Re: [sage-support] Sage 8.8 Jupyter notebook 404: Page does not exist error

2019-07-04 Thread Jack Borthwick
OK, so I tried sage -n jupyter and that works. I can reproduce the behaviour I 
was getting by running ``sage -n export’’ something must have gone wrong with 
that during the build.  I've always called the sage notebook with sage -n so it 
perhaps it defaults to export.

Thanks !
> Le 4 juil. 2019 à 08:04, slelievre  a écrit :
> Here is how I would recap Sage notebook modes and
> ways to launch them (correct me if I got anything wrong).
> - Jupyter Notebook
>   sage -n jupyter
> - JupyterLab
>   sage -n jupyterlab
>   note: this requires installing JuyterLab first,
>   which one can do by running in the terminal
>   sage --pip install jupyterlab
> - SageNB legacy notebook
>   sage -n sagenb
> - Sage Exporter (to export legacy notebook worksheets
>   to Jupyter Notebook documents):
>   sage -n exporter
> I think if you just run `sage -n` it will check whether
> you have legacy sagenb worksheets, and if so give
> you the option to run Sage Exporter or to launch a
> Jupyter Notebook server.
> If you know what you want, use one of the options above.
> Note that instead of
> sage -n jupyter
> you can also do
> sage --notebook=jupyter
> and similarly for the other options.
> -- 
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[sage-support] Sage 8.8 Jupyter notebook 404: Page does not exist error

2019-07-02 Thread Jack Borthwick
Hi all,

I recently compiled sage 8.8 on my Mac (macOS Mojave) and everything seems 
to work correctly, except the Sage notebook server that doesn't seem to 
launch correctly. I often, but not always, get redirected to a page with 
the error 404: page does not exist.

Is this something someone has already encountered before and is there a 
known workaround without recompiling sage entirely?



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