An update on my previous post <!searchin/sage-devel/%22bent$20functions%22%7Csort:date/sage-devel/w3RorQc0Jeg/4S0-8uIABQAJ> .
So far my project to classify bent functions by their Cayley graphs has resulted in the following. - The paper "Classifying bent functions by their Cayley graphs", was rejected by INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. I have since revised it, but have not submitted the revised version (v6) to a journal. Any suggestions for journals are welcome. - A prototype Bent function - Cayley graph virtual laboratory using a PostgreSQL relational database, hosted by NeCTAR <>. This contains Cayley graph classifications of all of the extended affine equivalence classes of bent functions mentioned in the paper, except for the partial spread bent functions. This acts as a temporary (until June 2019) database of supplementary material for the paper. In particular, the CAST-128 database contains 32 914 496 non-isomorphic stongly regular graphs with parameters (256,120,56,56) or (256,136,72,72), obtained from 63 GB of sobj files. - The Boolean-Cayley-graphs source code repository, including the Python boolean_cayley_graphs package and LaTeX source of all related papers and presentations. - The boolean-cayley-graphs project on PyPI, a pip installable version of the Python boolean_cayley_graphs package. - Documentation of the Python boolean_cayley_graphs package. Doctest coverage is 100% except for functions that use MPI. - The Boolean-Cayley-graphs public directory on CoCalc, based on the source code repository - Cayley graph classifications of all of the 5442 extended affine equivalence classes of partial spread (+) bent functions and the 9316 extended affine equivalence classes of partial spread (-) bent functions in 8 dimensions. This comprises 6.1TB of sobj files. These are stored on the NCI Massdata store attached to Raijin, as well as the /g/data file system <>, and on two Seagate 6TB Backup Plus Hub removable drives. My ambition is to find a way to host a semi-permanent multi-Terabyte public database of bent function Cayley graph classifications, including all 14 758 partial spread bent functions, and up to about 2 billion non-isomorphic strongly regular Cayley graphs. This *might* be hosted by Australian Research Data Commons <>. Anyone who wants to examine the Sage and Python code is welcome to do so. Please contribute issues via the Boolean-Cayley-graphs Github project. I have many ideas for issues, starting with (1) porting to Python 3, and extending through (2) a more complete database interface, based on the Sagemath sql_db module <>, and (3) a revision of the modules and classes with respect to Python 3, informed by works such as Fluent Python <>, and finally (4) an equivalent Sage package. I am especially interested in anyone who wants to help with the multi-Terabyte database and hosting effort, and anyone who wants to study the statistics of billions of non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sage-devel" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit