[sage-support] Localhost startup_token

2016-10-24 Thread Phil

I’m on a MacBook Pro (IntelCore duo, 2.6 GHz, i5) running on OS X 10.10.5 
(Yosemite) and I encounter a problem after upgrading Safari.
I was working on Sage-6.4.1 until now and it worked perfectly.

But now, I get a window in Safari with "localhost:8080/?startup_token » (what 
does it mean?) and a list of web links, and my NoteBook doesn’t open anymore.

What is the problem? 

Thank you for your answer

Ph Griffiths

P.-S. I’m a beginner in programming, so, be patient ;)

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[sage-support] Re: Seg fault with determinant calculation

2008-09-25 Thread phil

On Sep 22, 4:23 pm, phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 15, 10:26 am, Martin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The original machine I was using was needed for other things.  So, I
 ran it on sage 3.1.2rc4 on sage.math.washington.edu and it completed
 successfully after 169446 seconds.  So, the problem was specific to
 the setup I was using or it was fixed in 3.1.2rc4.
   The scaling of the problem seems worse than it should be though.
 The 9x9 problem takes 40 seconds while the 10x0 problem takes 4236
 times longer.  That's worse than O(n!) let along O(n^3).
   If your curious, the test problem is 

One more thing I've noticed is that loading the saved result either
doesn't work is is extremely inefficient.  On Monday, I started up
3.1.2 final and ran load detMp.sobj.   It's been rough 3 days and
it's still going.  This means loading takes longer than the original

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[sage-support] Re: Seg fault with determinant calculation

2008-09-22 Thread phil

On Sep 15, 10:26 am, Martin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Monday 15 September 2008, phil wrote:

    I've been pushing the limits of determinant calculation over
  multivariate polynomial rings.  I can calculate determinants of
  matrices up to 9x9 of the form [[x_0_0, x_0_1],[x_1_0, x_1_1]] (each
  element is a single unique variable).  When I get to 10x10 is runs for
  a while the crashes with:
  Unhandled SIGSEGV: A segmentation fault occured in SAGE.
  This probably occured because a *compiled* component
  of SAGE has a bug in it (typically accessing invalid memory)
  or is not properly wrapped with _sig_on, _sig_off.
  You might want to run SAGE under gdb with 'sage -gdb' to debug this.
  SAGE will now terminate (sorry).

 I'll try to reproduce the crash and see what I can do about it. You could help
 by running sage -gdb (if you have gdb installed) and send me the backtrace
 off list. Thanks.

  The original machine I was using was needed for other things.  So, I
ran it on sage 3.1.2rc4 on sage.math.washington.edu and it completed
successfully after 169446 seconds.  So, the problem was specific to
the setup I was using or it was fixed in 3.1.2rc4.
  The scaling of the problem seems worse than it should be though.
The 9x9 problem takes 40 seconds while the 10x0 problem takes 4236
times longer.  That's worse than O(n!) let along O(n^3).
  If your curious, the test problem is at

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[sage-support] Seg fault with determinant calculation

2008-09-15 Thread phil

  I've been pushing the limits of determinant calculation over
multivariate polynomial rings.  I can calculate determinants of
matrices up to 9x9 of the form [[x_0_0, x_0_1],[x_1_0, x_1_1]] (each
element is a single unique variable).  When I get to 10x10 is runs for
a while the crashes with:
Unhandled SIGSEGV: A segmentation fault occured in SAGE.
This probably occured because a *compiled* component
of SAGE has a bug in it (typically accessing invalid memory)
or is not properly wrapped with _sig_on, _sig_off.
You might want to run SAGE under gdb with 'sage -gdb' to debug this.
SAGE will now terminate (sorry).

  9x9 matrices only take about 40 seconds.  The 10x10 calculation runs
for a long time (1 hr) before crashing.  This is on 64 bit Ubuntu
with the patch in Trac #4068 (http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/
ticket/4068) applied.
  BTW, what is the underlying algorithm used for the determinants? As
I understand it, the naive way is O(N!) while the recursive way is
O(N^3) for a NxN matrix.
  Also, occured is misspelled in the error message.  It should be

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[sage-support] Re: Seg fault with determinant calculation

2008-09-15 Thread phil

On Sep 15, 10:08 am, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How much RAM do you have?   Write to me off list if you want access
 to a machine with more :-)

Ok. I'll send you an off list message.
I'm running Sage on 64 bit Ubuntu installed in a VMWare Infrastructure
virtual machine with 6 GB of memory allocated.  The underlying
physical machine has 8 GB.  However, free and top only show about
5 GB of total memory.  Some how the kernel does not use all 6 GB that
is allocated.

