SageMath has built-in functions to compute the regulator and the 
fundamental unit of a quadratic field.  The regulator of a quadratic field 
is the log of the absolute value of the fundamental unit.
So,  the following code should print out the same number on each line. 
 But, as you can check,  it does so only some of the time.  Try 
checkRegulator(30)  for example.    I am using version 8.7.
I also wrote other code (not included here)  based on the Dedekind zeta 
function  to compute the regulator.  It agrees with SageMath's "regulator" 
function  rather than with log of the fundamental unit.

def checkRegulator(N):
for d in range(3,N):
if not is_squarefree(d):
K.<a> = QuadraticField(d)
G = K.unit_group()
u = G.gen(1).value();
Rdirect = abs(n(log(u)))
RSage = K.regulator()

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