lot since then.


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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread cwitty

On Sep 25, 12:18 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hence, if Sage cannot function without GPL3 software, it *must* be licensed
 under GPL3, and no other license.  Therefore, GPL2 or later truly means
 GPL3 the instant that we include gmp4.2.2, no matter what we might tell
 ourselves.  Similarly, if there is a library which is GPL2 only, we cannot
 include it once we've included gmp4.2.2.  This is utterly ridiculous, but
 apparently a fact of life.

What you're missing here is that gmp4.2.2 is not GPL3 licensed; it is
LGPL3 licensed.  I don't know of any SAGE component that is planning
to switch to being GPL3(-only) licensed.

Carl Witty

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread Jaap Spies


 Anyway.  Sorry for that.  I found this link useful:
 and I got the above quotes from row #5.

FYI, this is a diff to an old draft of GPLv3! Mark the date.

Read the real thing: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html


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[sage-devel] Re: GPL version 2 or later permission request

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, Robert Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have just skimmed through the sage-devel discussion about this, and
 I am even more confused than when I started.

 1) I don't like releasing code to which a license that does not yet
 exist could be applied. Can't we get away with GPL V2 or (at your
 option) GPLv3?

Technically we could get away with that.  However, it is merely delaying
the problem and replacing it by one that is potentially for worse.
Imagine that I had instead started Sage 10 years ago when I was
in grad school (I almost did start it then actually).  Imagine that I
had licensed everything GPLv2 only.  Now, it is ten years later, and
lets say over 500 people have contributed and all their code is
copyright GPL v2 only.  I now have to either fork GMP and GSL, etc.,
or get permission from those 500 people to relicense all the code

Given how the FSF operates, it's a virtual certainty that in 10 years
they will release a GPLv4 that is incompatible with GPLv3.  If
Sage is GPLv2 or V3 only, and there are 500 copyright owners,
I will be in a terrible situation.

 2) The only other issue I have is: if someone uses my code, are they
 required to give me credit and include the source? I'm pretty sure
 this is the case, but #1 makes me uncomfortable...

I think that's a general GPL question.The way you phrased
it is way to vague: if someone uses my code, are they
required to give me credit and include the source?
What does use my code mean?  If Joe Spook at NSA uses
your code to crack enemy encryption, do you feel they should
give you credit and include the source?  GPL definitely wouldn't
mean they had to.

 -Robert M

 On 9/25/07, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do I have your explicit written permission to relicense code you
  submit or submitted to Sage under GPL version 2 to be relicensed under
  'GPL either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
  version' license?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
  Note: If you answer no, unfortunately your code may have to be removed
  from Sage, causing much work for me.  Please blame the FSF not me for 
  this BS licensing nuisance.
  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washington

 Robert L. Miller

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, cwitty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What you're missing here is that gmp4.2.2 is not GPL3 licensed; it is
 LGPL3 licensed.  I don't know of any SAGE component that is planning
 to switch to being GPL3(-only) licensed.

GSL (http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/),  which is an extremely
important component of Sage, has made a new release and it is
GPL3-only licensed.


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[sage-devel] polynomial factorization over ZZ

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

Hi Bill,

Did you ever benchmark polynomial factorization over ZZ, which is
a key step in modular forms computations (that's why I care).
I once did a few random tests 2 years ago and made the following
remark (see below), namely that for small degree
 magma is faster than pari is faster than ntl
and that for very large degree (1500)
 ntl is vastly faster than magma is vastly faster than pari.

# In many tests with SMALL degree PARI is substantially
# better than NTL.  (And magma is better yet.)  And the
# timing difference has nothing to do with moving Python
# data to NTL and back.
# For large degree (  1500) in the one test I tried, NTL was
# *much* better than MAGMA, and far better than PARI.  So probably
# NTL's implementation is asymptotically better.  I could use
# PARI for smaller degree over other rings besides Z, and use
# NTL in general.

