[sage-support] notebook password

2008-11-27 Thread Bob Wonderly

I use Sage via the notebook() feature. As advertised it opens the 
notebooks in my default browser.

But I want to use a non-default browser so sent it to the link 
http://localhost:8000/ per instructions.

It won't let me open any one of my notebooks without a password. But I 
did not ever set a password and without an old password it does not want 
to let me set a new one.

Can I tell Sage which browser it should use?

How can I assign a password?

I use Sage on a Mac and am the only person using the Mac.


Bob Wonderly

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[sage-support] long arithmetic

2008-10-01 Thread Bob Wonderly

You support people are doing a great job. I need to pick up the thread 
from last week but am not sure the proper protocol for doing that.


My follow up question pertains to the patch you'all hurried up to 
create. I know you didn't apply it on my Mac so how do I take advantage 
of it? Do I download the latest version of Sage and install it? The 
version I am using is 3.0.2.

Thanks again.

Bob Wonderly

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[sage-support] long arithmetic

2008-09-22 Thread Bob Wonderly

Using Sage I solved a long list of equations and put the solutions (s) 
in a list; e.g.:

sage: for j in range(52,54,1):
 q = slst[j]
 j=q[0]; k=(q[1]); s=(q[2])
([52, 30, 2081203288L], 52, 30, 2081203288L)
([53, 53, 17903198518682712L], 53, 53, 17903198518682712L)

Now I want to plug j and s into the list of y equations so that I can do 
further calculations involving i. But Sage appears to be getting hung on 
the s being long:

sage: for j in range(52,54,1):
 q = slst[j]
 j=q[0]; k=(q[1]); s=(q[2])
 y = 2*(2**k)*i + s
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '+': 'Symbolic Ring' and 
'type 'long''

When I take the s out of the equation for y it's OK:

sage: for j in range(52,54,1):
 q = slst[j]
 j=q[0]; k=(q[1]); s=(q[2])
 y = 2*(2**k)*i
(52, 30, 2081203288L, 2147483648*i)
(53, 53, 17903198518682712L, 18014398509481984*i)


sage: type(j), type(k), type(s), type(y), type(i)

(type 'int',
  type 'int',
  type 'long',
  class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic',
  class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicVariable')

None of the tricks I tried have convinced Sage and y that s is OK.

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[sage-support] Sage editor

2008-09-22 Thread Bob Wonderly

I run Sage on my Mac rather than on the web. I often bring up the 
previous command and edit it then rerun it. The editor is very tedious 
in that the only way I have figured out how to move the cursor around in 
the text is one character at a time using the left and right arrow keys 
and the back-space-delete key. Given a several-line for-loop to edit 
this can be frustrating.

Am I missing something obvious to everyone else? Is this a feature of 
the Mac rather than Sage?

A less-than-satisfactory work-around is to copy/paste to a programmer's 
editor, do the change, then copy/paste back to Sage.

Which leads me to another and related question. Are the editing 
capabilities of Sage when used with cells (as described in some of the 
Sage ref's) on a web server significantly better? If so would I be well 
advised to install web server software on my Mac and use Sage that way? 
(I don't have 24x7 fast web access...)

Is that installation process complicated?

Bob Wonderly

PS So far you support people have done just fine answering this old 
programmer but Sage newbie's questions. Thanks.

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[sage-support] var names

2008-09-19 Thread Bob Wonderly

After being a few hours into a Sage session I start losing track of all 
the vars I have defined. Is there a way to get Sage to list them for me?


Bob Wonderly

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[sage-support] using ==

2008-09-16 Thread Bob Wonderly

Still a Sage newbie. I discovered the == comparison operator and tried 

sage: 2*n+3==(6*n+9)/3
sage: 4==5

So I thought Sage would be useful to check on some messy algebra I was 
doing (one example out of many):

sage: (2*j*2^(18*q) + 13*2^(18*q)/27 - 13/27)

2*j*2^(18*q) + 13*2^(18*q)/27 - 13/27
2*j*2^(18*q) + 13*(2^(18*q) - 1)/27

(well the email program folded the lines so for clarity I refolded them 
in a more-readable manner)

But that comparison did not tell me what I was expecting. In fact it 
didn't tell me anythig.

The following is a rather lame substitute (proof by examplebig laugh):

sage: for q in range(2):
 for j in range(2):
 (2*j*2^(18*q) + 13*2^(18*q)/27 - 
13/27)==(2^(18*q)*(2*j+0)+13*(2^(18*q)-1)/27) + 1
sage: for q in range(2):
 for j in range(2):
 (2*j*2^(18*q) + 13*2^(18*q)/27 - 

(No refolding of lines there...) At least that approach serves as a 
credibility check.

The question is: how do I use Sage to check on my algebra?

Bob Wonderly

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