
I was trying to load some python files and found some weird behaviour
of the load/attach commands. I have three test files

(a normal file) /home/rado/.sage/test.py
(a file with space in the name) /home/rado/.sage/test space.py
(a file to take arguments from command line) /home/rado/.sage/

In sage prompt:
sage: cd /home/rado/.sage
sage: load test
File 'test' not found ...

sage: load test.py

sage: load test space.py
Works (and probably shouldn't so it can enforce quotation marks)

sage: load "test space.py"

sage: load testarg.py arg1
File 'testarg.py arg1' not found ...

attach has the same behaviour, except in the documentation it claims
there is a function attached_files(), which also gives an error.

sage: attached_files()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/home/rado/.sage/test.py in <module>()

NameError: name 'attached_files' is not defined

In sage notebook:

>>>load test
Works (note that this didn't work in the prompt)

>>>load test.py

>>>load test.py test.py
Works (note in prompt this command doesn't behave the same)

>>>load testarg.py arg1
Error loading /home/rado/.sage/arg1 -- file not found

>>>load test space.py
runs test
Error loading /home/rado/.sage/space.py -- file not found

>>>load "test space.py"
runs test
Error loading /home/rado/.sage/space.py -- file not found

>>>attach test.py
NameError: name 'attached_files' is not defined


Hope this shows the inconsistency in the execution of load/attach in
prompt and in notebook. What also worries me is that both fail at
passing arguments to the scripted called. I feel that that the ipython
%run syntax is the best (of course the decision is up to the

I found the code for the prompt in ~/sage-3.4/local/lib/python2.5/site-
packages/sage/misc/interpreter.py and looked over it. I know enough
python to understand the code there, and I can purpose a patch (once
its decided how exactly this should work).

I don't know where to look for the notebook interpreter code.

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