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread cwitty

On Sep 25, 12:31 pm, Robert Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GMP 4.2.2 is LGPLv3, not GPLv3, so I think it would still work
 (though as I did mention, this is still an issue if we use anything
 with the (non-library) GPL). My proposal was that SAGE would be our
 GPL derivative but without this annoyance.

 My understanding is that GPLv2 can link to libraries that are less
 restrictive (for instance BSD/MIT/LGPLv2) as long as they are GPL-
 compatible, but LGPLv3 is more restrictive which is why that doesn't

 BTW, I totally agree with your rant.

No; that's not how it works.  LGPL3 is much less restrictive than
GPL2; LGPL3 can link to anything, including proprietary software.
It's GPL2 that's restrictive here; like you say, GPL2 software can
link to anything GPL2-compatible.  The problem is that LGPL3 is not

Let me go through an example to explain why LGPL3 is not GPL2-

Imagine a hypothetical Ovit-brand scientific calculator.  The Ovit
calculator is far more powerful than any previous scientific
calculator; in fact, it can do anything SAGE can do...because it
includes SAGE.  The Ovit comes with a CD containing the complete
source code to SAGE, which makes the Ovit totally legal.  The sad
thing about the Ovit, though, is that there's no way to fix bugs.  The
Ovit software is cryptographically signed, and only Ovit themselves
can produce new software that runs on this calculator.

This goes totally against one of the original reasons for the free
software movement, which is that users should be able to fix bugs in
the software they use.  Even so, Singular is released with a license
(the GPL2) that says that Ovit is allowed to build their calculator
using Singular and any derived work of Singular (which arguably
includes SAGE).  In other words, as long as SAGE is a derived work of
Singular and Singular is licensed GPL2-only, William Stein is
responsible for ensuring that every component of SAGE is suitable for
Ovit to take and install on their non-user-modifiable calculator.

Now, GMP 4.2.2 is released with a license (the LGPL3) that says (among
many other things) that if Ovit wants to use GMP, they must make it
possible for the user to replace GMP on their calculator (to fix bugs,
or use higher-performance algorithms, or whatever).  Since Ovit can't
use GMP 4.2.2 (while retaining their non-user-modifiable business
plan), neither can SAGE (while SAGE is a derived work of Singular and
Singular is GPL2-only).

Since one of the main purposes of the GPL3 and LGPL3 is to discourage
Ovit-style devices (which would normally be called Tivo-style
devices), by not providing code for people to use on them, and the
GPL2 requires that any GPL2-compatible license allow use on Ovit-style
devices, it's not surprising that they are incompatible.

As far as getting people to pressure their friends into using the
GPL3, it's hardly a new tactic.  That's the whole point of a copyleft-
style license.

Please don't take this as implying that I approve of the GPL3 and
LGPL3; I haven't decided yet one way or another.  I dislike Tivo-style
devices, and would dislike them much more if they included code that I
had written and released under the GPL2.  On the other hand, the GPL2
vs. GPL3 arguments, and forks, and rewritten code, and bad feelings,
are pretty bad too.  Maybe in a few years, with the benefit of
hindsight, I'll decide whether I like the GPL3.  (Even then, though,
we still won't know what the world without GPL3 would have been like.)

Carl Witty

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[sage-devel] Re: GPL version 2 or later permission request

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  One thing is that your code will always still be licensed V2, so as
  long as GPL versions = 4 are *more* restrictive (which is likely
  to be the case, given that version 3 is more restrictive than
  version 2),
  you really don't loose anything.  I.e.,  a person could in 10 years
  the code you wrote out of sage and integrate it into a GPLv2-only

 Okay, so what if MS makes the FSF people an offer they can't refuse,
 buys them out, releases a new GPL v4 which says you can do
 anything you want with this code. I've agreed to be bound by any
 subsequent license version right? So now anyone can do anything with
 my code.

