[sage-support] Re: Solving recursion formula?

2018-12-14 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Hi Simon,

Simon King wrote:
> Coincidentally, William Stein today advertised a multi author book on
> doing computations with Sage, and it has a chapter on solving
> recurrences, also pointing to sympy.

Well, I'm not responsible for that part ;-)


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[sage-support] Re: Solving recursion formula?

2018-12-09 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Simon King wrote:
> What about
> a more complicated recurrence, such as the one given by
> x_(n+1) = 1 + x_n*2/n
> Any chances to solve those and similar recurrences automatically?

You can try sympy's rsolve() or Maxima's solve_rec(). I don't know how 
powerful they are.


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[sage-support] Re: Solving recursion formula?

2018-12-08 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Simon King wrote:
> That's not what I am looking for. No data are given. Given is some
> recursion formula; what we want to know is a corresponding closed
> formula. Example: The recursion x_0=1 and x_(n+1) := f(x_n) = 2*x_n
> should result in the closed formula x_n = 2^n.

ore_algebra also has some limited support for solving linear recurrences 
with polynomial coefficients. Specifically, it can find polynomial and 
rational closed forms or prove that none exists.

A related and perhaps more interesting feature is the ability to compute 
a basis of asymptotic expansions of solutions as n → ∞. On your example:

sage: from ore_algebra import OreAlgebra
sage: Pols. = QQ[]
sage: RecOps. = OreAlgebra(Pols)
sage: (Sn - 2).generalized_series_solutions()
[2^n*(1 + O(n^(-5)))]

A slightly more complicated one:

sage: (Sn^2 + Sn - 2*(n^2+1)).generalized_series_solutions(2)
 *(1 + 0.010110028629970214?*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2))),
 *(1 - 0.3434433619633035?*n^(-1) + O(n^(-2)))]

In Sage itself, CFiniteSequence.closed_form() should be able to solve 
linear recurrence with constant coefficients.


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[sage-support] Issue compiling Cython code that uses Sage

2018-03-15 Thread Marc Mezzarobba

Can anyone explain why the following works:

- 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< -

$ ~/co/sage/sage --version
SageMath version 8.2.beta8, Release Date: 2018-03-10
$ head foo.pyx setup.py
==> foo.pyx <==
from sage.libs.gmp.types cimport mpz_t

==> setup.py <==
import setuptools, sage.env
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import Extension

ext = Extension("foo", ["foo.pyx"],

$ ~/co/sage/sage -python setup.py build
Compiling foo.pyx because it changed.
[1/1] Cythonizing foo.pyx
running build
running build_ext
building 'foo' extension
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wno-unused -fPIC 
-I/home/marc/co/sage/local/include -
-I/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -
-I/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/ext -
I/home/marc/co/sage/local/include/python2.7 -c foo.c -o 
gcc -pthread -shared -L/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib 
-Wl,-rpath,/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib -L/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib -Wl,-
rpath,/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/foo.o 
-L/home/marc/co/sage/local/lib -lpython2.7 -o build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/foo.so

- 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< -

but the variant below doesn't?

- 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< -

$ head foo.pyx setup.py
==> foo.pyx <==
from sage.libs.mpfr.types cimport mpfr_t #  changed

==> setup.py <==
import setuptools, sage.env
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import Extension

ext = Extension("foo", ["foo.pyx"],

$ ~/co/sage/sage -python setup.py build
foo.pyx: cannot find cimported module 'sage.libs.mpfr.types'
Compiling foo.pyx because it changed.
[1/1] Cythonizing foo.pyx

Error compiling Cython file:

from sage.libs.mpfr.types cimport mpfr_t

foo.pyx:1:0: 'sage/libs/mpfr/types.pxd' not found

Error compiling Cython file:

from sage.libs.mpfr.types cimport mpfr_t

foo.pyx:1:0: 'sage/libs/mpfr/types/mpfr_t.pxd' not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 7, in 
 line 1039, in cythonize
 line 1161, in cythonize_one
raise CompileError(None, pyx_file)
Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError: foo.pyx
(exit 1) 

- 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< - 8< -



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[sage-support] Re: Displaying graphics from a Sage script

2017-01-14 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
John H Palmieri wrote:
> This question comes from
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41638257/graphics-in-sage-script:
> if I have a file "foo.sage" and I want to run "sage foo.sage" and have
> it pop up a window displaying a plot, how do I do this?

