[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread Maike

Oh wow, I didn't think the stuff was that new! I will make sure I get
the new version and check it out soon. Thanks, John!
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[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread Maike


Hello again :-) While you're working on more elliptic curves stuff,
what I could use is the following:
I'd like to define points on curves by just providing the x-coordinate
(and maybe an indicator of which of the possible two y-coordinates I
want). When I do something like

E = EllipticCurve(RR,[a,b])
P = E([xP,sqrt(xP^3+a*xP+b)])

it doesn't always work.

Or is there a way of doing this already?

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[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread John Cremona

You have

E.lift_x(x0) which gives a point with x-coord x0 if there is one (else
raises an error), or E.lift_x(x0,all=True) which gives a list of 0, 1
or 2 points with x-coord x0, or E.is_x_coord(x0).


2008/9/3 Maike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> John,
> Hello again :-) While you're working on more elliptic curves stuff,
> what I could use is the following:
> I'd like to define points on curves by just providing the x-coordinate
> (and maybe an indicator of which of the possible two y-coordinates I
> want). When I do something like
> E = EllipticCurve(RR,[a,b])
> P = E([xP,sqrt(xP^3+a*xP+b)])
> it doesn't always work.
> Or is there a way of doing this already?
> Maike
> >

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[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread Maike

Yeah right, I'll install that new version right now!
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[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread John Cremona

For example (using your notation)

sage: a=3; b=5
sage: E = EllipticCurve(RR,[a,b])
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2  = x^3 + 3.00*x +
5.00 over Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: xP=1
sage: P=E.lift_x(xP)
sage: P
(1.00 : 3.00 : 1.00)

Support for elliptic curves over fields other than Q (the rationals),
number fields and finite fields is limited.  But you can do

sage: E.plot()

and see a nice picture.


2008/9/3 Maike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yeah right, I'll install that new version right now!
> >

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[sage-support] Re: AttributeErrors in EllipticCurve classes

2008-09-03 Thread John Cremona

Maike, the trick is that integral points were only put into Sage in
version 3.1.1.  You must be looking at a more recent version of the
reference manual.

THere should be more elliptic curve goodies in 3.1.2, out any day now.

As the integral points curve is all new, I would very much like
someone to put it through its paces, so I hope you do that!  I know
that it runs ok on all the curves in the (large) database, conductors
up to 13.  (I would recommend installing the optional large
elliptic curve database since then you get not only all the curves but
also their ranks and generators directly.)

John Cremona

2008/9/3 Maike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm running Version 3.0.5 of Sage, and I just discovered the huge
> elliptic curve functionality in the Sage reference manual. However, my
> Sage doesn't know most of these nice functions. For example,
> sage: E=EllipticCurve([0,0,1,-7,6])
> sage: P1=E.point((2,0)); P2=E.point((-1,3)); P3=E.point((4,6))
> sage: a=E.integral_points([P1,P2,P3]); a
> gives me an error "EllipticCurve_rational_field' object has no
> attribute 'integral_points'", although the code is copied directly
> from the reference manual.
> Something like "import
> sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_rational_field" doesn't solve the
> problem.
> What's the trick? Do I have to install/import extra packages or is
> there anything else I've missed?
> Thanks!
> Maike
> >

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