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[sage-support] Re: efficient determinant of matrix over polynomial ring

2008-09-10 Thread phil

On Sep 5, 10:14 am, Martin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 sage: %time d2 = R(C._singular_().det())
 CPU times: user 0.04 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.05 s
 Wall time: 0.15 s

This seems to scale very poorly with the number of variables.
Basically, it's impractical to compute determinants when there are
more than 4 variables.

Variables  Time (seconds)
2  0.05
3  0.71
4  11.65
5  252.53

Sage commands / output:
sage: R.a,b = QQ[]
sage: C = random_matrix(R,8,8)
sage: %time d = R(C._singular_().det())
CPU times: user 0.05 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.06 s
Wall time: 0.17 s
sage: R.a,b,c = QQ[]
sage: C = random_matrix(R,8,8)
sage: %time d = R(C._singular_().det())
CPU times: user 0.71 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.72 s
Wall time: 1.54 s
sage: R.a,b,c,d = QQ[]
sage: C = random_matrix(R,8,8)
sage: %time d = R(C._singular_().det())
CPU times: user 11.65 s, sys: 0.05 s, total: 11.70 s
Wall time: 18.53 s
sage: R.a,b,c,d,e = QQ[]
sage: C = random_matrix(R,8,8)
sage: %time d = R(C._singular_().det())
CPU times: user 252.53 s, sys: 0.07 s, total: 252.60 s
Wall time: 329.91 s

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[sage-support] Re: efficient determinant of matrix over polynomial ring

2008-09-08 Thread phil

On Sep 5, 10:14 am, Martin Albrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Friday 05 September 2008, phil wrote:

  R.x,y = QQ[]
  C = random_matrix(R,10,10)
  Cdet = C.determinant()

 Here's a workaround:
 sage: %time d2 = R(C._singular_().det())

Thanks for the tip.  After making that change, Sage no longer crashes
with an out of memory error on 64 bit Debian.  However, I may need to
make additional changes.  The computation is still going after 3
days.  Memory usage is slowly increasing and is now at 6.4 GB.

The entries of the matrix are composed of coefficients extracted from
some matrix operations on 4 3x3 matrices so there are 38 variables in
the polynomial ring.  Specifically, if anyone is wondering, I am
trying to compute left hand side of equation 7 in Five point motion
estimation made easy by Li and Hartley (http://users.rsise.anu.edu.au/
The solver given on Li's webpage using Maple within Matlab to compute
the determinant at runtime after the coefficients are given as numbers
in the problem.  I want to pre-compute the determinant with the
coefficients specified by constants.  That way at run time all you
need to do is evaluate the expression replacing the constants with the
numerical values.
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[sage-support] efficient determinant of matrix over polynomial ring

2008-09-05 Thread phil

  I have a matrix that is composed of multivariant polynomial
entries.  I want to compute its determinant.  The problem is that it
is very slow or runs out of memory.  For example,
R.x,y = QQ[]
C = random_matrix(R,10,10)
Cdet = C.determinant()   # this line takes a long time

If you have more variables, it will run out of memory instead (on a 32
bit installation).

Is there a more efficient way to do this?  Would using symbolic
expressions then coercing back to the polynomial ring be better?

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[sage-support] Line continuation inside

2008-08-28 Thread phil

How can I continue a line inside a  ?
I want to write something like A.a,b,c = ZZ[] over two lines.
After typing A.a,b, \ , the interpreter gives a syntax error

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[sage-support] Re: Accessing terms in an expression

2008-07-03 Thread phil

 sage: var('x,y')
 (x, y)
 sage: t = x^2 + y^2
 sage: type(t)
 class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic'
 sage: t._operator
 built-in function add
 sage: t._operands
 [x^2, y^2]
 sage: t._operands[0]

It looks like you can access the expression as a tree of binary
operators and their operands this way.
However, the order of the operands in the tree does not always match
the order when the display the expression.  It seems to be related
somehow to how you originally entered and then formed the expression.

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[sage-support] Re: Accessing terms in an expression

2008-07-03 Thread phil

On Jul 2, 8:33 pm, Mike Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sage: var('x,y')
 (x, y)
 sage: t = x^2 + y^2
 sage: type(t)
 class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic'
 sage: t._operator
 built-in function add
 sage: t._operands
 [x^2, y^2]
 sage: t._operands[0]

How can I do comparisons on the operator?  I need to test the operator
so that I only split on additions and subtractions.  Also if it is
subtraction, I need to negate the second term.

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[sage-support] Accessing terms in an expression

2008-07-02 Thread phil

I've looked around in the documentation but have not been able to
figure out how to access individual terms in an symbolic expression.
For example:
t = x^2 + y^2

How do I access the first term in t?  I want to assign it to another
variable, like first_term = t.extract_term(t,1) to get first_term to
be x^2.


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