
This is on an 8-core 2GHz xeon running debian. (Tom Boothby's machine.)

In a clean build of sage-3.0.2:

sage: time x = bernoulli(40000)
CPU times: user 4.19 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 4.20 s
Wall time: 4.20 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(40000)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 3.18 s
Wall time: 3.19 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(40000)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
Wall time: 3.19 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(40000)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
Wall time: 3.19 s

Then I tried building my own PARI/GP. I first built gmp 4.2.1 with  
jason martin's core 2 patches. Then I built pari/gp. I get:

? #
    timer = 1 (on)
? x = bernfrac(40000);
time = 1,972 ms.
? x = bernfrac(40000);
time = 1,317 ms.
? x = bernfrac(40000);
time = 1,316 ms.
? x = bernfrac(40000);
time = 1,316 ms.

Why is the sage version three times slower than the gp version?


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