Running sage < foo.sage instead of sage foo.sage works for me.

Another option (not really satisfying either!) is as follows:

~/tmp$ cat foo.sage 
from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager   
from sage.repl.rich_output.backend_ipython import \  

~/tmp$ sage foo.sage
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics 


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[sage-support] Re: embedding of number field element encapseled in symbolic ring

2017-01-09 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Nils Bruin wrote:
> If a field embeds into QQbar, then there should be an implied coercion
> into CC, though: QQbar as implemented in sage is a subfield of the
> field of complex numbers (as you can see from how the elements print).

Let me add that there are long-standing tickets (#5355, #12715) for 
making number field embeddings go into AA/QQbar instead of RR/CC. Quite 
a bit of progress has been made towards that goal, but we're not quite 
there yet.


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[sage-support] Re: splitting field vs. Galois closure

2017-01-08 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Simon King wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to [...] or change the
> arithmetic operations by *avoiding* a call to __init__()?

That's what the branch I pointed to tries to do, to some extent at 
least. But the structure of generic polynomial classes (with many 
operations implemented in an abstract a base class, then a Cython 
subclass for the generic dense data structure, and a hierarchy of Python 
sub-subclasses that uses multiple inheritance) doesn't make it easy to 
avoid the calls to __init__() entirely without deeper changes.


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[sage-support] Re: splitting field vs. Galois closure

2017-01-07 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Nils Bruin wrote:
> polynomial aritmetic over ZZ and QQ is so much more optimized than
> over number fields,

Yes, polynomial arithmetic over number fields is painfully slow. The 
branch trac:u/mmezzarobba/speed_up_generic_polynomials (not fully tested 
yet) may help a little.

Another trick you can use if you are creating the polynomial rings 
yourself and only need to do basic arithmetic is to define them by

PolynomialRing_field(base, var, element_class=Polynomial_generic_dense)

instead of PolynomialRing(base, var). You then loose a few features 
specific to polynomial rings over fields, but you're basically saving a 
call to Polynomial_absolute_number_field_dense.__init__() after every 
operation, which can make basic arithmetic operations quite a bit 


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[sage-support] Re: Multivariate division with remainder of polynomials

2016-03-31 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> I don't get what you mean. What I am saying is that the following two
> should return the same answer:
> p.mod([q])
> p.quo_rem(q)[1]

I was mixing up several things, sorry. Yes, that makes sense. I guess
quo_rem() for multivariate polynomials must predate the introduction of
Groebner bases in Sage...

Marc Mezzarobba

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[sage-support] Re: Re: Multivariate division with remainder of polynomials

2016-03-31 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> Is there any reason that quo_rem is not consistent with .mod()? That
> is no longer arbitrary and would also extend the Euclidean division of
> univariate polynomials.

Not quite: you'd have to return a tuple of quotients.

Marc Mezzarobba

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[sage-support] Re: Multivariate division with remainder of polynomials

2016-03-30 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Hi Jeroen,

(Disclaimer: what follows is based on what I gathered while writing the
French Sage book a few years ago and may non longer be accurate!)

Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> I am having a hard time understanding the precise semantics of
> multivariate polynomial quo_rem(). The documentation only says
> "Returns quotient and remainder of self and right" which is absolutely
> not helpful.

I think it is just a more or less arbitrary function that satisfies
quo*q + rem == p and extends the Euclidean division of univariate
polynomials. (But // can still be useful for exact divisions or
divisions by monomials...)

> Is multivariate division in the sense of
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%B6bner_basis#Reduction implemented
> somewhere in Sage?

Yes: p.mod(ideal) or ideal.reduce(p).

