Hi all,
I have found several small bugs. They are unrelated but since I am not 
really able to solve them I put everything in the same message, hoping 
someone smarter than me will find the solution.

   1. For the first one, it was already reported, with an open ticket, but 
   I am worried about it since it produces wrong outputs. The problem appears 
   working with polynomial rings with local orders, e.g., 
   *R.<x,y>=PolynomialRing(QQ,order='neglex')*. If one defines a non 
   constant polynomial with constant leading monomial,  e.g. *f=1+x*, the 
   output of *1/f* is *1*; in general, the output of 1/(n+non-constant 
   monomials) is 1/n (n constant different from 0). It seems that the problem 
   comes from the fact that the algorithm to divide polynomials checks if the 
   denominator is a unit and in that case the process is to divide every 
   monomial of the numerator by the constant term (which is assumed to be 
   equal to the whole denominator). This is related to the fact that the 
   result of *(1+x).is_unit()* is *True* while the result of *1/(1+x) in R *is 
   *False*. Maybe the point is that for Singular the actual ring defined as 
   R is not the polynomial ring but the localization by the order (i.e., we 
   can divide by any non-zero polynomial whose leading term is a constant); in 
   fact, for algorithmic purposes one always works with polynomials (taking 
   out the possible denominators wisely), but the ring is not a polynomial. I 
   guess that a small change in the way of dividing polynomial would suffice.
   2. When doing some test for the above problem I realize that 
   *does not take into account the order (the above *f* is not a unit). 
   This is not really an issue, the problem is the fact that the function 
   accept the entry *order* but it ignores it silently.
   3. Next one is completely different and I guess it does not have an 
   issue solution. The symbolic integration has issues when integrating square 
   roots. For example, the integration of *sqrt(sin(x)^2)* produces wrong 
   4. Finally, the last problem appeared when compiling sage-6.5 with ssl. 
   I followed the standard instructions (which worked in the previous 
   versions) but the compilation of pyopenssl fails. It complains for the 
   compilation of crl.c because of the static definition of a function already 
   declared in a file x509.h of the package openssl. This function 
   is X509_REVOKED_dup. If one eliminates the word "static" prior to the 
   definition, it works but I do not know if it could cause any issue.

I thank the developpers of this software and I am open to collaborate 
despite my poor level in programming. Best, Enrique.

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