I once thought the above scenario is possible, but now I don't
after re-reading the GPL.  The
GPL license itself specifically says that Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.  A license that so drastically
changed from GPLv3 -- i.e., do anything you want with this code,
would quite clearly not be similar in spirit to the GPLv3, and I suspect
it wouldn't hold up in court on those grounds.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: GPL version 2 or later permission request

2007-09-25 Thread David Harvey

On Sep 25, 2007, at 4:43 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Okay, so what if MS makes the FSF people an offer they can't refuse,
 buys them out, releases a new GPL v4 which says you can do
 anything you want with this code. I've agreed to be bound by any
 subsequent license version right? So now anyone can do anything with
 my code.

 I once thought the above scenario is possible, but now I don't
 after re-reading the GPL.  The
 GPL license itself specifically says that Such new versions will
 be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in  
 detail to
 address new problems or concerns.  A license that so drastically
 changed from GPLv3 -- i.e., do anything you want with this code,
 would quite clearly not be similar in spirit to the GPLv3, and I  
 it wouldn't hold up in court on those grounds.

Well, as long as is similar in spirit is interpreted by a court in  
the way we all would hope, then that's all good.

I hope we can leave all this licensing stuff behind soon and get on  
with writing great code.


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[sage-devel] Re: polynomial factorization over ZZ

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

Oh, I just replied to this off list. To summarise my response: I'm not
surprised at what you found. Victor Schoup is an expert on such
matters, Magma has fast basic arithmetic and Pari is not
asymptotically fast at anything, (though very good for many real
world computations). I haven't personally timed these.

Additional notes: with the FLINT profiling code written by David
Harvey and added to by my student Tomasz Lechowski, it is easy to do
timings of this. The question is, what is the generic case you are
interested in, where there is a non-trivial factor, or where there is


P.s: I can factor degree zero polynomials over ZZ fast. :-)

On 25 Sep, 21:25, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bill,

 Did you ever benchmark polynomial factorization over ZZ, which is
 a key step in modular forms computations (that's why I care).
 I once did a few random tests 2 years ago and made the following
 remark (see below), namely that for small degree
  magma is faster than pari is faster than ntl
 and that for very large degree (1500)
  ntl is vastly faster than magma is vastly faster than pari.

 # In many tests with SMALL degree PARI is substantially
 # better than NTL.  (And magma is better yet.)  And the
 # timing difference has nothing to do with moving Python
 # data to NTL and back.
 # For large degree (  1500) in the one test I tried, NTL was
 # *much* better than MAGMA, and far better than PARI.  So probably
 # NTL's implementation is asymptotically better.  I could use
 # PARI for smaller degree over other rings besides Z, and use
 # NTL in general.

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org

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[sage-devel] Re: polynomial factorization over ZZ

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh, I just replied to this off list. To summarise my response: I'm not
 surprised at what you found. Victor Schoup is an expert on such
 matters, Magma has fast basic arithmetic and Pari is not
 asymptotically fast at anything,

Interesting.  This does some to be a general design philosophy with

 (though very good for many real
 world computations).


  I haven't personally timed these.

 Additional notes: with the FLINT profiling code written by David
 Harvey and added to by my student Tomasz Lechowski, it is easy to do
 timings of this. The question is, what is the generic case you are
 interested in, where there is a non-trivial factor, or where there is

The case of interest to me personally is factoring Hecke polynomials,
i.e., charpolys of Hecke operators, up to say degree about 2000.
These will usually factor into about 2^n (+eps) big factors,  where n is
the number of prime divisors of the level, plus a bunch of small factors
corresponding to old forms (lower level).   The actual polynomials
and their factors have fairly smallish coefficients because of the
Deligne bound.

This sage command outputs an example of the sort of polynomial
I'm talking about:

sage: X = SupersingularModule(next_prime(2000))
sage: T2 = X.T(2).matrix().dense_matrix()
sage: time f = T2.charpoly()


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[sage-devel] gmp and mpfr

2007-09-25 Thread Michael

I'm the author of lcalc, the L-function Calculator, a package that is
a component of Sage, and I'm trying to implement a multi-precision
version to improve its capabilities.

