
Reading through the documentation (from the latest beta) on the coercion
framework and category framework, it isn't exactly clear to me what the
recommended way to implement a new Parent/Element pair as part of the Sage

For instance, what is the recommended class I should inherit from for my
parent class? I see at the top of sage.rings.rings, that it is not
recommended that I inherit from the Ring class anymore (maybe?), but should
use the category framework. In which case, what should I inherit from?
Parent directly? If I was looking to add a group, there is no such warning
in sage.groups.groups, so should I inherit from Group in that case?

Same goes for my elements, what is the correct base class to use?

Moreover, the two frameworks documentation don't really mention anything
about each other, or how they interact. From my understanding, they were
built up independently, so it would make some sense if they don't interact.
However, the two frameworks do try to solve similar issues, so it seems
like there would be at least some interactions between them. Anything in
particular I should look out for? And should I prefer one framework over
the other if they both solve some issue that I'm encountering?

I don't really have much in the way of specifics at the moment as I'm just
starting out, but I would like to go down the recommended path from the
start, rather than going off my old knowledge which is certainly dated by a
few years in this area.

(P.S. For those interested, I'm looking to flesh out the algebraic function
field functionality over the summer)


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