Regarding ticket

can someone explain to me what the "gens" and "ngens" methods are  
supposed to mean? There seems to be a lot of inconsistency. For example:

sage: ZZ.gens()

These are the additive generators.

Ditto here:

sage: GF(7).gens()

Okay, what about this:

sage: GF(49, "a").gens()

That's not an additive generator. That's a generator as an algebra  
over the base ring (GF(7) in this case). Similarly:

sage: ZZ["x", "y"].gens()
(x, y)

So is this rule that

(1) If R has a base ring distinct from R, then R.gens() returns the  
generators over the base ring, where "generator" is interpreted  
according to what category we're working in, and
(2) If the base ring of R is just R, then R.gens() returns the  
additive generators?

That's a bit weird.

I hate to think what happens if we implement, e.g. the ring of  
continuous functions on the interval [0, 1]. I suppose then "gens"  
needs to return some kind of uncountable generator object perhaps....  
(excuse the pun)?


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