I'd like to use gmp, mpfr, and mpfrcpp but am having difficulty
getting mpfr (and also mpfrcpp) to make check. I'm using a G5, and I
'sudo make install' everything so that the lib and include files end
up in /usr/local/include
and /usr/local/lib

I tried following the README and INSTALL instructions, but have gotten
various compiling errors at the make check stages of mpfr and of
mpfrcpp... including path
problems and problems with linking (Undefined symbols). I don't see
why as I've set the configure options for mpfr: --with-gmp=/usr/local

I'm wondering if anyone here has experience configuring, making, and
installing gmp and then mpfr on a mac (mpfrcpp would also be nice)
if so, can you tell me what options you used to configure, make,
whether anything tricky was needed.

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[sage-devel] python configure file

2007-09-25 Thread Michael

I'm the author of lcalc, the L-function Calculator, a package that is
a component of Sage, and I'd like to write a configure file for it to
detect various system  settings (example, what kind of operating
system/machine, whether pari is installed, whether gmp is available,
etc) and put that into a Makefile.

I'm thinking of writing it in python.

Does anyone have a sample configure file in python for doing similar
things that they could kindly share.

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[sage-devel] Re: python configure file

2007-09-25 Thread William Stein

On 9/25/07, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm the author of lcalc, the L-function Calculator, a package that is
 a component of Sage, and I'd like to write a configure file for it to
 detect various system  settings (example, what kind of operating
 system/machine, whether pari is installed, whether gmp is available,
 etc) and put that into a Makefile.
 I'm thinking of writing it in python.

 Does anyone have a sample configure file in python for doing similar
 things that they could kindly share.

I think this might be a job for Scons.  Please check out
and see if it is the sort of tool you want.  Scons is included
in Sage and is used in
See the file

Joel Mohler and Craig Citro wrote it.

 -- William

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

Carl and Robert, I presume that in the system you are proposing, an
algebraic number would be specified as a specific root of a polynomial
f with coefficients in Qbar. But f would be *represented* by a
polynomial whose coefficients were complex intervals. The root alpha
of f of interest would be specified by giving a complex interval
containing the root alpha and no other roots of f. Is this correct?

Assuming this is correct, here is my question (it always makes one
look much smarter than one really is to ask a question instead of
proposing an answer): if I specified two algebraic numbers alpha and
beta in this way, with corresponding polynomials f and g, how would I
construct the approximate polynomial of alpha + beta? Would I use the
method of Dedekind, reducing the problem to writing down a

Here is my second question (one looks doubly smart if one has two
difficult questions and still no clue): is it true that one can easily
tell if two algebraic numbers are *not* equal in this system, but to
check if they are equal, one *always* has to drop back to algebraic
techniques? Someone seemed to indicate that one could use root
refinement to *prove* equality. Note I am not assuming anything about
the construction of the polynomials of these algebraic numbers here,
nor anything about how these algebraic numbers were constructed. I
don't even think I can assume their polynomials have the same degree,
since it is hard to give a minimum polynomial without exact
coefficients being known.

Even to check that two quantities are *not* equal, I may have to
refine the approximation of the coefficients of their polynomials,
yes? This turns it into a recursive problem; in order to refine a
coefficient, I may have to refine its polynomial, etc, right down to
QQ itself (assuming we were working in an extension of an extension of
an extension ... of QQ).

Well, my final question is, why not just define an algebraic number to
be a specific root of a polynomial over QQ. One can easily then just
use basic linear algebra to get a minimum polynomial over QQ of a+b, a-
b, a*b, a/b and nthroot(a). If one never cares what field one is in,
then this works just fine, no Galois groups required. Checking
equality of algebraic numbers is also trivial.

The only problem I see is if one writes QQ[a, b] where a and b have
different degrees over Q (especially if those degrees are not
coprime). How does interval arithmetic deal with this?

I guess if one always demands polynomials over QQ (for which I cannot
see any use for interval arithmetic) one can just work in QQ[x, y]/
(f(x), g(y)) where f(a) = 0 and g(b) = 0, etc. But this is precisely
Allan Steel's solution!