Marc Mezzarobba

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[sage-support] Re: Conversion to float taking forever

2014-10-10 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Nico Van Cleemput wrote:
 Looking at the implementation of the
 float conversion, the problem seems to come from the following:
 sage: AA(ge)

So apparently Sage is trying to prove that the imaginary part of the 
algebraic result is exactly zero.

 Is there another way to get a good float approximation of that value?


sage: float(CDF(ge))


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[sage-support] Re: finding and contacting an author of a function ?

2014-02-24 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Hi Dror,

dror fidler wrote:
 i recently used is_distance_regular() in the graph package.
 however the definition of the function in the documentation page does
 not fit the definition of distance regular graphs. i would be very
 interested to find the source of the information the author used for
 this alternative definition. the wikipedia page they refer to does not
 trivially show this relation.

To find who added some particular piece of code to Sage, use git blame 
on the file containing the code. In our case,

$ git blame src/sage/graphs/distances_all_pairs.pyx

reveals that is_distance_regular() was added by Nathann Cohen as part of 
commit 4d84feb2a, implementing trac ticket #14619.

You can then find more information on the ticket's page:


Hope this helps,


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[sage-support] Re: bug/feature in subs() for polynomials in a polynomial ring over a polynomial ring

2014-02-17 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Dima Pasechnik wrote:
 sage: r0=QQ['a1,a2']
 sage: a1,a2=r0.gens()
 sage: r=r0['x1,x2']
 I am using such a ring as I want to treat ai as parameters, i.e. I
 would like monomial expansions in xi alone.
 Perhaps there is a better way to accomplish this?

The best I can think of is

p.map_coefficients(lambda a: a.subs(a1=2,a2=1))


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[sage-support] Re: trouble with polynomial functions, change of variables, and coefficients

2010-07-22 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Ben a écrit :

 I'm trying to take a rational map on P^1 (i.e. f(x,y) = [deg 2 poly,
 deg 2 poly] and conjugate, but I can't seem to get sage to cooperate.
 I would like to take a generic degree 2 map on P^1, and conjugate by
 an element of PGL_2.  For example, I can do
 R.X,Y = PolynomialRing(QQ,2)
 def f(A,B):
 return A[0]*B[0]^2 + A[1]*B[1]^2 + A[2]*B[0]*B[1],A[3]*B[0]^2 +
 A[4]*B[1]^2 + A[5]*B[0]*B[1]
 M= matrix([[0, -1],[1, -1]])
 Where ZZ is now a 2-tuple where I have conjugated f by M.  Now, I
 would like to extract the coefficients of the monomials (X^2,XY,Y^2)
 from each entry of ZZ, but I can't seem to get that done using
 the .coefficients() functions.  I think I'm not doing a good job with
 difference between symbolic expressions, functions, and polynomials.

I think what you want is to replace the first line by

R.X,Y = PolynomialRing(SR, 2)

Then the elements of R will be allowed to contain symbolic variables.

Marc Mezzarobba

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[sage-support] Re: power series -- rational function conversion?

2010-06-26 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
John Cremona a écrit :
 I have a power series f(x) in F[[x]] (where F is a finite field) which
 I know to be a rational function p(x)/q(x) where p,q in F[x] have
 degree at most n, and I want to find p and q.  There is an algorithm
 for this, like rational reconstruction to go from a real to a
 rational using continued fraction.
 I could not find this implemented though there are quite a lot of
 power series utilities and I might not recognise this if it has an
 unfamiliar name.
 Does any one know if it is implemented?

It is, but for polynomials, not power series:

sage: x = polygen(GF(17))
sage: (1-x+x^2-x^3).rational_reconstruct(x^4, 1, 1)
(1, x + 1)

Marc Mezzarobba

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[sage-support] Re: Is it possible to generate the documentation in any other language than English

2010-06-21 Thread Marc Mezzarobba
Patrick ABOU BAKAR a écrit :
 So I am wondering if it possible to generate
 the documentation in French as of the current version of Sage when you
 install from source.

Some documentation is indeed available in French: try

sage -docbuild fr/tutorial html

or have a look at


I am sending you a more detailed reply in French (this is much easier for 
me) off-list.

Marc Mezzarobba

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