On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:17:22 AM UTC+1, Thierry 
(sage-googlesucks@xxx) wrote:
> Hi again, &c.

[everything else deleted, though I agree with much, not with some]

I don't know if this will reassure you, but (a) I voted no, and (b) given 
how William seemed to listen & change course on collecting votes [1, 2] I 
am less worried about being on the losing side (which it looks like right 
now). I am confident that, if you or other people have concrete proposals 
for amending the code/guidelines/etc., they will be taken seriously, at 
least by William.

The unfortunate fact is that some people already feel excluded from the 
community, with or without a vote. Having read some of the threads in 
question, I *suspect* it's because certain male developers communicate in a 
vigorous style which intimidates other developers (male & female). Given 
the situation, consensus is already impossible; division pre-exists the 

So it's incorrect to say that the vote *causes* a division in the 
community; if you read that thread carefully, you'd see the division is 
already there.

If I may be allowed some levity: I suppose William may be unconsciously 
patriarchal & paternalistic -- he is male, after all -- but I don't think 
he'd be so deliberately, unless it was with his children. :-) & Sage is, in 
a way, a child of his.

john perry

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/iGxa2F01rFc/df6sN_F6vp8J
[2] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/iGxa2F01rFc/7gxoweTG0oYJ

(hope the links work; I haven't done that in a while, maybe ever)

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