On 25 Sep, 20:04, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Qbar means different things to different people (or to the same people
 at different times).

 Carl's view is to have Qbar fixed as a subfield of C so that an
 element of Qbar is represented as a (necessarily approximate) complex
 value together with its minimal polynomial.

 Number theorists and algebraists would like a more general viewpoint,
 to allow p-adics to enter the picture for example.

 If you have just one algebraic number a with minimal polynomial f(x)
 then the algebraist can be happy working with the abstract field
 K=Q[x]/(f(x));  this can be embedded into any larger field L (such as
 C) in which f has a root alpha just by mapping x to alpha;  and if
 there are several roots then there will be that many different
 embeddings (into the same L).

 It gets more complicated if you now introduce a second algebraic
 number b with minimum polynomial g(x), defineing a second abstract
 field K'=Q[x]/(g(x)).  How do add a to b, since they live in entirely
 different worlds?  The algebraists approach is that this only makes
 sense if you have field L into which both K and K' embed and you do
 arithmetic in L.  Taken to the limit (literally) one arrives at Qbar
 as the direct limit of all fields like K, which in abstract terms is
 obtained by taking the disjoint union of all the K=Q[x]/(f(x))
 together with embeddings between these, and identifying two elements
 if they have the same image in a field containing both.

 Our discussion about how to make sense of symbolic expressions like
 sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)-sqrt(6) is relevant here.  To make sense of this
 expression you need not only the individual fields Q(sqrt(a)) for a=2,
 3, 6;  you need a single field L containing sqrts of all three
 numbers, together with those embeddings, i.e. a labelling of *which*
 root of x^2-2 in this big field is the one which you want the abstract
 sqrt(2) to.  One solution mentioned previously takes L=R (reals) and
 labels the positive roots.  But, as we have seen that simple
 solution breaks down quickly for more complicated algebraic numbers.

 Excuse the ramblings:  but I always find that computational
 ambiguities like this are best understood by treating the mathematics


 On 9/25/07, cwitty 

[sage-devel] Re: making new infix operators

2007-09-25 Thread Hamptonio

Thanks, now I understand what to do.  However, I don't understand your
comment about ...the SAGE coercion model.  What is an example of
that - the sage integers?

-M. Hampton

On Sep 25, 12:10 pm, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since I don't think that graphs and polytopes fall under the SAGE
 coercion model, overloading operators is pretty straightforward.  You
 just need to define the __add__ method in your class.  x + y will call

 sage: class Foo:
 : def __add__(self, y):
 : return 42
 sage: a = Foo()
 sage: b = Foo()
 sage: a + b
 sage: b + a

 Note that you'll want to do some type-checking so that y is what you
 actually think it should be.


 On 9/25/07, Hamptonio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I would appreciate any tips on how to extend the + operator in this
  way, since I would like to implement Minkowski sums of polytopes and
  this is natural notation for that.

  On Sep 25, 10:37 am, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In SAGE, '+' is used for union of sets.  For example,

   sage: a = Set([1,2])
   sage: b = Set([2,3])
   sage: a+b
   {1, 2, 3}

   Since currently, + is not defined for graphs, it'd be a natural choice.


   On 9/25/07, Jason Grout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm thinking more about how to make the Graph class easy to use.  One
thing that crops up is that the operations that combine graphs only
combine two graphs at a time (e.g., g.union(h), where g and h are 

Is there a way to define an infix operator that would allow one to say:

g union h union i union j union k?

I could do it with something like:

reduce(lambda x,y: x.union(y), [g,h,i,j,k])

But that doesn't seem as clear as the infix things above.

For reference, Mathematica allows an operator in backticks to be applied
to its surrounding arguments, so the equivalent operation above would 

g `union` h `union` i `union` j `union` k

And of course, you can set whether the operator is left-associative or

Of course, one solution is to use a for loop:

for graph in [g,h,i,j,k]:

But that seems a lot clunkier than the infix expression above.

