[sage-support] Arbitrary precision in Cython NumPy?

2010-09-08 Thread KvS
Dear all,

I am trying to implement a recursive algorithm that is rather complex,
in the sense that it uses a high number of variables and (elementary)
computations. The output in Sage looks fine but it gets quite slow, so
I am thinking of ways to speed it up. Given that it is mainly a lot of
looping and a lot of elementary computations, I would guess
translating it to Cython could help a lot.

However I am afraid that doubles won't have enough precision to avoid
too much numerical noise in the end result of the algorithm. So I
would like to use a higher precision real number representation. The
question is whether this is possible, and if so what is a sensible
choice? Could/Should I use mpmath e.g. or rather something else? What
I need to be doing, next to elementary computations, is:

- compute exponentials
- perform find_root's
- being able to store those real numbers in a few big Numpy-arrays.

I am very grateful for any hint!

Many thanks, Kees

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[sage-support] Arbitrary precision in cython

2008-12-24 Thread Paul Zimmermann


Jason Grout wrote:

 sage: pari(RealField(500)(10)).eint1().python()
 sage: RealField(500)(10).eint()
 sage: pari(RealField(500)(-10)).eint1().python()
 sage: RealField(500)(-10).eint()

the RealField() results correspond to the definition of eint in mpfr:

 -- Function: int mpfr_eint (mpfr_t Y, mpfr_t X, mp_rnd_t RND)
 Set Y to the exponential integral of X, rounded in the direction
 RND.  For positive X, the exponential integral is the sum of
 Euler's constant, of the logarithm of X, and of the sum for k from
 1 to infinity of X to the power k, divided by k and factorial(k).
 For negative X, the returned value is NaN.

and Carl Witty wrote:

 Actually, Sage doesn't print the entire value for floating-point
 numbers by default; it leaves a few digits off the end, so the
 potential binary-decimal conversion error above is a lot more than
 1/2 ulp.  To get the entire within-1/2-ulp decimal value, you can use:

 sage: RealField(150)(10).eint().str(truncate=False)

thank you Carl for pointing out that. This means that the total error is
less that 1/2 ulp on the binary value, plus 1/2 ulp on the decimal conversion
(with truncate=False), or plus 0.5005 ulp on the default printing if 3 digits
are left off (assuming rounding to nearest).

Paul Zimmermann

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[sage-support] Arbitrary precision in cython

2008-12-23 Thread Paul Zimmermann


as a followup on the Arbitrary precision in cython thread, I'd like to
mention that one can directly use mpfr's implementation from within Sage:

sage: RealField(150)(10).eint()

It only works for real numbers, but has the advantage to guarantee correct
rounding (for the 150-bit binary result; if you are using the decimal
result above, you have to take into account the binary-decimal conversion
error, which is at most 1/2 ulp).

Paul Zimmermann

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[sage-support] Arbitrary precision in cython

2008-12-21 Thread M. Yurko

I have recently been experimenting with converting some simple python
functions that I have made into cython. I have been quite impressed by
how simple it is for the massive speed increases that I have seen.
However, one thing that is mildly annoying at times is the limitation
to double precision computation. Is there any simple way to do
arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic in cython? I tried using
importing mpfr, but I gave up after I saw the sheer number of
different things that seemed to need to be individually imported.

Michael Yurko
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