I tried to follow Guninski's instructions.   I found eulerprod.py and put 
it in the right directory 
and then I got an error due to not having psage.ellcurve.lseries.helper.
I googled for that file and put it in helper.py but I still get an error. 
 Maybe the file 
needs to have a complicated path matching the module name?  What do I do 

sage: load eulerprod.py


ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/beeson/<ipython console> in <module>()

in load(filename, globals, attach)


   1635     if fpath.endswith('.py'):

-> 1636         execfile(fpath, globals)

   1637     elif fpath.endswith('.sage'):

   1638         if (attach and attach_debug_mode) or ((not attach) and 

/Users/beeson/eulerprod.py in <module>()

      4 from sage.rings.all import is_RationalField, ZZ, Integer, QQ, O, 
ComplexField, CDF, primes, infinity as oo

      5 from sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.ell_generic import 

----> 6 from psage.ellcurve.lseries.helper import 

      7 from sage.misc.all import prod

      8 from sage.modular.abvar.abvar import is_ModularAbelianVariety

ImportError: No module named psage.ellcurve.lseries.helper

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