I guess another solution is to return the new graph from the union, so
that you could do:




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[sage-devel] Re: polynomial factorization over ZZ

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

NTL uses the Cantor-Zassenhaus method with van Hoeij's improvements.
But so does Magma since about Jul 2001.

But here's the kicker. Pari also uses this algorithm. Even Maple uses

NTL's LLL algorithms are extremely well developed (van Hoeij uses
LLL). There is also a possible speed difference in whether one uses
quadratic convegence or not in the Hensel lift. But the right choice
is not always what one thinks.

But more than likely NTL is just better for large problems because
Victor Schoup was very careful with the choice of strategies and
parameters he used. Paul Zimmerman supplied him with a pile of
polynomials to factor for comparison purposes and these seem to have
been used to tune the algorithm for a wide range of inputs, including
cases that van Hoeij's algorithm doesn't usually like.

If you have a bound on the coefficients of the factors, one can surely
do better than a generic implementation, but probably not much better
if there are many factors.

It will be interesting to code this eventually. But I'm sorry to say
it is still a way off. You can see all the things we have to code
before we get there, polynomials over Z/pZ including Berlekamp's
algorithm, Hensel lifting, LLL, van Hoeij's algorithm, lots of tuning.


On 25 Sep, 22:03, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/25/07, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh, I just replied to this 
 off list. To summarise my response: I'm not
  surprised at what you found. Victor Schoup is an expert on such
  matters, Magma has fast basic arithmetic and Pari is not
  asymptotically fast at anything,


 Interesting.  This does some to be a general design philosophy with

  (though very good for many real
  world computations).


   I haven't personally timed these.

  Additional notes: with the FLINT profiling code written by David
  Harvey and added to by my student Tomasz Lechowski, it is easy to do
  timings of this. The question is, what is the generic case you are
  interested in, where there is a non-trivial factor, or where there is

 The case of interest to me personally is factoring Hecke polynomials,
 i.e., charpolys of Hecke operators, up to say degree about 2000.
 These will usually factor into about 2^n (+eps) big factors,  where n is
 the number of prime divisors of the level, plus a bunch of small factors
 corresponding to old forms (lower level).   The actual polynomials
 and their factors have fairly smallish coefficients because of the
 Deligne bound.

 This sage command outputs an example of the sort of polynomial
 I'm talking about:

 sage: X = SupersingularModule(next_prime(2000))
 sage: T2 = X.T(2).matrix().dense_matrix()
 sage: time f = T2.charpoly()


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[sage-devel] Re: number fields

2007-09-25 Thread Bill Hart

Carl, I needed to read your response above more carefully!! Now that I
have the questions, I see you have already written the answers. :-)

You can ignore my questions about dropping back to algebraic methods
and the advantages of interval arithmetic.

But I guess there are still my other questions. But maybe my question
about QQ[a,b] is not relevant, since we are working in Qbar, so who
cares about Q[a,b]. One only cares that one can construct numbers in
terms of a and b.

The only advantages of an algebraic system are that you can get an
algebraic number field which is a finite extension of QQ in which
everything is defined, and you can compute Galois closures and
compositums. But none of these things are really specific to Qbar
arithmetic. They are all just general algebraic number theory

I still have a question about how one computes an approximate
polynomial for a + b for algebraic a and b, given approximate
polynomials for a and b, using interval arithmetic.


On 26 Sep, 00:37, Bill Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Carl and Robert, I presume that in the system you are proposing, an
 algebraic number would be specified as a specific root of a polynomial
 f with coefficients in Qbar. But f would be *represented* by a
 polynomial whose coefficients were complex intervals. The root alpha
 of f of interest would be specified by giving a complex interval
 containing the root alpha and no other roots of f. Is this correct?

