Most of my needs in this area are taken care of by the support for the
Cluster library in the optional package biopython, but since I have
some interest I tried to make a preliminary spkg:

Unfortunately although GSL is a standard component of Sage, its header
files weren't picked up correctly for some reason.  I'm not sure who
to ask about this since as far as I know GSL isn't a dependency of
other Sage components.

-Marshall Hampton

On Sep 13, 3:12 am, Minh Nguyen <> wrote:
> Hi Pere,
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Pere  Quintana Seguí
> <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Do you know if there are any plans to integrate the mlpy library
> > ( in sage?
> I'm not aware of any such plans. But a few months ago, there was some
> discussion about having support vector machine functionalities in
> Sage. If you would like to use mlpy [1] from within Sage, you could
> produce an optional package or a contributed package. A contributed
> package (otherwise known as an experimental package) is something you
> produce and maintain yourself. The Sage project take no responsibility
> in maintaining a contributed package. However, we offer hosting space
> for your contributed spkg.
> An optional package needs to pass some minimum requirements in order
> for it to become an optional package. For example, an optional spkg
> must be tested and work on most of the operating systems that Sage
> runs on. The Sage project takes minimum responsibility vis-a-vis
> maintaining an optional package. That is, we don't do all the work of
> maintaining an optional package; you need to commit yourself to
> sharing that task. A reason is that there are many standard packages
> currently distributed by default with Sage, and the effort required to
> maintain those standard spkg's is huge. There are not enough human
> resource and volunteers to maintain the standard packages, so the Sage
> project needs to prioritize its effort. If you would like to produce
> and maintain an optional or contributed spkg, we can provide hosting
> space.
> [1]
> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen

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