 Assuming this is correct, here is my question (it always makes one
 look much smarter than one really is to ask a question instead of
 proposing an answer): if I specified two algebraic numbers alpha and
 beta in this way, with corresponding polynomials f and g, how would I
 construct the approximate polynomial of alpha + beta? Would I use the
 method of Dedekind, reducing the problem to writing down a

 Here is my second question (one looks doubly smart if one has two
 difficult questions and still no clue): is it true that one can easily
 tell if two algebraic numbers are *not* equal in this system, but to
 check if they are equal, one *always* has to drop back to algebraic
 techniques? Someone seemed to indicate that one could use root
 refinement to *prove* equality. Note I am not assuming anything about
 the construction of the polynomials of these algebraic numbers here,
 nor anything about how these algebraic numbers were constructed. I
 don't even think I can assume their polynomials have the same degree,
 since it is hard to give a minimum polynomial without exact
 coefficients being known.

 Even to check that two quantities are *not* equal, I may have to
 refine the approximation of the coefficients of their polynomials,
 yes? This turns it into a recursive problem; in order to refine a
 coefficient, I may have to refine its polynomial, etc, right down to
 QQ itself (assuming we were working in an extension of an extension of
 an extension ... of QQ).

 Well, my final question is, why not just define an algebraic number to
 be a specific root of a polynomial over QQ. One can easily then just
 use basic linear algebra to get a minimum polynomial over QQ of a+b, a-
 b, a*b, a/b and nthroot(a). If one never cares what field one is in,
 then this works just fine, no Galois groups required. Checking
 equality of algebraic numbers is also trivial.

 The only problem I see is if one writes QQ[a, b] where a and b have
 different degrees over Q (especially if those degrees are not
 coprime). How does interval arithmetic deal with this?

 I guess if one always demands polynomials over QQ (for which I cannot
 see any use for interval arithmetic) one can just work in QQ[x, y]/
 (f(x), g(y)) where f(a) = 0 and g(b) = 0, etc. But this is precisely
 Allan Steel's solution!


 On 25 Sep, 20:04, John Cremona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Qbar means different things to different people (or to the same people
  at different times).

  Carl's view is to have Qbar fixed as a subfield of C so that an
  element of Qbar is represented as a (necessarily approximate) complex
  value together with its minimal polynomial.

  Number theorists and algebraists would like a more general viewpoint,
  to allow p-adics to enter the picture for example.

  If you have just one algebraic number a with minimal polynomial f(x)
  then the algebraist can be happy working with the abstract field
  K=Q[x]/(f(x));  this can be embedded into any larger field L (such as
  C) in which f has a root alpha just by mapping x to alpha;  and if
  there are several roots then there will be that many different
  embeddings (into the same L).

  It gets more complicated if you now introduce a second algebraic
  number b with minimum polynomial g(x), defineing a second abstract
  field K'=Q[x]/(g(x)).  How do add a to b, since they live in entirely
  different worlds?  The algebraists approach is that this only makes
  sense if you have field L into which both K and K' embed and you do

[sage-devel] Re: singular gcd slow-down

2007-09-25 Thread didier deshommes
2007/9/19, Joel B. Mohler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wednesday 19 September 2007 16:22, William Stein wrote:
  I think those timings are way out of date, since Singular 3 seems
  to be *very* fast at mod p multivariate GCD computation, even
  though it sucks over QQ.   Check out this paper:
  It on exactly the problem of GCD over QQ (or equiv ZZ),
  and section 2 has a complete description of a gcd algorithm
  that reduces gcd over ZZ to doing gcd's mod p.

 I'll be looking into implementing that.  It makes me disgruntled to be at the
 mercy of mathematica (or pick your favorite big commercial m).  :D.

I plan on implementing a multivariate gcd algorithm for Sage over RR
and CC some time next year. The algorithm is by Kaltofen et al. Here's
the abstract:

 Abstract. We consider the problem of computing minimal real or
complex deformations to
the coefficients in a list of relatively prime real or complex
multivariate polynomials such that the
deformed polynomials have a greatest common divisor (GCD) of at least
a given degree k. In addition,we restrict the deformed coefficients by a
given set of linear constraints, thus introducing the linearly
constrained approximate GCD problem. We present an algorithm based on
a version of the structured

There is already an implementation of the algorithm written in maple
available here if anyone is interested:




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